2100 Caged Children Liberated and Saved by U.S Marines and Navy Seals from DeepState owned Underground Bases in California !
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I saw reports two days ago of a huge joint exercise by Marines and Navy Forces in California !
Well 10,000 men did seem like a lot to me and i must say it raised my attention somewhat and i was sure something was going to happen ! Well i was not wrong and today we are getting reports of 2100 children being released from captivity in underground bunkers where they were held captive in cages 1 See the title image, that is real by the way !
So for all of you out there that still deny that still say that there is nothing happening and that the paedophile elites are just a conspiracy theory put out by nuts like me, well then you will see that you will be forced to eat your words and that you owe me and people like me a seriously big apology for all of the abuse and name calling over the last twenty years i have been doing this fight for you and the children !
Navy Seals and U.S. Marines Rescue 2,100 Children From California Underground Bases
Amy Dawson
Timothy Charles Holmseth, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, reports Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California.
The Great Awakening is Real and Here ! Your Choice to Know ! Dark to Light ! WWG1WGA !

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They're getting smashed...the penthouse maniacs....keep up the good work...
DeleteYou’ll get your proof soon they will show 3 8 hr videos on every station worldwide that and the tribunal hearings
DeleteYou’ll get your proof soon they will show 3 8 hr videos on every station worldwide that and the tribunal hearings
DeleteLol. Whew.. the videos of tribunals lies show up again.
DeleteAnswer these question:
Who went before these tribunals?
What crimes were the charged with?
Where did the tribunals take place?
Why do you believe these tribunals are real?
The photo shown in the article you posted shows miami with all those planes.
DeleteYour story is a joke.
DeleteHey unknown. The US doesn't have a federal criminal code for crimes against humanity nor does the UCMJ. Also, the UCMJ doesn't haven't a punitive article for treason. Of you actually read the US constitution you would know Section 3 article 3 is where the criteria for treason is at. So please review your notes
DeleteThat video you put up is highly produced crap. Probably put out by the CIA lol.
DeleteJason is Lost!! Poor child
DeleteJason, u can look on Google satellite maps and see gitmo was built bigger and there's a guy that showed all the military planes and ships using the tracking app and there was a huge uptick of planes going to gitmo and 2 other prisons in the last 2 years and even bigger during COVID
DeleteWhere are the video that pics are not proof. I believe this stuff is real but where is your real proof. With all the technology this is your proof.
ReplyDeletethis is one pic repeated of the same girl with a 1990 flip phone
Deletealso dated in may
we being played we are about to hand over america ,biden is suppose to be dead so who is running against Trump? no one no democracy
DeleteJo Jorgensen for POTUS
that picture is from an movie called " pawnshop chronicles" . The scene is with matt dillion who rescues his wife.
Deleteso this whole article is shit because it is based on a lie
Excuse me it’s easier to say it’s shit & lies because it’s easier than to do your own research.
DeleteThere was a rescue in California and yes these children in cages were rescued. It happened at China Lake Airforce Base just outside Ridgecrest. The rescue was 2100 and they did another rescue at the same location that rescued almost 34 000 people and cleared out that tunnel completely. I have been on this navy base many times and this is no joke - they had a large amount of children and breeding people and just a lot of dark stuff. I have pics of the tunnels after they blew it up and it caused a 7.1 Earthquake which was triggered by the blasting of the entry of the tunnel.
So next time you shout BS , and make yourself sound like an idiot , go do your own research or 🤐
so is it a airforce base or a navy base? It funny you cant even get that right. wow. a 7.1 earthquake that didnt cause any damage to the 200 miles surrounding the center of the quake. Show the pictures of the tunnels. list the day the 7.1 earthquake happened. please tell us how they move 2100 and 34000 kids out? where did they go?
DeleteI have done research and I keep on finding assholes who claim this and that but never post and dates of events or pictures of events.
so post your shit or shut up
He is right the pic.
is from that movie
look up your self
He is right the pic.
is from that movie
look up your self
I just watched the movie...yes its part! U owe that man an apology
DeleteSpecifics such as pictures or video don't really matter when you live in a country where 800,000 children go missing on average each year. Many of them are returned to their families, most worse for wear. But around 460,000 are never found. That's 460,000 children LOST each year. If that doesn't catch your attention and if that light bulb doesn't go off over your head telling you that something is drastically wrong and completely unnatural then the issue is you and not the people trying to shine a light on something that should be on the front page of every newspaper in this country...but it's not.
