According to ILena Kapulink who worked in a CYBERNETIC LAB on MARS. Soldiers on MARS have NANO TECH Neurolink implants in their Brains and wear SMART SUITS which LEVITATE.
If injured their TECH AUTOMATICALLY request for HELP from PORTABLE MEDITECH STASIS POD which keeps their VITALS alive until they are brought back to the LAB.
If they are unable to move their SMART SUITS will levitate to get then to reach the PORTABLE PODS which then TRANSFER them to the BASE. The MEDITECH POD units put INJURED SUBJECTS into STASIS SLEEP in order to SLOW down BODILY DEGRADATION and CONSERVE LIFE FORCE ENERGY so that Patients do not DIE on their WAY FOR MEDICAL ATTENTION. These Portable UNITS are designed for BASIC WOUND REPAIR ON THE GO, and SMALL-SCALE ORGAN
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