
1/1-3/2009 MUG-38 to AI-Ben'-Yhan-6, Green Dragons deliver 2nd 1/3 of Threshold-Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield & Elemetal Command, Watchtower & Solomon Shield Network 2/3 Activation , Solomon Shield Expansion, Earth Gate-Networks 2/3-Reclaim on Solomon Host, Net-Earth Grail Window Opens, AshaLA 12:12Solar-Lunar Ah-VE-yas Auto-Transmissions begin & Aquafereion Shield-75%-Sha-LA-a Light Quotient. Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host the 2nd 1/3 of their 2/3 control if Net-Earth Elemental command Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield PL FL., Watchtower Anchor Shield PL FL, Solomon's Shield Triangle, Shala-13-Core-Gates Adora & Caral-Peru, Sentinels-11Shalon-7&2/Kitts & Sentinels-3/Alon-7&4/Adare-Eire engage 2/3 Activation, Solomon Shield Expands into US-CA & European Grids, Net-Earth Grail Window opens & Net-Earth's Spanner/PSG/Arc-HubCluster-Polarian/Trinity 12-Gate-Sets come on-line with Solomon-Shield Host at 22/3 Quantum-thrust. The 1st Aquai'ah de So-La'-RA LU'na Ashal-A Elemental Living Light Transmission received in Net-Earth Core, rasing the Aquafereion Shield to 75%-Sha-LA-a Quotient & beginning the daily 12:12 Solar Lunar Auto-Transmissions. Omega-Sink-Hole Blocked to end-2012 preventing White Dragon 2009-2012 Zeta-Ship Direct Invasion.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: *1/5-7/2008 GA Upstep-7A to M31-Ansha TAsa HublAdjugate A10-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils. *11/12-22/2008 GA Upstep-7B to Median-Earth ZionA & AquafarE'Adashi Councils

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: \11/12-22/2008 MUG-37 to AI-Ben'-Yhan-5, Green Dragons deliver 1st 1/3 of Threshold-Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield & Elemental Command, Watchtower & Solomon Shield Network 1/3 Activation & Median Earth Grail Door opens: ORB-Fest 1 & 2. During Kitts Sliders-3 WS, Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host the 1st 1/3 of their 2/3 control of Net-Earth Elemental Command "caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield PL FL., Watchtower anchor Shield PL FL, Solomon's Shield Triangle, Shala-13-Core-Gates AdorA & Caral-Peru & Sentinels-1/Shalon7&2/Kifts engage 1/3 activation, & Median Earth Grail Door Opens.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 11/2/2008 MUG-36 to AI-Ben'-Yhan-4, Green Dragons Deliver "Sleeper-Vote" to Stop Coup Green Dragons "wake up & motivate" their "Sleeper Vote" during the USA Presidential Elections, preventing, via a "large Margin of win", the White/Red Dragon intended coup to keep their "War-maker Agenda"/covert-invasion strategy as the USA political power-Base.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 9/29/2008 MUG-35 to AI-Ben'-Yhan-3, Green Dragons deliver 2/3 "Threshold-Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield P1 Fl Glass-Tower Grids/Fl-Caribbean-Gulf of Mexico Control, Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host their 2/3 control of 'Caduceus Watchtower Anchor shield PI Fl Glass-Tower Grids/ FL-Caribbean-Golf of Mexico Control' PI FL, Fulfilling their 3rd Treaty of AI-ben'Yhan commitment during PL Visit.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 9/19-21/2008 MUG-34 to AI-Ben'-Yhan-2, Green Dragonss deliver 2/3"Theshold-Caduceus-7LKaylon-7 VB Glass-Tower Grids/Labrinth East-USA-Watchtower Interface Control & "Labyrinth Wave-Run": Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host their 2/3 control Caduceus-7/Kaylon-7 VB Glass-Tower Grids/ Labynnth East-USA-Watchtower Interface Control "Viginia Beach", VA, fullfilling their 2nd Treaty of AI-Ben'Yhan commintment during slides-2 international Day of Peace/Fall Equinox WS. "Freedom Psonns Labyrinth Wave Run" allowed Kryst-Host to Link into Global Green Dragon Grids via "Labyrinth Control" during "interntional Day of Peace Toning Event", extending Kryst Host option globally.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 8/8-10/2008 MUG-33 to 'AI-Ben'-Yan-1, Green Dragons deliver 2/3 "Threshold-Caduceus-7/Shalon-7 AZ Glass-Tower Grids":, Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-host their 2/3 control of 'Caduceus-7/Shalon-7 AZ Glass-Tower Grids". fulfilling their first Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan commitment during Sliders-1 WS.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 7/2008-End MUG-32 to Treaty of AI-Ben'-Yhan, Watchtower & Triggered Recession White Dragons revert to Red Dragons' "1St Invasion Protocols' & orchestrate "Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse" to trigger Economic Recession & destabilize Green Dragon/UIR Illuminati "world Management Team" controls, following block of their Zeta-Ship Direct Invasion routes.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 5/22-27/2008 MUG-31 to Synchronized Rod_Spin Acceleration, Omega Sink-Hole Block, Solar Ring Wave-1, Further expedition of Adjugate-13-St.Kitts-Core-Gate mantel activation amplifies spin-speed of Net-Earth Rod & median-Earth Rod of Palaida, bringing the Rods into "reciprocal counter-spin acceleration" with the Caduceus Rod, temporarily preventing White Dragons from opening the "Tropic-of-Cancer"-Omega-SinkHoles; Solar Bhardoah RingWave-1 realeases with the "Aqualene-Sun-Buffer-Field". White Dragons" 4/2008 attempt to open the Omega-SinkHoles, via accelerating Caduceus-Rod spin, for direct Zeta-Ship Invasion from Atlantean H-Zone, is successfully Blocked, AQF Shield Stage-2A KalA'Krysta Cycle Bharda Phase Start 5/2008-2027