DeleteSo what if you don't have pictures to look at to confirm that each rescue went down exactly as reported. Hell, some of them may have been falsified, but I'll say it again...SO WHAT? There's hundreds of thousands of children missing (and that's just America) and you're going to get all high and mighty because somebody didn't send you pictures so YOU could verify it? THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN MISSING AND YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS THE REASON THEY ARE MISSING IS A MALICIOUS ONE!
So Jason, you just keep tilting at those windmills because brother, you ain't got a clue. Or, you could recognize that there is a crisis in this country people don't want to talk about and get on board...
Delete800k kids go missing each year. a vast majority are runaways that come back. you and others throw out this big shocking number 800k to scare people. why don't you use the fbi, center for exploited kids numbers? like I said 800k go missing but a vast majority are run aways and return or get found.
Deleteyou should concentrate on tbe true number of kids that actually get kidnapped by a stranger for illegal activities
According to the FBI, in 2020 there were 365,348 NCIC entries for missing children. In 2019, the total number of missing children entries into NCIC was 421,394.
This number represents reports of missing children. That means if a child runs away multiple times in a year, each instance would be entered into NCIC separately and counted in the yearly total. Likewise, if an entry is withdrawn and amended or updated, that would also be reflected in the total
DeleteMissing Children Statistics
DeleteIn 2020 NCMEC assisted law enforcement and families with more than 29,800 cases of missing children.
Case type:
91 percent endangered runaways.5 percent family abductions. 3 percent critically missing young adults, ages 18 to 20. Less than 1 percent nonfamily abductions. 1 percent lost, injured or otherwise missing children.
Of the nearly 26,500 runaways reported to NCMEC in 2020, 1 in 6 were likely victims of child sex trafficking.
you should concentrate on that one
hey bubbasoul.. where is your rebuttal?
DeleteYour numbers are way off.
Maybe you should talk to the organizations that actually track and help kids; instead of posting every 5 months. So you think I am bothering you with facts?
Sad sad person
I'm sad? Actually, I'm very happy and content with my life. I actually have the time and money to do other thing than respond to you every five months.
DeleteIf you want to see sad take a look in the mirror. You're the little troll running around here trying to make everybody's life miserable.
You know, studies have been done that show trolls like you have both psychopath, and cognitive empathy traits which means they intentionally say things to upset you, but they are incapable of feeling guilt or shame.
They are classified in the same way as pedophiles in the sense that there isn't much hope of them ever changing and becoming a productive citizen.
You most likely are also a sadist. But not in the physical sense. You don't have the balls for that, so you hide in the dark behind a computer screen like the coward you are.
I know this isn't going to change anything. It was more for the other people who have to deal with you. I want them to understand what you really are.
Anywho, you have a great day. I can't wait to see what falls out of your mouth next.
Cool. I am so glad for you. You call me a troll for posting my response to your comment (on a open forum) Yet, you did the same to me.. Does that make you a troll also? I guess it does. As for the study post it. I ask you nicely never call me a pedo again. I have nothing but utter hatred for them.
DeleteHow am I making your life miserable? Is it because I post links to organizations and you post numbers with no data? Am I more productive then you in fact posting?
We both deal with people who like us and hate us; so get used to it.
I suggest you stop replying to me comments and you won't recieve anymore replies.
Interesting how the pedo remark triggered you. As far as making lives miserable, I was speaking not of my self, I could do this all day long, I was speaking of any group you might insert yourself as a troll.
DeleteYou're just not very bright are you? A troll is someone who goes onto a blog or website where a like minded group of people congregate, and attempts to disrupt the conversatiob. It has nothing to do with you and I. But I see now from your remarks you're not only a sadist, your also a narcissist. Also interesting...
Any sane person would take offense to being called a pedo; even in a joking manner. Apparently, you don't see the rudeness and stigma it carries. For that I truely feel sorry for you. So basically you just want to puff each other's egos by telling the same old stories? The opposite opinion of yours isn't welcomed or believed. Wow. You sound just like a snowflake.. my way or no way.. sorry to bust up your favorite circle jerk with facts.
DeleteJason, Fact. Most organizations set up to "help kids" are actually pedophiles trafficking children. So instead of being rude and acting like your info is better than the rest why don't you spend your time and energy researching more than one thing so the picture of the real reality may become more clear to you. I have spent the last 9 months day in and day out researching, digging, compiling information about this topic. There is absolutely no way this is fake or untrue. There has been a military operation going on to catch these pieces of trash. Check out ex military general Jerome Corsi PHD. He wrote the book Killing the Deep State. This video is a clear indication of what is really going on whether you choose to believe it or not is on you.
