*******             **********         ***********

Everyone who has been executed has a double or CLONE.
These are put in place by the WHITE hats to make people
think they are still around.

That is so the people who are are not awake will not get
angry or upset enough to start RIOTS against the Government
for executing someone they LOVED.

Like MADONNA, or other Celebrity.

Or get so upset they have to GO to the HOSPITAL.
I know some people who would have to be put in the
PSYCH ward. 

They will be unable to accept that they have been LIED to all
their LIFE. Believe it or not there are many DEMOCRATS out there who still love OBAMA & MICHELLE.

Michelle has recently been on PBS reading books to Children,
Obama appeared with her in one Session.
There are Videos that are done with CGI. They are FAKE.


If you see a VIDEO of the person arrested and executed, it is DONE BY CGI. If the person is making a personal appearance, it will be a Double or a Clone.

The PENCE that you have seen on the TV with TRUMP is a CLONE,

He was arrested long after the COUP he was INVOLVED in WITH PAUL RYAN.

If a Person has died of CORONA VIRUS, they will not get a DOUBLE, becaue PEOPLE

Harvey WEINSTEIN turned over on EVERYONE.

HRC died the day she spoke at the 9/11 event and collapsed at the SUV when she was told she was under arrest. 
They rushed her to her daughter house because it is a medical facility for her.

A DOUBLE came out and said she was ok. At this medical facility at Chelsea's Place she was revived by very interesting technology using ADRENOCHROME and babies BLOOD. 

She was taken to GREENLAND and put on ICE and kept alive in a Vegetative state. She was given a TRIBUNAL and she was sentenced to death by hanging. She was brought back back to CONSCIOUSNESS and HANGED. All of this VIDEO 
taped by analog video. All VIDEO Confessions was done in ANALOG VIDEO.


Some of the PEOPLE who were arrested and on HOUSE ARREST or AT GITMO, are still in TRIBUNAL NEGOTIATING A DEAL.
GATES for Instance will not be able to negotiate a deal because we already  have the same evidence that he is  using to get a deal.

It won't work.



  1. Is this real, here in Netherlands there is no information about it

    1. 😂😂 I don't think so. They will keep their mouths shut as long as possible.....

    2. I have provided more information on the blog link to understand.

  2. Replies
    1. How do you know? Did she invite you over?

    2. Hello Frank I have provided more details for you on the blog, I hope you like it. Love and Light

    3. Let's hope all those socalled "royalty"has ended. Don't really care how it happened.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, I have added more details. LOVE AND LIGHT.

  4. Replies
    1. Now is different, the energies will expose everything. I have provided more details, Love and Light

  5. this happened!!! I pulled the trigger lol

    1. Please look at the rest of the details which I have added.

    2. Hi Ronald, can you give the link of these details?

    3. Ron hasn't responded to your request for links to verify his assertions. Wonder why.

      Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting is ancient to date Mother Theresa was a notorious Child Trafficker in cahoots with the Catholic church.
      Watergate was PadeoGate Franklin Scandal Bush Regan Fright House midnite tours for Call Boys. Pizzagate Jeffrey Epstein Epstein Machiavelli Harvey Weinstein... The late comedian Activist Black Boule Dick Gregory exposed Organ Harvesting honorable mention for Israel, Europe and Russia specifically "melanated" commodities.

  6. Replies
    1. Please read the rest, and the evidence, you will soon be told the Truth. Have blessed day. LOVE AND LIGHT.

  7. I heard she's arrested not executed

    1. Ok, I have provided more info on the posting in the blog, you can read it, and do your investigation. Love and Light. Ron

    2. There is a list circulating from a reliable source C-Vine News that cover the GITMO Tribunals...and it states...ALL Royals arrested and executed...backed up by a Commander Kent Dunn from the Space Force...Pleiadian like me working as ' boots on the ground"...many of us are Gallactics incarnated in Human form at this time>>love and Light to you and yours...all you were taught...ARE LIES...Everything...yes...everything..many will not be able to deal with this and sadly take their own lives...all is part of this SOUL ..we have been going Off-planet for many decades now...PLAN...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga4b5qOyNoM

    3. Save the planet crap for somebody who is ignorant... Earth is a flat infinite plane, or realm... Dome covered, above which are the Waters, and above that, God's kingdom... Heaven. Space does not exist. Doubt all you wish- that does not alter the truth.

    4. I believe Earth is NOT flat and that those who believe it is are stuck in a 2D reality. Earth is actually hollow.
      Galactic forces are here to finish cabal/drac dominance. I too am Pleiadean. Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia is a good source for the truth re our ET existance.
      Believe what you may but no need to go calling ignorance on other people's beliefs ... that make YOU ignorant <3

  8. It is fake i am dutch and at least we will hear something overhere...but not jet!

    1. I am also Dutch, and also here in Curacao it happen also. I have posted it on my blog, and more detail info.
      Love and light. RONALD

  9. Ik heb onlangs een filmpje gezien, waarin "ze" een speeltuin bezocht voor een opening of iets dergelijks. "ze" was het NIET ZELF, het was een dubbelganger, dat was duidelijk

    1. Ik vind het maar vaag allemaal 🤷🏼

    2. Wat een bullshit wordt hier allemaal verteld. De opening. Speeltuin was op 2 juni dus hoezo een clone?!! Klopt dus niet. En ze was een maand geleden nog gewoon openbaar.
      Houdt eens op met fake nieuws en veroordelingen!!! Grrrrr


    3. Do you understand what the word moron means? That would be you.the time for trying to explain things to people like you is past sit back and watch.