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 3/29-30/2008 MUG-30 to Green H-Zone Evacs., Atlantean H-Zone-Gates Close, Bhardoah Chambers Complete, Tribes-12 assist GA-Krystics to complete opening to Net-Earth/Median/Earth Ascension/Bhardoah Chambers, closing of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to Net-Earth, & successfully close Atlantean Hibernation-Zone Gates to block White Dragons' 10/2008 "Official Disclosure Zeta-ship Invasion".

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 2/16-17/2008 MUG-29 to Dhani Awakeniing-1, Star of Solomon, White Dragon Official Disclosure Invasion: Tribes-11 Dhani Awakening-1/Star of Solomon initiatesearly opening of Net-Earth Bhardoah Chamber, Gha-fa Line & Eiradhani Breathing Tube, act. Median-Earth's "Rod of Palaidia" into Net-Earth fontanels to prevent Omega-Code from splitting Net-Earth Rod for rapid cataclysm, opens Median-Earth Ascension/Bhardoah Chamber & initiates close of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber in Prep. to close H-zone Gate-linksto prevent White/Red Dragon intended 10/2/2008 Net-Earth Zeta-Ship Invasion. White Dragonstake over Red Dragons, UIR-Anu-Drak & Green Dragon Caduceus-Earth/H-Zone Grids & Net-Earth "Channels". White Dragons make 1st attempt at fulfilling their 10/2008 "Official-Disclosure Invasion/All Kill agenda by preparing to Seize Green Dragon Atlantean H-Zone Gates for Direct Zeta-Ship Invasion of Net-Earth.Kryst-Host Treaty "no-contest-negotiations" begin with GA & Kryst Fall Budhara, & Early Green Dragon & UIR Red Dragon defector Groups.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 1/5-7/2008 MUG-28 to "Earth Changes red Alert, OMEGA CODE & Early Adjugate-13-Kitts-Core-Gate". Tribes-10 engages early remote-act. of Adjugate-13-St. Kitts-Core-Gate to initiate early act. of Net-Earth "Shield of Solomon" - Omega Override due to Red/White Dragons" "Fortification Contracts" act. of "Omega-Kill-Code Last Extinction Order" via PSG-7 Puerto Rico breach from Wesedrak-fallen Parallel Earth. Omega-Code "Earth Rods act. puts Net-Earth on Permanent Red Alert for Massive Earth Changes via forced-Tectonic Plate-tearing.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 1/2-3/2008 MUG-27 to Stage-2A KalA-Krysta Bharda & LOAD-OUT EVAC link". Net-Earth Shield reaches sufficient BPR to initiate entry into StarFire Stage-2A KalA-Krysta Bharda and to connect to the 223-Year Galactic "Load-Out EVAC" of Milky Way/Procyak Galaxy to M31-Aquinos Andromeda Galaxy.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: Y9 LEAP Jan-Dec 2008: (complete DN-1 Planetary-Incarnate Accretion Cycle & Enter DN-2 Solar-Galactic Soul Accretion Cycle 2008)