Hello. So you spent nine months researching? Maybe you should research the before it was news article you post and find out where Miami is!!! The in the article with all tbose planes are over Miami not gitmo. Honestly, how do you expect people to believe you; when you post articles with wrong locations?
DeleteAlso, please educate the readers on what laws allow the military to try US citizens? What crimes did they commit? Where is their Constitutional rights?
DeleteAre you saying and agreeing with a trial tbat throws away peoples Constitutional rights?
Since you have evidence that most child service that help kids are actually child trafficers; post your evidence. Tell as many people as you can in person and via the Internet.
DeleteOr do you just have speculation or one or two sick individuals who work for those organizations traffic?
Again, why should we believe you when you don't post your findings?
I don’t know the truth about any of this except 3 things, the Chinese tampered with the voter booths and the 2000+ mules stuffed ballot boxes which stole the election from the president and the 3rd item is that as far as jason - he is right about the picture above of the girls in cages was from the movie pawnshop chronicles.
ReplyDeletewhy not
ReplyDeletethis is a old post hahaha thanks
DeleteActually the debunker equally not believable.And if he did forensic he did a shitty job: compare pictures freely available of Ethiopian or other starving kids you will see the disproportionatly large heads. Important to know body weight/hormone level ratio actually much better at starving, and yes, the fasting initiates rebuilding, cleaning, healing process. The only cause i don't say rejuvenating, because they young. I don't have the pictures at aqa forensicly acceptable quality, to examine. But Frankly: Frank talk sht.
ReplyDeleteSearch by dates
DeleteUse peaks of the "virus"
ReplyDeleteFoolish is when people dont research the truth before they condemn others and call them crazy.
Fact is you're all talking shit on here and not a one of you know what you're talking about. I worked Illuminati child abduction and homicide cases for over 20 years in the field with the likes of Ted Gunderson and others less famous. I was a MILAB so have been inside a number of the DUMBS, including the Pine Lake DUMB where Special Forces just freed nearly 36,000 kids that had been kept in cages. The pic at the top of the page...the kids were Photoshopped in. I know this because I have the ORIGINAL PHOTO taken by those of us who were in that DUMB and saw those kids in cages with our own two eyes, most of whom had been tortured so severely they'd slipped into insanity.
ReplyDeleteIF any of you had bothered to do one ounce of actual research vs. feeding your egos and and merely shooting off your mouths, you'd know what the military training for ALL special ops forces recently held at 29 Palms was all about. You'd also know what the over 160,000 sealed indictments that just came down through the DOJ were all about. You'd know about the covert sting that has been going on for over 4 years now and headed by NAVSPEC was all about.
Thank you Jackson for doing what others of us could not. Freeing the innocent, what a profoundly noble calling. Joy, love & light sister. May peace be yours.
DeleteHahah. those photos with the ladies in the cages is from a movie called "pawnshop Chronicles".
DeleteThe scence has matt dillion in it.
so try again
Thank you for helping those children. I can't stand it. I can't stop researching it I want to know what they've suffered and I want every single solitary person that participated in this to be brought to justice. I don't think any of it should be done in secret either. The people need to know about their so called idols and wake up. I don't think you will stop it all. There's no way. It's so entrenched. I had no idea. It's online and it's right in your face and if you're not a pedo you don't even know it. These poor children. Nobody has the right to use people as slaves for any reason but esp children. Those poor poor babies. Tests my faith in many things. I really do thank you and I hope you have someone to talk to because that has to be so hard to see. Take care
DeleteI heard special tunnel training happened at Ft. Benning Ga. too since many are kept underground. They were kept at an Army base in California? How did they get away with that? A closed down base? I understand Trump wants to expose the corrupt politicians crimes against children along with their other charges but I'm so eager for this to be exposed and learn that the offenders are never able to hurt another child.
DeleteHow horrible for the parents who learn what their missing child has gone through. But at least they are alive. My heart hurts so much. God bless you.
One this article is built on a scam. The photo of the ladies is from a movie called "Pawnshop Chronicles". Yes, I know kid napping happen; but a false pretense doesnt help the cause.
DeleteTwo. The is not massive underground training facility at Fort Benning.
What does MILAB stand for?
