Comments on Chinese spy chips: Communism is a tool employed by the top NWO globalists. These psychopaths love communism and socialism because it gives them nearly cart-blanch to do pretty much whatever they want. They did it to Russia, and they did it to China.

Comments on Chinese spy chips: 

Communism is a tool employed by the top NWO globalists.  These psychopaths love communism and socialism because it gives them nearly cart-blanch to do pretty much whatever they want.  They did it to Russia, and they did it to China. 

If you think the Chinese government is “behind” this then you need to do a rethink.  America was hijacked by the same psycho organization decades ago, and the American people have been unwitting tools used by these psychos to commit mischief and mayhem all over the globe.  Remember Bush Jr.’s comment “this would be easier if it were a dictatorship”?  This wasn’t hyperbole, he was being transparent.  

These chips are not a china against America thing ... they are a NWO globalist thing against national sovereignty thing.  

The Chinese people are poised to be used by the NWO just like America was.  This has always been the plan ... we are just now waking up to it and just a bit too soon for comfort, and the NWO is panicking.  This is why they have been desperate to destroy Trump and the American people who are actively working to restore the republic.
