13 - Cycles
All energy is expressed in wave cycles.
A cycle is a two-way electric journey from a compression point of rest where gravity ceases and radiation begins, to an expansion point of rest at wave field boundaries where radiation ceases and gravity begins. It is the universal heartbeat of this pulsing universe of two-wave motion.
The life-death cycle of man is one wave in an electric current. Growth and decay, or the incomingoutgoing breath, are two halves of cycles.
Matter is expressed in two-way cycles because matter is but a record of God's knowing, expressed by the two opposed desires of His two-way self-voiding thinking.
All Nature is an expression of the two desires of the Creator, the desire for separation from the oneness of rest in Him into a multiplicity of imaged forms of His imagining, and for a voidance of that multiplicity by a return to rest in His oneness.
A cycle is like winding and unwinding a clock spring except that matter is wound up into visible spheres and unwound into invisible cubes. The unwinding of a clockspring is a reverse process from that of its winding. Nature is continuous. It never reverses, like the piston in an engine, or two children on a seesaw.
Nature turns its waves inside-out and outside-in in a continuous spiral flow of direction. Solid matter gradually interchanges with space in its breathing cycles until gravitation has attained its maxiumum.
Radiation then exceeds the power of gravitation and matter begins to expand instead of to contract.
Radiation is light outwardly bound from the seed. Gravitation is light inwardly bound toward the seed.
Outwardly bound light manifests the unfolding of patterned light from the seed. It is the mother of Creation. Inwardly bound light manifests the refolding of patterned light into its seed. It is the father of Creation.
The mother of creation gives patterned bodies to idea by unfolding idea unto the heavens. That is the first half of every cycle. The father refolds all unfolding idea back toward its seed, otherwise the unfolding form could not become visible as matter. That is the second half of every cycle. All growing things manifest this unfolding and refolding process in every pulsation of interchange between the father-mother lights of Creation.
The outward-inward breath of all things is the constant interchanging cyclic process by means of which one opposite gradually becomes the other until each becomes the other in totality by completing the interchange.
Each outward-inward breath is a cycle. Each half-cycle is cancelled by its other half until both are cancelled. Neither then manifests. Both disappear into their eq2uilibrium to reappear as the other.
Life and death gradually interchange to cancel each other for the purpose of repeating the cycle of life and death.
Death is born in the same cradle with life, but life is strong while death is weak. From the very first breath of the newborn babe, death voids life by each outward breath and life voids death by each inward breath. At maturity, death has become balanced with life and death then becomes stronger until both disappear to reappear with life as the stronger and death the weaker opposite.
The expanding universe
It is said that the universe is expanding to a heat death, that all heat is gradually going out of the universe, leaving it utterly cold and empty.
It is believed that radiation is a “downhill flow of energy” which is not compensated for by an equal “uphill flow.” Radiation is known as radiant energy.
Radiation is but the outbreathing of this universal body which breaths in its entirety exactly as man and all things else in Nature breathe. Radiation is the unfolding mother-light.
The inbrething of Nature is gravitation. Gravitation is the father-light which refolds that which unfolds.
For every drop of water that “radiant energy” discharges from the earth, “gravitation energy” charges it with falling waters. One of these opposites is the downhill flow of expressed energy and the other is its equal uphill flow.
Every creating thing in this universe has a father and a mother, not only animal and vegetable life but every corpuscle of matter in the universe. Likewise every creating thing is both father and mother. The mother borns the father and the father borns the mother.
The proton borns the electron and the electron the proton. Each was the other and each sequentially becomes the other through the pulsing breath of wave interchange.
Deceptive evidence
One of the illusions which deceived man into believing that God's universal body was dying was the discovery that all nebulae are rushing away from each other with incredible velocities. This fact would lead to the utter dissolution of the universe in time. The so-called “red shift” in the spectrum proved this to be fact.
The fact is true. They do rush away from each other, but the conclusion drawn form that observed fact is not justified by the processes of natural law. The reason for the universal expansion which is now taking place is that the universe as a whole breathes inward and outward just as all things in nature do.
Large-scale breathing cycles of the whole universal body consume untold aeons for the completion of one cycle while man consumes but a few seconds to complete his cycle. Man of aeons to come will witness the effect of nebulae rushing toward each other at the same speeds for the same number of aeons.
In all Nature there is no effect of motion which is not balanced by an opposite effect. The universe is sexed throughout. One sex cannot exist without the other. “Radiant energy” is impossible without generative energy to born it.
The desire of the Creator for separateness must be balanced with His desire for oneness. The expansion stroke of the universal piston must have a balancing compression stroke in order that the universal body may manifest the life of its Creator.
The whole universe slowly expands toward the death half of its breathing cycle, and then contracts toward the life half of it.
Every separate mass in the universes in its own part of its cycle, either inbreathing toward the high point of its maturity or outbreathing toward its resurrection. Each one, whether generating or degenerating, is being generated into extended life by the inbreathing of the whole, of which each is an indissoluble part.
“In My imaged universe all things are two, centered by Me, for all things extend from the dual, twoway moving pendulum of My thinking, and My thinking is two. I, the One Light, center the two lights which register My thinking, but I am not those two lights, nor am I My thinking.
“Behold in Me the Trinity, the One extended unto the two, the One Creator centering the extended two.
“In My imaged universe all effect is also two: all thermal measures and the weights of things; the two of matter, and of time, and direction; the two of color, and of the elements; the two of the wave of My thinking, and its expressions. The very One Light of Me is extended in the two lights of My imagining.
“Naught is there in all My universe which is not part and counterpart pairs of things, equal and opposite counterpart pairs of creating and repeating things, each seeking to unbalance each, and each forever seeking balance in each.
“For behold, I am Light, but the universe of My imagining is dual light; light divided and multiplied by common root directly and inversely applied to all things which forever move two ways between the two extended lights of their centering One to express My knowing by My thinking. ”
- from The Divine Iliad
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