A Solution to Pollution - Mycoremediation - using fungi to clean up oil spills

A Solution to Pollution - Mycoremediation in the Ecuadorian Amazon - Nicola Peel
A film by Nicola Peel, about how mushrooms are helping to clean up oil spills in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Mycoremediation is an incredible technique using fungi to break down oil and other contaminants. This short film shows how the Amazon Mycorenewal Project http://www.amazonmycorenewal.org initiated the first ever trials using myco-remediation in highly polluted areas of the Ecuadorian rainforest.

For more information, including how you can help to support this project, seehttp://bit.ly/Gaiamycoremediation 

To help support this important work, please donate here: http://bit.ly/HelpCleanForests

More information:
How fungi -- mushrooms -- mycelium can help save the world http://bit.ly/65J05u

Paul Stamets is a guru of all things Fungi http://www.fungi.com/mycotech/index.html
