We the Citizens of EARTH of now take back our HOME and EVICT all NEGATIVE ENERGIES, Beings, and entities, that reside here. - By the POWER AND LAWS of the UNIVERSE - Leave NOW! - Earth GAIA is Frequency of LIGHT that no longer allows, negative Frequencies to inhabit the SURFACE or Indeed any region under the SURFACE of the Planet.

We the Citizens of EARTH of now take back our HOME and EVICT all NEGATIVE ENERGIES,
Beings, and entities, that reside here. - By the POWER AND LAWS of the UNIVERSE -
Leave NOW!  
- Earth GAIA is Frequency of LIGHT that no longer allows, negative Frequencies to
inhabit the SURFACE or Indeed any region under the SURFACE of the Planet.


- All Beings who do not VIBRATE a Higher Frequency of positive and Loving Energy for ALL -
LEAVE NOW - leave this planet in PEACE ! - This DECLARATION OF SOVEREIGNTY  
for Planet Earth is COMPLETE.
- LEAVE the WATERS of our UNIVERSE, for your Presence here is no LONGER AGREED 

