Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

This may be something you already know; you have ownership over every single aspect of your life.  Your thoughts, actions, reactions, emotions,your drive, love, your ambition, your compassion and empathy…they are yours!  You determine which path to choose and walk, you have control over when/where to stay and when enough is enough.  This gift, these amazing choices are yours!  Making others responsible for your life and feelings is handing over your power with nary a whimper.
You are being reminded that it is time to step up and into your new role in this great shift of consciousness…this is something only you can do!  Even though you may not feel it from those around you, the unwavering support and Unconditional Love of The Universe is always there.  The only thing holding you back is you!  Your new state of be-ing is waiting, are you ready? ~ Creator
