But why Super Soldiers? What kind of war are they preparing us for?



 And this is exactly how it's planned to be. 

 Before we know it, we are dependent upon machines for our survival, and few are even questioning it. 

New and exciting technology is brilliantly presented to our youth to an affordable price, and the parents provide them with what they need, because the older generation, who's been busy working day and night for a living, multitasking and wearing themselves out before their time, want to make sure their kids are fit for the new world. 

They want their children to understand what they themselves don't, to ensure a good future for the younger generation. 

So, they have already brought us into the Machine World, and the transition has been quick and smooth, because they know how the human mind works -- after all, they were the ones who helped to create it. 

So far, biological beings are still needed to do many of the tasks businesses require from their workers, but this will change too in the future. 

What the Sirians want to do, foremost, is to create so-called 'Super Soldiers', totally one with machine technology, and fearless. 

We will see how medicine will merge with machine technology as well when soldier get wounded in war, and new, mechanical body parts are waiting for them to replace the old, destroyed ones. In the future (if we continue choosing this particular timeline), it won't matter which body part gets blown off; there's always a replacement. 

We have already started seeing this with soldiers coming home from war after have lost a leg, an arm, a foot, a hand, or whatever it may be. The replacements are now so sophisticated that after a while the soldier is fit for fight again and chooses to go back to the battlefield once more, sometimes only to have another body part blown to pieces. 

But why Super Soldiers? 

What kind of war are they preparing us for? 

Apparently, this potential war requires more than just ordinary soldiers who are mind controlled in the ordinary fashion; this war requires soldiers who don't give up or retreat, even when they lose body parts. 

Are they preparing our bodies for such a task, or are they actually preparing our minds? 

The Sirian Warlords think they have planned this very well; not only here on Earth, but also elsewhere, on other occupied worlds. They have no problem manipulating what they think of as the 'primitive minds' of the lulus (which would be you and I). 

They have a thousand and one different ways of manipulating us into agreement with what they're doing, with most of us not suspecting anything. 

And as long as we agree with the slave masters, no one will intervene, because we become like them; we are their allies if we look at it from the viewpoint of Universal Law. This is the perfect example how someone can turn an otherwise excellent law into something bad by taking advantage of the freedom it is meant to endorse. 

I am talking about the Law of Free Will. Only if we as a soul group get together and say "we've had enough!", other star races will listen and possibly come to our assistance. They more or less just wait for us to get together and do just that. But as long as we agree with the Sirians, wittingly or unwittingly, the Law of Free Will is applied to us and our situation, and there is not much anyone can do.

The Warlords know this extremely well. It's like the saying that goes, "No one knows the law better than the criminal", or "no one knows how to read the Bible better than Satan". 

They know the Law of Free Will on their fingertips and they use it for their own benefit all the time. And we are like little kids whom they hand out candy to, and we stand in line, impatiently, to get our piece.

They have us wrapped around their fingers and they laugh at our stupidity. In the end, when we are trained enough and ready to go, we will once again be their foot soldiers, but this time in a much bigger war -- the one against their arch enemy; the Divine Feminine, and the star races who defend her! 

 So this is most likely what they are preparing us for. They are far from there yet, however. It will not happen now and probably not in a hundred years, but it will happen! 

They are mobilizing their forces and getting them ready for a war that hasn't been seen in this sector of the Universe in a very long time, if ever before. 

Not only do they have seven billion potential souls in their space army, counting the current civilization, but they also have their old colonies and more recent occupied and manipulated worlds at their convenience. 

But the Divine Feminine is strong. 

How can they win a war of that magnitude? 

Well, they can't do it only with numbers; they are also, as we know, vampires. They have already gathered a lot of KHAA energy from the Feminine Fire that was inserted in mankind once upon a time and they believe they have grown very strong and are possibly pretty close to attempting a first attack. 

After all, if a few million people die in a first try, so what? 

Losses like that don't bother the Sirians.