Yes there are bunkers used by the military. NavSpec means what?
36000 kids? Where did they go?
How did they get there? 36k are going to take 820 buses? It's amazing not one photo of 820 buses were taken. It's also amazing you really dont explain anything jackson up north. You miss technical important sounding positions and then through in some key words like illuminati investigator and the feed of peoples fears and angers to paint a story. But you dont answer who what where or when questions.
I find you and timothy to be cons
The children have been rescued and those that survived it are being treated with MED BED technology to heal them, mind and body. When DJT talks about ventilator's, he really is referring to the med bed's, a technology that has been hidden from the general population for years now. It's a glorious mission to be sure and what so many are fighting for....the return of the children! Obviously, the safety of the children and mission was of utmost importance and was carried out with military precision and secrecy. So for all those asking, where's the proof and harassing those who try to tell you, shame on you. You will one day see it all play out. To find pictures/video proof, is hard to come by as you would expect when trying to save humanity. If you are sincerely searching for the answers you can find them but if you bash people like LadySMith for sharing her story, you'll be left out in the dark.
DeleteGet off your ass big mouth & do your own research. I could give you links but as you such a hot shit denier .. go find them yourself. You don’t appreciate the work others put in to try expose what’s going on . So obviously you so damn smart , do your own digging. I’ve been down the rabbit hole for 12-14 years & there is endless stuff to uncover - enjoy your own adventure or not. It doesn’t help anyone, it’s nit like you’d put it to good use besides mocking victims because you don’t want to know the truth. It’s easier to find about sheeple to debunk a story than go find out how true it is. That told me right there you trust the deceived like Snopes - a man, a woman & a cat - that’s snopes but the husband left so now it’s a woman , a cat & an assistant ... but you think if they debunk it they right on target. You sound like you should go work there & deceive the rest of the morons like yourself. Good luck & don’t let the door hit you in the ass
Deleteactually I am not a denier. I believe bad people do bad things the kids.
Deletewhat I dont believe is the sheer exaggeration of 2100 and 34000 kids rescued in one tunnel. I also do not believe people like you who say they seen shit but never post the shit they seen. You are like a bad phishing scam ; you gloat over how long you been down the rabbit hole. But never ever post any of the events you claim to seen. I dont believe in snopes or people who flap their gums (you) who doesnt post anything.
You are obviously mind controlled and indoctrinated by the MSM and the fake education system. You are the right type of subject they need to propagate hate and division. If you don’t want to do your own research that’s your problem but stop discrediting people’s information. If you don’t know don’t say anything, you don’t want to sound stupid. There are a lot of things happening behind the scenes that nobody knows about but it’s happening. The fact that you are not seeing it, it doesn’t mean that is happening. You can’t see faith but is there, you feel it. The truth will come out in time when it’s appropriate to do so.
Deletelol. you are a fool. you and others never posted any proof that 21k or 31k kids where rescued at one time under China lake central park Australia etc. you are so biased in your belief yiu never asked yourself simple questions:
Deletewhere did these kids go? what hospital? what military units rescued them? how many vehicles did it take? what is the logistics to feed and take care of 31k underground?
if things are happening behind the scenes how do you know they are happening?
how can asking for evidence discredit another person's belief? why are you discrediting mine? I did my own research and I found videos that use the same exact terms, numbers, and not asking the specific questions.
Deleteso it's cool you believevthese numbers and not ask follow on questions. you and others keep posting and I will keep on asking questions !! no matter if your feelings get hurt
Incidentally, that is NOT a Plejaran ship with Air Force One. It's a USAF TR-3B.
ReplyDeleteAny way you could release information?
DeleteI knew it that's not a pleaidian ship US have the technology of this advance space vehicle..
ReplyDeleteoh no not a tr-3b !!!! not the one gene decode said was in Phoenix Arizona hiding on plane site on north cave creek highway and hearn drive in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.
ReplyDeleteDeranged is the people that keep their eyes closed!
