The story which you are going to read happened long time ago faraway place in
the universe which was been impacted on our history of Earth.
Many sources prove authenticity.
I didn’t add-up anything extra but re-edited the texts into more organized way too easy
to comprehend. I am going to include more information when it comes to my notice.
Sources: “TERRA - a Hidden History of Planet Earth” by Robert Morning Sky.
“Alien World Order” by Len Kasten
“The Complete Earth Chronicles” by Zecharia Sitchin.
The history of Man and Earth presented by Bek'Ti (Star being) in 1960s is both exciting
and frightening.
Far Away Galaxy called “Eridanus” (75 Million Light Years from Earth), on a Planet
called “Green World”some Billions of Years ago:
A Reptilian Humanoid Race called KHEB may evolved from Dragonflies over millions of years
or may evolved in Draco star system appeared fully developed or come from another
Universe / Dimension or another time period.
THE 'SSS' (Reptilian) EMPIRE: ARI-AN (Orion star system) Queens are also known as
SSS-T or NEKH-T Queens. They were cold-blooded warriors with frightening dragon-like
faces. They weathered war and chaos to seize and retain a sizable portion of the Ninth Sector
of the galaxy. Queen Mother was called "Queen BI" while younger sitting queen was called
"Queen AYA". 7 chosen daughters of the Queen are called "SSS-TT".Each Princess was
known as "SSS-T-UR". The Divine Queen or her supreme majesty also known as "KHAR".
The Elite warriors guarding the Queen were known as “MAKH”. SAKH
(death from Reptilian beings) are Reptilian administrators who conquer other Worlds.
Reptilian people of Home or other worlds are called "SSS-B".
Reptilian species reproduces by laying eggs. Fertilized eggs (with semen from Male) become
Females while Unfertilized eggs become Males.
THE 'ASA-RRR' (Wolfen or Feline) EMPIRE: In the Ninth Sector, the worlds of the
RRR (far away in Sirius Star system, on a planet with 3 Suns in the Sky, one of which
was massive star Canis major also known as Dog Star) would be known as 'ASA-RRR'.
Led by the fearsome 'IKU' Warriors, a barbaric army with a fleet of deadly Starships of
overwhelming fire-power, the Kings of ASA-RRR wreaked havoc on the worlds surrounding
the Ninth Passageway.
The IKU (The Elite Forces) and BEH (Warrior Ground Forces) of the Sirians became
known as the 'DAK' or 'TAK', the 'Teeth' of the RRR.
A 'Star Lane' known as the PESH-METEN (Ninth Passageway) was a vital super-starway linking the inner Central Stars to the outermost edges of the galaxy. By controlling this Star Lane, the ARI-AN Queens maintained power over their Empire, collected revenues, and influenced the political affairs of the Central Stars.
Aggressive and ravenous, unrelenting in their expansion, the RRR Conqueror Kings began the slow, methodical take-over of the 'PESH-METEN' (Ninth Passageway), a crucial Star Lane.
Seizing the Passageway would give the ASA-RRR Kings control of travel into and out of the
ARI-AN Empire, and that possibility was one the SSS-T Queens could not permit.
The Queens of ARI-AN called for a meeting of Royals. If the Kings of ASA-RRR (Wolfen)
pledged their loyalty to the SSS-T (Reptilian) High Throne and submitted themselves to
the service of the Throne then they would be granted control of the outer stars of the
Ninth Sector. Realizing the magnitude of power in the offer extended, the ASA-RRR Kings
quickly agreed to the Alliance.
The DAK forces and mighty AR Death Planet were placed in the service of the SSS-T
Queens, the outer Ninth Sector was made part of the ASA-RRR Empire.
Catapulted to a place as super power by the Alliance, the Stars of ASA-RRR
became known as the Empire of 'SSS-T.RRR.SSS-T' / 'Empire, born of the
SSS-T, dying for the SSS-T', or 'SS-RR-SS' (Sirius).
In the Kingdom of Sirius, The Great AL-SHAR was the brother of the then Great King AN-AN,
Elder King of ASA-RRR and assists him in the governing the empire pretending to be
faithful. He was responsible for assassination of his brother AN-AN with his elite troop one
day and became Royal Cup Bearer as King AL-AL (AL-SHAR).
Lord Prince AN-SHAR, son of the Hero King AN-AN & heir apparent, was captured and
Prince AN-U grandson of the Great AN-AN was both hostage and servant to this new King AL-AL.
In this time, a new Star was beginning to mature, its young worlds cooling down to form
inhabitable planets. King AL-AL, recognizing a potential for untapped precious ores, and
the possibility of a strategic military outpost, immediately sent a trusted and faithful
administrator to lay claim to the New Solar System (ARIDU).
Lord AL-AL-IM, Master of Genesis Sciences, had an imposing task before him, to colonize
and develop a primitive planetary system.
