A Communion

1. I am in the Light

2. I know the Light

3. I am in the Spirit.

4. The doors of dimension have closed upon my body and shown me to be a living Light shining out of the darkness.

5. I know the Source of things beyond the extensions of things.

6. I am one with the essence of things beyond the motion of things.

7. I know my oneness with the One.

8. God abideth in me. I know that I am He. I know God’s kingdom of the Light.

9. I know my universality.

10.The consciousness of space is mine.

11.The Light of God’s equilibrium is my guide. I know its balance,
unextended, undivided. Out of its essence comes the Word and the
Law to counsel me.

12.The language of Light is mine to know.

13.All that is, is Light.

14.Thou, my Father-Mother, hast commanded that I write down in words for man the meaning within Thy Light which is written upon my heart in waves of Thy inspired essence of meaning which I must interpret into man’s words.

15.Guide Thou me, Thou Source of me, as I write words which shall be truly Thine, not mine alone, nor e’en Thine and mine.

The Word

1. “I am the Knower of the Known.

2. “I am the sexless Knower of the Known. In Me is the Consciousness of All Knowing and that is My power.

3. “In Me, the unconditioned One, is the Whole. There are no parts, nor are there beginnings, nor endings in Me, the One conscious Whole.

4. “I am the dual Thinker of unfolding parts of the Known, the
Imaginer of imaged forms which emerge from My knowing,
through My thinking, to manifest My knowing.

5. “My dual thinking divides My knowing Light into pairs of sexdivided mirrors of the two opposed lights of My thinking. These
electric mirrors of divided light reflect My Light and Life in them
for manifesting My knowing and the One Life of My Being. Forever and forever they interchange the dual reflected lights of My thinking for manifesting the continuance of My thinking, yet they are not My Light, nor are they My Life.

6. “Nor are they My Being. I, My all-conscious Being alone live, and I alone think.

7. “Again I say, all thinking is My thinking. Also I say, when man
thinks at all he thinks with Me as One, imagines with Me as One, and builds his images with Me as One.

8. “And when man is inspired by exalted thinking know thou that it is I in him who am thinking as One with him.

9. “For I am the Source of ecstasy and inspiration in man. Behold in
Me the Silent Voice which man may hear who hath inner ears to
hear. And I am the Light which man may see who hath eyes of the
Spirit to see.

10.“For I say that in-so-far as man knows the ecstasy of inspiration in him he hears My Voice and sees My Light in him. He then knows
the mighty rhythms of My balanced thinking and thinks with Me.


1. Come unto Me in My high heavens, ye who are burdened of earth, 
and find rest.

2. “For I am Rest; and I am Love, and all the unchanging qualities
which My thinking divides into paired quantities of sex-conditioned
extensions of My Light which ever seek the rest in Me from which
they sprang.

3. “And never do they find rest while unaware of Me in them, for they are but moving images of My imaginings which forever move as sexed extensions of the sexless Light from which they sprang.

4. “For moving things of clay forever move, know not that rest centers their moving as rest centers the shaft which forever moves around its very Source of rest, from which its motion springs.

5. “Knowing not Me, their source of Rest in them, they cannot be that Source around which they must forever move to seek that which they cannot find until they know Me in them.

6. “Knowing not Me in them, they are alone in all the universe; but
knowing Self of them as Me in them, they then are Me; they then,
with Me, are all My universe.

7. “Verily, I say, the power of moving things to move, or to find rest, is not in them. I, alone, am energy; and I am also rest.

8. “I am the fulcrum which extends the power to move from rest.

9. “Thine arm is not empowered to pulse alone, unextended from the rest-point in thine heart; nor is one microscopic thing empowered to manifest Me apart from Me.”


1. “My rest and peace may be known by moving things which know
My balance in them and keep balance in them while thus moving.

2. “Moving things which manifest My knowing by equal
interchanging void their moving and thus find rest;---but those
which manifest Me unequally cannot wholly void their moving.

3. “These shall leave an unvoided residue of motion as a debt of
unbalance which must be paid to Me before My rest may be known
in them.

4. “For I am Balance; and all moving things which extend from Me must manifest My balance in them. And I am Law. No rest can
there be, nor can there be peace, while My law remains broken by
unbalance e’en by one whit.

5. “For verily I give rest to moving things by equally dividing Light of My knowing at rest in Me to extending and retracting lights of My thinking. Know thou that as My knowing is balanced and at rest in Me so is My thinking balanced and at rest in Me.

6. “The extending light of My thinking multiplies the oneness of My
knowing into many ones to mother them as formed bodies made in
patterned images of My knowing.

7. “The retracting light gathers all the many ones together into My
oneness to father them in Soul-seed of Me for again borning into
patterned forms of many ones.

8. “In this wise My formless knowing is imaged in many patterned
moving forms which seek rest from moving in the formlessness of
My unity for reborning as many patterned moving forms.

9. “For I am Rest. In My rest is My knowing. From My rest extends My balanced electric thinking. In action and reaction of My
thinking I am balanced always; for I am Balance, as I am also Rest.