ReplyDeleteThis subject is no joking matter. These victims suffer terrible abuse, don’t make jokes from their anguish. Have some respect
ReplyDeleteYOu are so right & there’s still too many asleep 🐑🐑🐑 running around. You just have to read their comments on all the social media sites to cringe at the level of dumb and ignorance .. and yet they trust MSM Fakery with their lives
ReplyDeleteThis story may have been debunked by some cover up Group as usual. The same as the MSM Fakery have debunked Pizza Gate but I can tell you these rescued did happen , I felt the earthquake 7.1 that was triggered when they blew up the entry of the tunnel just outside of Ridgecrest in Death Valley , is where the earthquake centered. There were almost 34 000 children & people rescued and the rescue I speak of happened about 7-10 days after the first one about 2 years ago. I posted extensive info on this on all my social media sites - along with pics and everything. People who think they know it all because they read one article and call it debunked are as bad as the blind 🐑🐑 they too lazy to actually go down the rabbit hole they want others to and sit on the side lines and mock it all. You like the fake, fact finders the Social Media Sites have take up with. It’s just people denying the truth, while allowing the half truths & lies to spread freely because they are backed by MSM confirmers of lies .. the lefts puppets.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you be ashamed of the color of your skin?Lack of melanin is nothing to be ashamed of.
ReplyDeleteSo if on a Air Force Base they didn't know, or are you saying Air force was a part of it, and why are dates never given
ReplyDeleteHere's just one of many articles on this rescue. You really need to do your own research.
timothy charles holmseth is a fraud and a shame. there is no task force.. he never shows any locations or pictures of him at the places he reports on.
Deletehttps://youtu.be/m2Yyhij84vI YOU GUYS WILL LIKE THIS..
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/3DAI3c9wE0Q Good info..
ReplyDeleteOK thanks, for all the diatribe. I get pissed when people resort to calling each other names. I always kinda hope that people that recognise corruption will rise above trolls calling them names. This is it what I always try. The comments here are disparaging.
ReplyDeleteNow on to what I wanted to say. It seem the photo isn't real. That's a big shame and doesn't help anyone if you are trying to get the truth out. I just means there is less chance of anyone believing there is such a level of corruption. Doesn't help us get rid of it.
We know how disgusting human beings can be. We know red rooms exist. We know from documents released, there is some nasty business going on.
So while I will look forther and see what I can find to support this. It's hard when all you are doing is slinging mud at each other. Come on if you wanna fight a good fight bringing yourself to this level just fucks things up further.
My guess is you could look for a record of the earthquake and then in turn work out what's there?
There are lots of maps of underground places. So there's a chance we could get to the bottom of things without degrading it to this level, can't we?
Best reply on this thread...sadly from January 7 until now (February 1) there have been no further com.ents...so either people are too lazy to research or they don't care...sad. I'll try to look at some seismic data.. not sure what I can pull up but I just read this today...I'm not anyone important but the least I can do is make an effort.
DeleteBest reply on this thread...sadly from January 7 until now (February 1) there have been no further com.ents...so either people are too lazy to research or they don't care...sad. I'll try to look at some seismic data.. not sure what I can pull up but I just read this today...I'm not anyone important but the least I can do is make an effort.
ReplyDeleteThis child trafficking is real and horrifying, you need to dig and dig to get truth, and when people start looking at videos and news articles, big tech makes them vanish. What I have learned about child trafficking, satanism, corruption and evil, just to name a few ... as I spent my 10 months out of work researching, the horrors that exist are so sickening, I still cannot even bear to tell most people. Sadly, many do not want to realize these many horrors are our reality. It is mind boggling! My original reason for commenting here is to say, everyone please stop arguing, accusing, name calling etc; there is no point to this! Find truth and share it and if you don't want to believe these horrors, do more research. Truth Matters! We all need to proceed together as the goal we all want is peace, love and happiness? We need to band together against the evil that exists; if for no other reason, do this for the children. What if it was your child who had gone missing.... and found in one of these nightmares...would you want a real picture floating all over the internet? If this pic is from a movie, okay, maybe this is why. I have seen worse pictures and other stories and videos, but Big Tech disappeared them... Peace to all..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI read an article where the CIA has taken over the movie industry. If you saw a movie, it was based on actual CIA files. It is possible the photo is real. I do not remember the name of the article but go to https://www.wired.com. Also Beforeitsnews.com article:
ReplyDeleteTrump Heads Rescue of Thousands of Tortured Children from Underground Tunnels. Also video https://rumble.com/vd7lwz-WHAT-YOU-DIDN'T-KNOW-ABOUT-OUR-PRESIDENT- DONALD-J-TRUMP.....BECAUSE THEY HID IT FROM YOU. There are multiple videos like those mentioned. Search Central Park tunnel children rescue. Also search Hillary Clinton adrenochrome. Also go to WMG-NEWS.com and go to articles related to GITMO/ Guantanamo Bay. If you aren't sick after this, you have no heart
Thank you
DeleteBRAVO Keep it coming. We gotta wake the rest of us up. Thanks for your work.
