"So, whence comes Moorish Freemasonry (renewal)? Well, Moorish Rite Freemasonry (or Freemasonry as was practiced by ancient Moors), owes its present day existence to the late Ill.
"So, whence comes Moorish Freemasonry (renewal)?
Well, Moorish Rite Freemasonry (or Freemasonry as was practiced by ancient Moors), owes its present day existence to the late Ill.
Most Puissant Clifford E. Hazel Bey 33°/97°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern and Western Hemisphere, who encouraged some of the Freemasons in his jurisdiction to develop Moorish lodges based on Moorish cultural and historical perspective.
In late July 1998, Bros. Aalim Bey, now the SGC or El Dey of the Moorish Rite Freemasonry and Nasr Ali, jointly petitioned the Sovereign Grand Commander (Clifford E. Hazel Bey) for a charter.
The charter was granted September 9th, 1999. Moorish Rite Freemasonry today, is the evolved reemergence of an ancient Moorish Fraternal and didactic legacy. In addition, contrary to whatever perceptions exist, Moorish Rite Freemasonry is not an innovation on any contemporary Masonic Rite; its roots anchor in remote antiquity". www.moorishriteonline.net
(http://www.moorishriteonline.net/) – S.G.C. Aalim Bey, El Dey, A.F.M.R. 33°/76°
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