The Boston Tea Party incident allegedly took place on Dec. 16, 1773, as this is the history taught in school) and instead of throwing tea off the ship(s), the perpetrators from St. Andrew's Masonic Lodge of Boston,

The Boston Tea Party incident allegedly took place on Dec. 16, 1773, as this is the history taught in school) and instead of throwing tea off the ship(s), the perpetrators from St. Andrew's Masonic Lodge of Boston, Samuel Adams and 45 European masonic members disguised as Moors (Mohican / Mohawk Native Americans) dump “Consignments of a few Shiploads (340 chests from [3] three ‘alleged’ British ships) of  Tea” into the Boston Harbor. But, history never tells us, 

“Why was that statement made"?

Various historians have stated that it was because of “double taxation without proper representation”?

Nevertheless, according to various high-ranking Prince Hall Masons “They were looking for the African Lodge #1 Warrant”

Thus, the date had to be much later. It was granted on September 29, 1784, delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787 by Captain James Scott, brother-in-law of John Hancock and master of the Neptune, under its authority African Lodge No. 459 was organized one week later, May 6, 1787. 

If true, the Neptune (ship) must have been one of the (3) three boats dock at the Boston Harbor port? 

After the death of Prince Hall, on December 4, 1807, the brethren were eager to form a Grand Lodge. On June 24, 1808, they organized African Grand Lodge with the lodges from Philadelphia,
Providence and Boston, which was later renamed the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, in his honor. 

African Grand Lodge informed Boyer Lodge that they would issue them a charter, but there were some "Doubting Thomas’ " in New York, who called on African Grand Lodge to prove that they had the authority to issue charters. 

African Grand Lodge sent them a copy of their charter, but Bayer Lodge returned an answer that the charter was like any other lodge charter and they could not see that African Grand Lodge had authority to issue charters. 

As stated previously, (AGL) African Grand Lodge had been issuing charters for years, ever since they organized the Grand Lodge in 1808. But they could not prove to New York that they were really a Grand Lodge. 

There was no official pronouncement of when the event occurred. It was at this point that John I. Hilton proposed to the Grand Lodge, an official "Declaration of Independence". They were to write such a declaration and place it in the newspaper, so that it would be official, once and for all. 

And so it came to pass that on June 18, 1827 a declaration declaring African Grand Lodge:

"free from the government and control of our Mother Grand Lodge of England.. or any other lodges.

We do therefore declare ourselves henceforth free. . . and do create (this Grand Lodge) under the title of African Grand Lodge No. 1, to have and exercise the same powers of other Grand Lodges, granting
warrants and charters and establishing lodges among our brethren..."
