The Proto-historic figure of Tera-neter, a nobleman of the Anu or Aunu race who was the first inhabitants of Egypt.
The Proto-historic figure of Tera-neter, a nobleman of the Anu or Aunu race who was the first
inhabitants of Egypt.
The "Tera-neter" tile is predynastic being found by British Egyptologist W.M. Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) in 1939 the early temple at Abydos underneath the dynastic temple.
In “THE MAKING OF EGYPT,” Page 68, it states, “There is the aboriginal race of the Anu, Aunu, people or “Sun People”... (Note: Melanites are the "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" or "RAs CHILDREN" or "PHREE MESSENs" or "FREE MA-SONs" [MUS-LIMS / MES REM] or PEACE MAKERS [MU-SLIMS] by NATURE [NETERGOD]).
Masons from time immemorial have been called “Sons of Light.” It is a peculiar co-incidence that the Egyptian words “Phre-Massen” mean “Children (especially Sons) of the Sun (Sommum Bonum, the "Highest Good" Latin introduced by Cicero),” that is “Sons of Light,” a term applied to those who had been received into the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries.
The word “Phre” meant the Sun, and Mas was a child. According to Gerald Massey, the foremost Egyptologist, in his book, “BOOK OF BEGINNINGS Vol I and II” he states, the name “Free Mason” is derived from the ancient Medu Neter “Phree Messen,”
meaning “Child of the Light (Sun).” The Sons and Daughters of Ra (Light) are the Radiant Ones, Luminous Beings who have ascended to become as Ra traversing the Celestial Plane of Nut in the Bark
of Millions of Years standing in the company of the immortals / Neteru / Ancestors giving command and direction.
They are those who have perfected their character and spirit and thereby reclaimed their Divinity in Asaru (Ausar).
The Children of Ra (Amen-Ra) are also the Children of Israel ('Asaru' or "Asar Re"). The story of the Children of Israel as told in Hebrew Mythology is taken from the “PERT EM HERU”
text misnomer "THE BOOK OF THE DEAD" by E. A. Wallis Budge and represents the cosmological journey of Ra.
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