Navigating This Time Of Transition From Third Dimension To Higher Frequencies

If you are reading these words and drawn to them, you probably already experience most of your reality from a fourth dimensional or higher consciousness state. Dimensions are a vibrational frequency and what we have known as earth life has been mostly in the third dimension, denser frequency for a long time now. Just to offer the basics, three dimensional frequencies are of separation, isolation, competition, sense of survival and lack (scarcity), five sense reality processing (only what the body and mind can see is ‘real’), logic dominating, attachment to religious and other belief systems, focus on differences, etc. Fourth dimensional consciousness offers more sense of Oneness, community, communion, beyond five sense reality experiences, soul remembrances, heart-based relationships, sense of abundance and gratitude, intuition leading, and openness to all while awakening your inner soul and heart wisdom.
It feels like Gaia (as a consciousness in planetary form) is moving out of the third and into the lower fourth, which is shaking out many of the shadow playouts, government and financial corruptions, mass protests, etc. This seems to be the ‘event’ of December, 2012 in which it was the end of the world in the sense of the 3D consciousness that had held such dominance over Gaia began to shift. Many star beings and Ethereal beings are supporting this shift as they have long yearned for Gaia and her human inhabitants to shake off the suppressive and limiting consciousness of 3D to remember our essence as sacred humanity through more inhabitation of our 5D and beyond consciousness as Divine selves or light beings.
The ‘underbelly’ of human consciousness is turning over to be felt and ultimately healed. To whatever degree you are still connected to 3D reality, this turning over is going to push up perhaps strong feelings and reactions for you. The recent political presidential election, for example, seen through the perspective of a part of you that has been conditioned in 3D reality of government dominance and superiority, would feel hopeless, outraged, distraught, and many other feelings. This part of you has been conditioned to ‘believe’ in the need to turn over your authority to another and to be governed. You have been conditioned to project your parental needs onto outer authority (started with our birth parents) rather than feel your own inner authority being watered. You can feel this part(s) of you as a 3D aspect and give it lots of love, curiosity, and non-judgment, and we offer in SoulFullHeart a healing process and supportive community to assist with your ascension process.
The re-minders that come from 4 and 5D consciousness to help the 3D aspects of us that are still in transition are that no one can govern or have power over us. If we ‘let’ them, that is still our choice. We create our own reality; we are our own Universes in that way. We are not powerless to anything, but rather have access to Infinite Power (heart-based) that is connected to our essence as Infinite Love. In the frequencies of Infinite Love, nothing that is not polarized to love can survive or is ‘real’.
As Gaia moves into higher dimensions of consciousness, many souls will choose (still their choice) not to go with Her as that is their path and process. They may leave their bodies, go to other 3D realities on other planets or reincarnate again with a new focus and openness to higher consciousness. I am not offering this lightly as I have felt for many years the intensity that this time of transition is going to bring to our world. I have shed many tears over the cries of the world and the suffering that exists in 3D consciousness. Holding what is going to happen with compassion and sobriety is important while not letting it bring down our own vibrational frequencies or spiral us into suffering loops. There will most likely be many body deaths, much violence and upheaval, and perhaps even the collapse of the industrial systems that we have become dependent on in many ways for our ‘survival.’
Those of us who want to stick it out through this time of transition and continue to ascend and awaken our consciousness to experience the New Earth are in for a very bumpy ride at times. But we have buffers in the form of our own choices toward raising our vibrational frequencies through service of love to others in whatever forms that looks like for each of us. We are wayshowers and here to help humanity get through this transitional time. The biggest gift we can offer ourselves and humanity is to claim this, continue to heal our hearts and souls to vibrate at a higher frequency, and decondition from 3D reality as a continual process.
New Earth or what we call “Golden Earth” already exists as a consciousness and can be ‘visited’ whenever we want to.

It offers a watering of the world that our hearts and soul remember is possible from our previous experiences of Atlantis and Lemuria and in other dimensions such as Avalon and from other planets and galaxies. Golden Earth is more our home frequency and connecting with the tones of heart-based love, Ethereal guidance and love, going within always to look first for our answers and path will serve us during the experiences ahead that are going to be challenging and at times painful. Ultimately, trusting love as the only ‘real’ thing that there is offers a beacon to us, stirring us through the fogs and clouds of reactions and triggers, and landing us safely on the shores of our true heart and soul homes.

Navigating From 3D To 5D
Navigating This Time Of Transition From Third Dimension To Higher Frequencies