  10. Ich verstehe die Leute nicht die direkt Fälschung schreiben. Ihr wollt Veränderung und schließt euch neuen Sachen. Der Trick im Leben ist es offen zu bleiben bis man die Beweise sieht. Wir müssen endlich aus diesen Teufelskreis raus kommen, in dem unser Bewusstsein steckt.

    1. Wieso wurde mein Kommentar geändert? Das habe ich so nicht geschrieben????

  11. I Hope it is true all of it, and no a cruel move from the Right to keep killing people with corona-virus when they can provide the hydroxychloroquine, now that is proven to save life, what are they waiting. Unless they are getting all the hospital staff that are killing patients on purpose for the money offered by the Medicare (Obamacare)

    1. The left is the one not allowing Hydroxychloriquine to be prescribed. They are the deep state and are trying to destroy America.

  12. You mean from the left because the right has tried to get them to use hydroxychoriquine!!!

  13. I have seen this at several
    Sites and it is the same story everywhere.
    Word for word.
    So it is a little hard to belief

  14. Anybody who cloned plants mushrooms / plants or anything that is natural understands that even clones have big variations.
    This kind of bullshit takes away the real problem. Far more children/people in your own close relationships are being or was sexually abused. And nobody takes the time to listen to them. Or helps them out. Rather act on some far distant fake story that is safe to Cry out loud about.
    Shame on anybody who believes this shit about arrested etc.

  15. Who's writing this sh*t? Where are the sources?

    1. They don't have sources. That are attention junkies.

  16. Replies
    1. We have been told that from March next year they will start to SHOW PROOF of all that has already happened...many are not awake enough to handle this yet...Love and Light...

    2. "We have been told..."
      And you believed it?

      Did you look for objective verification before repeating their stories?
      Did you consider why you may have been fed these narratives?
      Did you notice how nice it felt to be flattered with assurances that to believe = to be more 'awake' than the average person?
      Did you examine your own subconscious need for drama, purposeful meaning or community in your life?

      Let us know, please, when these 'proofs' become available.

      Love, light and truth...

  17. Wait till you read this xD https://childtraffickingorgans.blogspot.com/2020/07/oprah-winfrey-executed.html?showComment=1596330203047#c6197567836881415762 now tell me if you still believe anything this blog says

  18. I allready felt for so many years that this huge fake system evil powers were not what they presumed to be. It was so interesting how they planned all deaths in Holland of the 'oldies' just 'in time'... So sad for all the abused children, Mothers, innocent Men, Women souls, my wishes for them to be cleansed, and truly loved thoroughly!

  19. Hallo, ich kan es kaum glauben, wo finde ich dazu verlässliche Informationen, auch was in GITMO abgeht?

  20. The ones CULLING THE HERDS are the White Hats along with Donald Trump...all under the COVER of so-called COVID 19 (AI) virus..you physically cannot CATCH a virus...Germs yes...NOT VIRUSES...it's an impossibility...Covid-which was down-graded in March this year by W.H.O., C.D.C and Global governments to...no more than a normal flu...it is necessary to keep citizens safe and out of HARMS way as many hundreds of thousand of children and females/males are rescued Globally from D.U.M.B.S ( Deep Underground Military Bases) where they are caged, tortured, drained of adrenochome, skinned alive and much more...many were born underground and have NEVER seen the top earth..and cannot survive there...this has been happening for thousands of years...every 40 seconds another child is GRABBED...and every 20 seconds ..one dies...Love and Light to the ALL..

  21. Mensen die lopen zeiken dat het nep is moeten geduld hebben en niet zo bang zijn vooral degene die het belachelijk gaan maken dat zijn de ergste.

  22. Regeringen die hun land en bevolking hebben verkocht voor $ 290 miljard aan de WHO , IMF , moesten voor dit hun land in an lock-down zetten en covid-19 uitroepen . 25 landen hebben niet hun land en bevolking verkocht , en daar is nooit covid-19 uitgebroken . Bill Gates stopt elke keer miljarden in de WHO en IMF , verder zit elke Pharm. industriebedrijf in de Gates foundation. Het is nu al bekend dat de Amerikaanse bevolking massaal op Trump gaat stemmen in November . Mensen die Amerika kapot willen maken worden vanaf nu al opgepakt zoals Tom Hanks , met Bill Gates en George Sorros met zijn zoon gaat het zelfde gebeuren.

  23. I see no EVIDENCE whatsoever of any of this (seemingly on ALL your posts). How about some links? Some videos? Well I can see that it could all be faked anyway but how is anyone to believe this kind of dribble?

    Tomorrow the president will use a secret weapon to turn the sky Green. This is to alert the world that the reset is happening and that global warming is fake. There will be an alert on all cell phones to this effect. Buy and hold paperclips. These will become extremely difficult to get in the coming months. Also stock up on motor oil as the cartels will be hoarding this soon.
    Trust me.

  24. 'Twould be wonderful if the old battle-axe were gone.

  25. In 2014 there were also reports of arrest warrants of Queen Elisabeth by ICTSS. I have never found ANY PROOF for it.





  26. If this is True- and You or others Got so secret informations - Then there must be more Evidence who shows videos of The arrest or exicutede???!

    I woud like to belive this- but in The 2020 World of so manny not true information- Flooding every were- 2020 were Tecknologi is so advanced- You Can create fake pictures!!!��‍♀️��‍♀️��‍♀️‼️ Then The words must be showend whit Live video Evidense - For people to see for Them self!!

    Words these days are hard to belive

    So is there clear videoes of The saving of The children or of The Arrest???

  27. I believe in what you have said, it sounds unbelievable and following conspiracy theories for 2 years now from so many different sources especially clairvoyance I believe...

  28. You are part of the deranged. Donald Trump is not part of this covid lies. He is against lockdowns. You should stop watching CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the lying media.

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