I really pity the Thai people. They keep getting accused of kidnapping children from neighbouring Malaysia to have their organs harvested. They have been accused of either stuffing the poor children into cardboard boxes, or just arranging for a drug trafficker bring them across the border, together with his stash of meth and heroin.
Example #1
Yesterday at 8pm the Thailand Govt found a Van with 100’s of Malaysian dead childrens without Organs in their bodies. Their organs were removed n sold. The bodies are wraped in plastics. They were caught by the Thai govt.
Pls becareful with ur children wheather they are going to school, shoping, functions, playgrounds. Pls! Be with them. Dont trust any known or unknown people with your children. Do not let them play alone or go with strangers anywhere.
Take Care all childrens. Inform Police immediately if any childrens introuble or help them. Pls! Share with all ur contacts.
A Van Cannot Possibly Carry A Hundred Dead Children
The first hoax claims that the Thai government found a van with hundreds of dead children. The second hoax has a more specific number – 700. But how many dead children do you think a van can carry?
Maybe a dozen. Maybe two dozen of them. But do you think a hundred can fit in a van? Yeah, now it sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Hundreds Of Dead Children & It’s Not On CNN?
A dead child would have made the national news, especially if he/she was killed in a bizarre manner. Certainly a child killed for his/her organs would have made the national news.
However, there is no mention of this in any mainstream news media in either Thailand or Malaysia. Only on social media like Facebook, and messaging apps like WhatsApp.
If dozens of children are killed this way, and their organs harvested, you can be sure it would have been INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Yet, isn’t it curious that there was no mention of it on CNN, BBC, RT, Al Jazeera, etc?
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