10.“When man’s thinking is balanced in him as it is in Me then shall
he know rest in Me as I know rest in Me. Then shall his thinking be
the ecstasy of his knowing, as My thinking is the ecstasy of My

11.“Know thou that Mind of Me is ecstatic always. I know neither grief nor pain, sorrow nor compassion, anger nor wrath, for these are qualities of unbalance, and unbalance is not in My house. Know
thou that these unbalanced qualities are product of man’s
unbalanced thinking. They alone are in him. They are not in Me.


1. “He who knows not Me in him first thinks himself as one of many separate and separable forms apart from all things else, and Me. In those, his early days, he knows not Me in him, not suspecting Me in him, e’en though his slightest move is Mine; yea e’en though his very breathing is desire in Me that he should breathe to manifest Me in him, though unknowingly.

2. “Man then knows not himself as one of seeming many forms of My imagining which spring from rest in Me to manifest My knowing.

3. “Throughout long aeons he walks the path of dark to find the path of Light which leads to Me.

4. “For I say that refoldment into Self of Me is not known by man for long aeons, e’en as Self of Me is not known by him as Self of him for long, long aeons.

5. “In man’s thinking, man begins to live as he leaves the motherwomb which borned him. And when he returns the clay of him to clay of earth, he thinks of life as ending, knowing not that its
beginning never was, nor could its ending be.

6. “For I say that life is alone in Light of Me; as love and knowing are alone in Me.

7. “Tell thou to man that he who thinks life lives in him, knowing not My life in him, dies as often as he lives to die again. But he who
lives to manifest Me, knowing Me in him, never dies.

8. “He who knows not Me in him first thinks himself as one of many separate and separable forms apart from all things else, and Me. In those, his early days, he knows not Me in him, not suspecting Me in him, e’en though his slightest move is Mine; yea e’en though his very breathing is desire in Me that he should breathe to manifest Me in him, though unknowingly.

9. “Man then knows not himself as one of seeming many forms of My imagining which spring from rest in Me to manifest My knowing.

10.“Throughout long aeons he walks the path of dark to find the path of Light which leads to Me.

11.“For I say that refoldment into Self of Me is not known by man for long aeons, e’en as Self of Me is not known by him as Self of him for long, long aeons.

12.“In man’s thinking, man begins to live as he leaves the motherwomb which borned him. And when he returns the clay of him to clay of earth, he thinks of life as ending, knowing not that its
beginning never was, nor could its ending be.

13.“For I say that life is alone in Light of Me; as love and knowing are alone in Me.

14.“Tell thou to man that he who thinks life lives in him, knowing not My life in him, dies as often as he lives to die again. But he who
lives to manifest Me, knowing Me in him, never dies.


1. “Write thou, therefore, that he who would find rest from burdens of his earth must transcend his Earth and be not bound thereto. E’en far above the mountain tops of earth he must rise into My kingdom of the Light which I AM, as he also is, when he knows he also is.

2. “Say to man these My very words.

3. “Behold in Me the fulcrum of My changing universe which but
manifests change, though I change not, nor move.

4. “For I am Rest. In Me alone is Balance.

5. “He who would find power must know that he extends from Rest in Me, that I am he.

6. “He who would find rest must return to Me, be Me; be fulcrum of his own power.

7. “For again I say, moving things have no power to move save
through My will that they should move. And again I say, My will is
but desire of My imaginings for manifesting My imaginings
through form-imaged extensions of My thinking which manifest My

8. “Know thou, therefore, that power to move is in My will for things to move in obedience to desire in Me that moving things manifest My imagining.

9. “I center the moving shaft of My universe, yet I move not, though its power to move springs from Rest in Me.

10.“I center its growing systems, and changing cells of growing
systems, yet I change not, e’en though their changing patterned
waves spring from My eternal calm.

11.“I center seeming living things which reflect my power to manifest Me in them, but they live not; I alone live.

12.“My balanced thinking expresses life and energy which I alone AM, but the Thinker of the Cosmos is not the Cosmos, nor is the Cosmos the Thinker.

13.“Growing things are moving things in man’s sensing, through they move not in man’s knowing.

14.“Likewise moving things are changing things in man’s sensing,
though they change not in man’s knowing.

15.“E’en though fast moving things of man’s sensing move fast, they simulate My rest, while moving, from which they sprang into
seeming motion.

16.“Again I say, My universe is but seeming forms of My imagining which seem to move to record the dual pulsing of My balanced thinking.

17.“Wherefore I say, the burdens of man are made by man in the
image of his unbalanced thinking. Likewise the illnesses of man are
fruit of his own making.

18.“Balanced thinking is an ecstasy which knows no burden, no
fatigue nor imperfection.

19.“From man’s own unbalanced thinking emanate the toxins of
fatigue, and divers sicknesses, and fears.

20.“Wherefore I say, come unto Me, ye self-burdened. Find rest in Me by being Me.” These are the words of thy Creator, and mine, written truly from His illumining in me upon the mountain top.
