This is an excerpt from the lessons of C.M. Bey… When the Moorish Constitution speaks about Moors based on the “CLOCK OF DESTINY BOOK Vol 1. and Vol. 2”, he (C.M.Bey) included Moors referred to as: African, Indian, and West Indian. German, Irish, Jew, Dutch, Scotts, Italians, English and French.
If you read the history of the Moors you will understand that it is due to a heavy influx of Moorish blood in their veins - Nakim Allah Bey.
The right hand man to President John Hanson (a Moor) of the was Benjamin Banneker, actually known as Chief Justice Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali, Prince of the Le’Nape and member of
the Continental Congress.
We suspect that Prince Hall (1735 – 1807?), a "mystic name" meaning an 'allegory' is really Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali (1731 - 1806) [more later]? Note, that according to the date of both of these great men lived during the same time.
The following are the generally told stories of Benjamin Banneker (Big Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali / Prince Hall. Even so, out of the two enigmas Benjamin Banneker and Prince Hall… it is Prince Hall who has the less amount of information and apparently the most conjecture. Prince Hall's birth date and birthplace are subject to conjecture.
He may have been born in England, Massachusetts or Barbados, and his year of birth is generally recorded as either 1735 or 1738?
Grand Master William Grimshaw even had it at 1748. George W. Crawford issued his “PRINCE HALL AND HIS FOLLOWERS” in 1914.
Harry A Williamson published small booklets, “A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF PRINCE HALL MASONRY” in 1934, “THE PRINCE HALL PRIMER” in 1946,
and articles of “MASONIC HISTORY IN NEW YORK STATE”. Arthur Schomburg published his “MASONIC TRUTHS: A LETTER AND DOCUMENT”, (n.d.). Harold Van Buren Voorhis in 1940, brought out his “NEGRO MASONRY IN THE UNITED STATES”. Voorhis based much of what he wrote on Grimshaw's book. A short time later Voorhis discovered Grimshaw's book was loaded with errors and fanciful writing, so Voorhis removed his book from distribution. Harry E. Davis published a more complete “HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG NEGROES IN AMERICA” in 1946, but he also found Grimshaw's book full of
myths and outright untruths.
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