THE SECRET OF LIGHT part: 14 - Motion Simulating Rest

14 - Motion Simulating Rest

This electric universe of motion forever moves to find rest, but never finds it. Matter in violent motion simulates rest and balance through violent motion. The more violent the motion the greater is the illusion of rest and balance. Motion can cease but it can never become rest.

This make-believe universe

The entire dynamic wave universe of electric matter is not what it seems to be. Everything which seems at rest depends upon violent motion to make believe it is at rest.
A wire sheet could appear to be a steel disk if spun fast enough. The faster it is spun, the more at rest it would seem.
This planet, seemingly at rest, is in violent motion around its centering point of rest from which it is electrically extended. Seemingly motionless clouds, floating above the earth, are rotating with it at the tremendous speed of one thousand miles an hour at the equator, or four times faster than a plane.
All the planets are revolving swiftly around their central sun which seemingly stands still in the heavens of space, but in fact is moving with incredible speed.
Likewise, all the stars of night, simulating rest, are moving at terrific speeds to adjust their mutual unbalances in this dual universe of divided pressure.
The pencil in one's hand, the desk upon which one is writing, the room full of motionless things, seeming to be at rest, are but simulating rest through violent motion of their many parts. Tremendous vibrations may be in that glass paperweight.
Not one thing could manifest the rest it simulates if it were not for the incredible speeds of those atoms which so incessantly rotate and revolve to make that seeming restfulness possible.

Even still things are not still

All seeming still matter is manifesting make-believe rest by make-believe motion.
Motion itself is an illusion. The motion one senses in one's brain has no more reality than the motion which one senses in a motion picture.
The seeming motion of the cinema is caused by sequences of changing patterened forms projected on the screen which give the impression of motion because of the rapid change of pattern in the negatives.
That self-same illusion applies to the material universe.
“Without change My play of Creation could not be played, nor its actors be. Behold, therefore, the changing universe of My imagining, the seeming universe of My thinking.

”(…) and again I say that there is no change in Me, the changeless One, so, also, is there no change in My thought universe of pairs of opposed things which forever interchange to simulate My universe of change.

“E'en the seeming changing of My thought universe is not change save for senses of sensed things which are bound to pairs of parts of wholes.

“Each pair wendeth its way through the interchanging pressures of its electric journey. Each appeareth, then disappeareth, to reappear.

“E'en though senses of sensed things sense changing in all things, they change not to conscious knowing.

“Why for be thou slave to sensing? Rise above thy sensing. Be Me in thy knowing.”