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 12/29-31/2007 MUG-26 Aquafereion amplify Shalon-7 AZ-Vortices Network. 12/2/2007 to 1/2/2008 Aquafereion Host Shield StarFire Stage-1 KaLE'Hara Cycle.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 12/1-2/2007 MUG-25 to "Galactic Arcturian Bypass, Bridge of Sol & Ring of Fire Core", Galactic Reishiac Record "Ring of Fire Core" comes online with Net-Earth's Templar, via Tribes-9 opening of Galactic Arcturain Bypass/Bridge of Sol, to fortify AnshaTAsa Passage Host & prepare Net-Earth Templar for 11/2008 early "Shield of Solomon" act.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 11/2-4/2007 MUG-24 to "Universal Reishiac Record & Blocking the Caduceus-BeaST-666-Grid Triangulation" Kryst-Grid Reishiac Record Interface in Amsterdam, Netherlands allows Earth's Aquafereion Shield to Block Red Dragon's intended 11/2008 European Caduceus-BeaST-666-Grid Triangulation & "Omega kill Code" act, Prepares Net-Earth's Shield for 11/2008 "Adjugate-13-St. Kitts-Core-Gate" & "Shield of Solomon-AdorA Omega Override" act.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 10/27-28/2007 MUG-23 to "Galactic Host Jesheua Code & "Caduceus-BeaST-666-Seal Clearing", Tribes-8 Jesheua Code Universal Star-Gate Encryption activation clears "666-Seal" in Earth's Aqaufereion Shield to Block teh Red Dragons" 10/2007 intended activation of the European Caduceus-BeaST-666-Grid Triangulation and resultant "Omega Kill Code" act

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 9/21-25/2007 MUG-22 to "Solar Symbiosis Manual Kick-Start & Hall of Records/Shala-13 Open" 1st Hydrolase Conversion in Earth's Aquafereion Shield "Kick-Starts" Hosted Solar Sysmbiosis, Earth's NDC-Temple Matrix go on-line with Sala-Sira DN-2-Edon, Shala-13-Core-Gate, Planetary & Galactic Halls of Records & Aurora-3-"Ocean Cities" Slide-Gates open. D-3 Epi-NET disengaged and Aurora-1-"Subterranean Cities" and Aurora-2-Cloud Cities" Slide-Gates closed to block Red Dragons" intended 2008-2009 Direct Earth Invasion from Atlantean Hibernation Zones.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 8/25-26/2007 MUG-21 to "8-Year Leap" 1st Resurrection, DhaLA-KaLAea Chambers Opens via Tribes-7, initiating Earth's Aquafereion Shield Transfiguration Cycle-1 in prep for "Solar Symbiosis Kick-Start".

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 8/10-12/2007 MUG-20 to "Hosted Solar Symbiosis initiation", Earth's HarA-Krysta Chamber, Urtha LA'HE de Sala Grande Window/12-Solar Passages & Earth- Urtha-Sala-4 Solar Passage Open. allowing for Earth to Receive 9/2007 "manual kick-start" of Hosted Solar Symbiosis for "Salvage-Resurrection".

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 7/21-22/2007 MUG-19 .. to 12:12 Spanner/Arc-Hub-cluster-Gates, Sala-KaLE/Sala-Sira Chambers, LA'HE de luna Grande & Sala Caduceus Sheath" act. via tribes-6, allowing GA-Krysts to slow & regulate Caduceus Rod spin to slow Earth Changes for as long as possible.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 7/7/2007 "Live Earth" Caduceus Rod "Big Ankh" act. on R-spin by Green Dragons, blocking Red Dragons Rod act.; Green Dragons petition for GA assistanc

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 6/23-24/2007 MUG-18 to "Eye of God Sacred Heart Passage", opens in Aquafereion Shield via Tribe-5

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 5/2007 MUG-17 to "4-Year Leap" Spanner-Gate-7, NaVAHo Passage & LA'HE de Luna Window open 4 years ahead of schedule preventing Red Dragons from capturing Spanner-Gate-7 via act. of Caduceus-Gate-7 interface.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 4/21/2007 MUG-16 to Aurora Platforms, Tribes-4 initiates opening of Krystal River Aurora Platfroms, Earths Aquafereion Shield engages 1st Prana Exchange Cycles on AnshaTAsa Passage Host, Bourgha-Budhara takenover Red Dragon Command & escalate efforts to capture Spanner-Gate-7 to use for direct invasion of M31-Urtha-3.

Density Accretion Cycles & Leap Year for Net-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Contemporary Drama Chronology Summary: 3/25/2007 SOLAR BHARDOAH CYCLE commences initiation.