ReplyDeleteOn May 19. 2019, I blundered into one of these ''snuff'' videos while researching Hillary and Huma. If it'd been a porn video, I'd have called her ''disgusting'' and moved on, but what I saw in just a few long seconds shocked me to the core. People (?) like this have no right to exist on the face of this earth. God in heaven. protect the little ones. I hope the MTC hangs every one of them and dumps their bodies out to sea. We don't even want them buried in our soil. Other ladies and a young man (late teens) saw it too. They keep changing the link that brings up info about these videos, but if you type the following headline into your search engine it should come up.
DeleteLost Hillary snuff clip, Pedovore, SGT Report British Monarchy pedos
Wow. Exactly two years to the day you saw a video and posted a link that doesn't show any video..
DeleteI care not one iota whether you believe me or not, but I'm not some green kid just out of school who jumps on everything and anything bizarre. I saw what I saw; I heard what I heard. Here are some of the URL's that kept changing. I sent what info I had to a retired State AG friend - and told him who else had seen it. Believe what you want. . I believe someone on the NYPD ''leaked'' it to the Internet before the FBI confiscated the Weiner laptop. I believe there were many other links later, from what one lady told me, but they get expunged mighty darn quick.
DeleteRustic Signatures Published on Nov 3, 2018
Special Thanks to The Sainted Anon Channel PLEASE SUPPORT-
Come on people as much as I would Love to see some actual proof of the scumbags who do this to these children.. you can see that this picture is photoshopped.. look close, several of the girls heads are outside of the cages while their hands are still clinging to the inside of the cage doors...
ReplyDeleteWhat date and time did you feel this 7.1 earthquake? I can look at USGS data as well as I can tell, no seismic activity. Nothing in any print media. That’s very rare for 7.1. I mean not one reputable source reports an earthquake that day in that area.
ReplyDeleteAlso of thousands of children rescued, not one turns up in any media outlet mainstream or otherwise?
Come on.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they Do,
Ive been going through this need help how do i contact military
ReplyDeleteyou don't. what do you think will happen if you call the public affairs office at any military post?
Deletethey will take yiu name and number and tell you they haven't heard anything and will need to research it and call you back. which they won't. or they will consider your call a joke and hang up.
but what would you ask/ tell them?
Police in Australia never needed to save anyone , did they , haha, it looks looks they’re REALLY
ReplyDeletesaving them , doesn’t it
I've only read Steve Rotten's blog & I'm curious if this is all true! I'm no kid, I'm over65 & realized the Democrats stole the election!
ReplyDeletePlease elaborate & enlighten this Grandma!
one stop reading only one alt news site. if you found this page you can read other pages and make that decision yourself. but just don't rely on one site .. you need to watch msm.and alt news to get a more rounded view. if you ask for proof of a theory and they tell you to research it yourself or they say no; they are bullshitters and fake
DeleteSome of you are going to be shocked when you find out what's been going on. Trump has been working on this for years. You think he has nothing better to do? You disbelievers are the reason it's taking so long. We're supposed to "help" you when you find out the truth and fall apart. Well screw you if you're that stupid.
DeletePlease provide the date trump started working on this. I don't know his daily intiniary; do you? Really, my possible opinion of if he is helping or not is slowing down the cause? So far I haven't seen you provide any truth or evidence. But, I have seen plenty of theories crumble. Well screw you if you don't present any evidence and are angry at people for not blindly believing you.
You are welcome.
Good stuff whoever you are. Thanks for posting. And here's a tip. Ignore Jason. This is how he gets his jollys. He's been coming on this blog for at least a year and it's always the same thing. "All of you are dumb and I'm the smartest person on earth". Blah-blah-blah. Personally I think there's something wrong with someone who spends that much time trolling a site that is loaded with people with good intentions. To each his own I guess...
DeleteP.S. Jason, you can vomit your vile bullshit all over my comment if you want to, but I won't respond. You're just not worth my time.
You are welcome.
Thank you for proving my point. All your stories were posted on "before it was news" and timothy charles holmseth.. timothy has been proven a fraud and is currently on the Lamb. I find it funny no pictures of the locations where available. Nor was the logistical support listed to move the kids ( home many buses does it take to move 35,000 kids) , how many nurses, which hospitals did they go to, who is taking care of them now?
