'Maur' is also a title, meaning it is a position of achievement. Esoterically, the achievement is the supreme activation of the Pineal Gland i.e., the Crown Chakra (Kundalini Shiva [7]) etc... by the Mother Principle called Kundalini Shakti (Shekinah, SekhMa'at) or Uatcheta (Uraeus / Caduceus).

So let's trace the word to its oldest source(s) ...

Note: 'Maur' is also a title, meaning it is a position of achievement. Esoterically, the achievement is the supreme activation of the Pineal Gland i.e., the Crown Chakra (Kundalini Shiva [7]) etc... by the Mother Principle called Kundalini Shakti (Shekinah, SekhMa'at) or Uatcheta (Uraeus / Caduceus). 

Image result for The High Priest of Anu is another form of Amen

The High Priest of Anu is another form of Amen and is the same as the biblical High Priest Order of Melchizedek (Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan verified this as being a 32˚ International Freemason. Dr. Ben was founder and high priest in the Craft of Amen-Ra and held the title/rank of 360° Grand Master in the Craft of Amen-Ra - African Mystery System).
