Dear brothers and sisters.
Today I waned to give my POINT OF VIEW of what is going to
happen, To many of our Brothers and Sisters who have been breaking
the Laws, For many years and now the NSA Systems Surveillance System, Is now being used by President DONALD TRUMP and the MARINES, To apply real Justice.
I have provided some flow Charts which I had created Long ago, and
which will Provide you with some insight what really has been going on
with their World Surveillance and Monitoring , Funneling and collecting
all our Data and Information for many years.
So the CONCLUSION they have every thing of all of us.
So the next thing is they are going to request us to comply
with all the Banking Regulations they have created long ago. Which was
never Implemented, and applied world wide by none the FIU
So the key is the to tell the TRUTH, and not hide nothing.
If you comply and FILE everything nothing will happen to you. But you can
listen To my Video, and understand that many of the Bankers already
have been Under investigations, and there are more sanctions and rules
on the way.
So all this things are also happening here in CURACAO ,
where they have Already taken over all the BANKS, and the CENTRAL BANK, but
the Public is not aware of this yet.
Now they are telling that all the Rest of the Businesses and
Companies Who are into Money Transactions have to report and File or
they will be Sanctioned and lose their Licenses, and would be brought to
So you see they are taking advantage of this situation,
because they don’t have nothing to do with what has been going in the USA
or what FINCEN and other Groups are already executing world wide, with
investigation and arrest.
The Citizens have to understand that the BANKERS have lost
their License Because of the Investigations, so their Mortgages and Credit
Card don’t need to be paid back, because the BANK is in DEFAULT and has lost
authority on these Transactions.
But I know that many of the Citizens of Curacao and other Island
don’t know this, and most of them will try to leave the Island
and leave the Keys and their Cars for those who know that the Property and the House is now
But I this is ongoing all over the WORLD, the IMPLEMENTATION
Thank you and have a Blessed day.
There are more things happening all over the world, and we
To stay inform and awaken.
Ronald Wederfoort.
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