ReplyDeleteYou just read these "stories" and feel good about it. But, you never ask the hard questions?
Example, how did the kids get on a military installation (china lake)? Which is a bombing and test facility. So ask your self why no pictures of locations, why no details about movement and why no follow up story!!
there is a book called " THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES THE TRUTH HAS SET ME FREE, The memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind - controlled slave. BRICE TAYLOR " read that book then think about what you are saying Jason!
DeleteSo you want me to read a book about mind control and manipulation and question my own statements? No. Why not ask the believers of dumbs and mass satanic cults to actually produce evidence? Photos videos locations?
DeleteYes, I believe there are human trafficing and rituals; but not to the extent. I only ask for verifiable proof not stories written to control emotions and win me over.
Jason, yes I understand your misgivings about the “sources” & yes, reputations of people like Holmseth have been tarnished, as have many entities/groups who have been "over the target” but if you search Google for #GeneDeCodes #DUMBs I believe you will find everything you are looking for, and much, much more. Hope you have good coffee. Regards. #DroningEnvelope
ReplyDeleteHello. Thank you for the reply. In used to watch and believe gene until I caught him in lies. His photos of dumbs are stock photos anyone can find on Google.
DeleteHe says he's been to every dumb location he has reported on; but could travel because of covid. He stated in one video he has a group in California that sends him stuff. He claimed the LDS church trafficed kids through their genealogical and historical in Granite Mountain. Also, he gave an absurd description of its location
He also claims dumbs are 88miles under surface were the temp is over 1200f and stated the a nuclear cooled.
He has never once improved his tunnel map of the US or never once reported from any of the supposed entrance locations. Lastly, like timothy he has never posted a picture of a dumb of a dumb that held kids.
Why people continue to post photo shopped photos I don't understand. Some I've seen on here are just that!! Is it on purpose to make people doubt the credibility of these stories coming out? Once you see a real one, you'll know the difference. It'll be enblazened on your mind and you'll have nightmares thereafter. I don't think the average human being really wants to see an actual video. Believe me!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, this is emblazoned on my mind, and yes, it is still horrifying to me. On May 19. 2019, I blundered into one of these ''snuff'' videos while researching Hillary and Huma. If it'd been a porn video, I'd have called her ''disgusting'' and moved on, but what I saw in just a few long seconds shocked me to the core. People (?) like this have no right to exist on the face of this earth. God in heaven. protect the little ones. I hope the MTC hangs every one of them and dumps their bodies out to sea. We don't even want them buried in our soil. Other ladies and a young man (late teens) saw it too. They keep changing the link that brings up info about these videos, but if you type the following headline into your search engine it should come up.
ReplyDeleteLost Hillary snuff clip, Pedovore, SGT Report British Monarchy pedos
You all do know that everyone you reply to are the trolls who get paid for any reply they can get you to do. I hope it is not by the number of words. Ignore them..you do NOT have to prove anything to them. Puppets of MSM CIA TI PISS YOU OFF.
ReplyDeleteSo says the person who uses "unknown" as a handle.
DeleteBesides you have no evidence to support your statement
Hello riya,
ReplyDeleteI need a translator to read your hindi
Is this the reason HELL is and has been available for human habitation? All human beings must repent before a Holy Righteous Creator that exercised HIS creative power to knit an infant in a woman's (mother's) womb. Infants are the most beautiful and precious creation I have ever seen. No picture or such object of natural exceeds it.
ReplyDeleteJason, your opinion is non of my business. My homework, my business. Where is your business so we can read it?
ReplyDeleteWow. I need to post proof the article is shit? Just look at the names on the arrested/ executed list?
DeleteYou see them walking g around making movies and music.. ohh wait you gonna say they are clones.
So research posting another person's post from over a year ago
Jason, share me homework you did same depth as mine. I've been waiting... or you are just full of bs. I posted mine here not for you, for everyone to see. Where are your researches, nothing??
ReplyDeleteAgain, my proof is the people on the list are still alive. You see them in movies, on TV and in music.
ReplyDeleteAs for the tribunal it's shit. Where is rr1 box 4? Why no street or city or state?
You have Nothing Nada Non to share.. Your opinion is non of my business..
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a guible ignorant person to believe this crap. Use your common sense and see through the crap. Where Is the tribunal located at? What is there address? What state?
ReplyDeletewhat city? Why are you still seeing people who listed as executed and arrested walking around? Most those "crimes" listed in article are even real crimes. I feel sorry for you and embarrassed for you for truely believing this dribble.
