The fact of Jewish Ritual Murder (JRM), happening at least occasionally or sporadically, has been established beyond doubt via church and secular records throughout ancient, medieval and modern times, including formal juridical proceedings. This book by Hellmut Schramm, Ph.D., forms an exposition of those records and is a valuable addition to the historical record on this subject. Completed in 1941 and published 1943-44 in Germany during the National Socialist regime, it was produced in an atmosphere obviously conducive to free historical inquiry on this otherwise forbidden “third-rail” topic.
Many of the accounts carry the semblance of verity in that they involve Christians in the procuring of the children (if the purpose was simply to “get” the Jews on any pretext, why involve Christians at all?). The bodies were often disposed of in a way that would actually tend to allow them being discovered—the Jews did this because burying the bodies would have given them a respect not due them, according to long-standing precepts of Judaism.
Little is known of Schramm’s life details and nothing is known of his fate after the war. This book forms an enduring legacy to the world regarding this subject which has now been brought to the English-speaking world and which cannot be suppressed.
This edition is based on an earlier version posted on the Web but has been enhanced substantially with an expanded bibliography, more graphics and the addition of a section featuring text from Eisenmenger’s magnum opusEntdecktes Judenthum. It has been produced with the express permission and cooperation of the original translator.
