It is the same thing with timelines. It needs a 'Primary Event' to start a new timeline, so it has something to be anchored to


Primary Events If you are hanging up a string on the wall you need a needle or something to stick through the string so that it stays on the wall. In fact, you need one needle on both end it you want it go horizontal. It is the same thing with timelines. It needs a 'Primary Event' to start a new timeline, so it has something to be anchored to[3]. One typical Primary Event would be the drop of the atom bombs in Japan at the end of World War II; another is 9/11. If we want to go much further back another one would be the Deluge.

 Now when we're heading towards a new cycle, it looks like the Sirians want a 'Unifying Event' that may be traumatizing enough to start a new timeline; something that would unify the whole world population. 

From the research I have done in this field, I have had the privilege to get some insight into the Sirians' whereabouts through LPG-C, but also learned even more about their deceptive nature. They now seemingly want to use the incoming Ša.AM.e as a Primary Event once more, just like they apparently did when the biblical Deluge happened. For a while it looked like it was the Superwave, but that has now been put on the back burner. A.R. says that we are past due for the Superwave, so it may happen any time from today up to 500 years in the future, so it doesn't sound that they are concentrating on that event right now. 

From have said that the Incoming Planet is no longer an issue as other things will happen first, it has now been voted up to Top 1 again. I would suggest the readers keep an eye open on the four links I put up in the last paper to see what their next step is. I want to clarify one thing, however. According to LPG-C, it's not just A.R.'s organization and a faction of the Sirians (including Utu Shamash, the Sirian Ambassador to Earth) who are supposedly working on saving mankind from an upcoming disaster; A.R. says his organization has been working in conjunction with several different star races they have been meeting with on an annual basis, off planet and on our planet. A.R. has told us (his email group) that in those annual meetings other human groups have attended as well (and I get the feeling he's talking about corporate CEO's and their top management, and groups of that caliber, but it's apparently confidential, and he is not to mention the names of those human groups, although he has mentioned from which star systems the different ET groups come who are attending these meetings). 

Although these gatherings usually are held on an annual basis, it seems like they have been scheduled more frequent lately due to alleged upcoming events. However, if these meetings are taking place at all, I don't think the attendants are a mix of random ET races who want to help; if the gatherings are real, they are held by the Sirian Alliance, and they seem rushed, because they are making serious mistakes. In order to figure things out, I have stayed as a member of LPG-C's 'Linkage Institute', which consists of people from different walks in life, but in one way or the other I have done something LPG-C finds worthwhile so that they can become members in this closed group. It is nothing more than a group where we members can share ideas, ask questions, and make comments.

The goal is to find a solution to the End Time problems and start working on them. By being on that group, I was able to hear what was happening on LPG-C's, and the Sirians' end of the spectrum, but couldn't say much about it. I wanted to know enough, or all I needed to know, before I came out in public with my disagreements with the group. The entire papers in the 'Second Level of Learning' have been a counter-act to what LPG-C is teaching. I have been exposing the Sirians for what they are, presented a Feminine Universe, and done my best to de-demonize the Aryans, who have gotten an undeserved bad reputation thanks to Sirian propaganda. 

All this goes totally against what LPG-C stands for. If I'd done the exact opposite, I would have been doing their work. A.R. has been quiet about my Level II papers, but then the story goes that he's been pretty busy elsewhere. Then again, he and the Sirians may not care, because they think people like me can't make much of an impact and/or in anyway threaten the Sirian power. 

It's the same arrogance they have when comes to researchers into the New World Order and the so-called Illuminati. They think, "let them have it. They can't stop us!" I think that is their biggest mistake.