Ohh by the way, the photo starting this thread is from a movie called " pawnshop chronicles".
Get out of your mommy's basement now and do your homework or will give you time out..
ReplyDeleteElle, Jason is a internet troll. He gets off on this. Don't give him credence by responding.
DeleteStudies have shown that trolls have both psychopath, and cognitive empathy traits. They will say things that they hope will hurt or upset you and enjoy it, yet they are completely void of the ability to feel guilt or shame.
During the same study researchers also found that many trolls have the same traits as pedophiles. As with most child molesters, there is little to no hope of them ever changing and becoming a productive citizen.
Most of them are also sadist, but not in the physical sense. They don't have the balls for that, so they hide in the deepest shadows of their mothers basement behind a computer screen like the cowards they are.
Although trolls are a nuisance, they are generally harmless. But I would never leave one alone near children.
Wow. Such a canned response from you " get out of your mom's basement" lol. Fyi.. posting a internet post is not research nor evidence of your theory.
ReplyDeleteLol. Bubba soul..please post this study you state
ReplyDeleteAll of this means nothing until Main Stream Media is overthrown and all is revealed for THE WORLD TO SEE.......i hope and pray all that we read about is truth, but no world has been deceived for so long, it's time to show the world the truth....expose the perpetrators, expose the lies, reveal the truth.
ReplyDeleteWow. It's the msm fault? Why don't the alt news actually show proof of the mass child trafficing?
ReplyDeleteShir, there are reports of up to 35k kids being rescued in on place! but no pictures on their living conditions, or where they went or who is taking care of them. So, instead of blaming the msn of lying; maybe you should demand the alt news for more details and truths.
Jason is lost
ReplyDeleteWhy am I lost if I ask critical honest questions?
DeleteWhy are you so upset that I ask these questions?
Gitmo didn't get bigger they had to build a new prison up to code that does break human rights!! The picture you talk about; is that they one where miami is labeled gitmo? Also, no one had actually listed the law where the military and military Tribunals handle pedo cases?
ReplyDeleteIf the Jewish Mary had actually given birth to God, the sun would have evaporated, Joseph Mary, Jesus, the donkey, the stable, Bethlehem, and the Earth, this Earth. Even if NASA made a keflar vagina for Mary. From this blasphemous fairy tale, only 3 kings in Orion's Belt would survive: ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam) and δ Ori (Mintaka). The biblical Jesus never existed. It is a literary hybrid that was created by the occult Jews after Emperor Rome II destroyed the occult temple in Jerusalem in AD 70. The biblical Jesus does not fit into the so-called zero year, i.e. the transition from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces, which took place about 180 years earlier. The biblical Jesus is a literary hybrid in which the attributes of the Sun God and ancient astronomy are ineptly woven. We have a wrong calendar and holidays, and millennia (1000 years) and centuries (100 years) are incorrect time intervals, even days are not described in the decimal system! The era lasts about 2150 years full precession of the Earth, i.e. the so-called. The Platonic year lasts 12 Ers or 25,800 years. The Solar System was created about 4.6 billion years ago, so since its creation, it has made about 18 full revolutions around the axis of the Galaxy! A Galactic year lasts approximately 250 million years. Jorge MARIO BERGOGLIO ascii code 666 alive for the final judgment (my conversation with him 1:1) in the square of the arsonist of Rome 64 AD of the so-called "Saint" Peter 21.06.2023 at 12:00 or we will all have a problem! God is the Sun Α and Ω.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of useless dribble.
Delete“Jason” sounds like a Fed, here to spread “disinformation” in order to discredit people who get too close to the #TRUTH. Go crawl back in the hole you came out of Fed! “We the People” are on to the likes of you!
ReplyDelete100% The way I see it, he's a fed or a pedo. Either way...he's scum!
DeleteReally? Disinformation? What that the photo for this thread is from a movie called "pawnshop chronicles" or that the logistics for rescuing 3500 kids was never mentioned. So do tell what mis information I posted?
ReplyDeleteI have a GREAT idea, Jason. Let's just meet up in a dark alley, or a locked caged/ring, and only one walks out alive. You like to attack? .... Let's "attack"
ReplyDeleteWho did i attack? I told the truth and gave my verifiable reference. The ladies in the cages is from the movie "pawnshop chronicles" . The segment stars matt dillion and Elijah woods. So nows it's your turn to post your references to prove i am wrong