The young Sun (Sol) had originally formed with only two worlds in orbit around it, one tiny inner planet,
(now known as Mercury) and one larger planet, its name to eventually be 'TIAMAT'.
In time, six more worlds would form which are One One pair of inner worlds (Venus and Mars),
two central giants (Jupiter and Saturn), and a pair of twin planets, (Neptune and Uranus).
But it was TIAMAT, the tropical world, that would be the first planet developed by Lord AL-AL-IM in his
Meanwhile, in the kingdom by taking the opportunity on one day, AN-U, the one-time
King AL-AL, hearing of the war in the Palace, chose not to fight the Prince. Fleeing for his
But it was TIAMAT, the tropical world, that would be the first planet developed by Lord AL-AL-IM in his
Already inhabited by settlers of numerous galactic star systems, TIAMAT was both a paradise
and a frontier world of danger. The presence of an ASA-RRR military contingency force and
a direct link to King AL-AL and the Empire of ARI-AN was welcomed by the colonists and
their families. Protection and necessary supplies would now be available, TIAMAT would
become a full-fledged world.
Our SUN was called 'Bad', 'where Death is'.
MERCURY was christened 'MUM-MU', 'first born traveler'.
VENUS was called 'DAK-A-MU', comfortable shelter for the Reptilian IKU and
BEH forces. This was soon become a Military Outpost.
MARS was the world of 'DAK-MU', 'place of the DAK'.
The Red Sands planet, next in line, was a world with air and water, trees and an
environment suitable for settlers to inhabit. A good site for colonists, it also provided
a much need surface land for a central military fortress.
TIAMAT in line was the center of the colonization efforts of Lord AL-AL-IM.
JUPITER known as 'BAR-BAR-U' it was called, 'World of Metal Metals'. Largest of all
Planets was gigantic possessing gravitational forces that made it unsuitable
for habitation but excellent for the production of super-metals
SATURN was known as 'TAR-GALLU', the 'Great Destroyer'. Of all the planets,
the 'Ringed One' would prove the most dangerous.
URANUS was known as 'SHANAMMA' would be difficult to colonize because
of poisonous gases in its skies but would be ideal for Genesis.
NEPTUNE was called as IR-U was a watery world with a misty covering.
As his final project. Lord AL-AL-IM constructed a nearly perfect duplicate of the Palace of
the ASA-RRR Kings' Known as 'Kl' its name literally meant 'In the Likeness of'.
The new solar system of BAD had been conquered. In recognition of the efforts of
AL-AL-IM, the system was called 'ARI-DU', 'the Mastered Place.'
And its Lord was AL-AL-IM, the EN-GI, 'Lord of the World in the Likeness of ASA-RRR'.
Prince and highly disgruntled grandson of the Great AN-AN, waged a war against his
Uncle King AL-AL.
life, the Great AL-AL descended to his far-away Palace in the ARI-DU System.
Here, a loyal following received the deposed King with the enthusiasm of thankful subjects.
Refuge was found in the island outpost AL-AL had developed. Here he would be a King, still
adored and still welcomed.
But history was about to repeat itself. For in the very heart of ARI-DU, the grandson of King AL-AL (ALALU), AL-AL-GAR, heir apparent to the Throne of the solar system, had become a far more powerful figure to the followers of King AL-AL than the King of ASA-RRR was comfortable with.
Born to one of the IKIKI pilots, the orbiting 'Watchers' of AN-U, AL-AL-GAR learned early the ways of the Star-pilots and their Warships. His piloting skills developed quickly, and in short time he was granted the status of IKU 'Master'.
As a sign of his good intentions, Prince EN-LIL gave his brother agricultural implements for the beast, tools for him so that the beast could learn how to grow his own food. The Genesis Prince was surprised, but grateful for the gift from his brother. In exchange, Prince EA promised to enhance the skills and abilities of certain special hybrids used by Lord EN-LIL in the administration of ERIDU.
As word of Prince EA's beast spread to neighboring stars and galaxies, another group
Back on ASA-RRR, the ex-Prince, celebrated his long awaited revenge. The throne was
his; he was King AN-U.
AN-U placed his own elite IKU Star-pilots, the 'IKIKI', into orbits throughout the solar
system. Any transgression, any mistake made by AL-AL, would bring down the
wrath of his Highness, King AN-U.
To further secure the solar system. King AN-U placed his own Sons,
Prince AN-EN, in charge of the elite IKU Starships, and a special group called the 'IKIKI',
the 'Watchers'. His title would be 'EN-LIL', 'Lord of Command' later known as Yahweh.
Lord Prince EA (eldest son) , also a Master of Genesis Sciences, to the position of
EN-GI also called EN-Ki later known as LUCIFER or LORD VISHNU, the very
same position once held by AL-AL-IM, to insure shipments of crucial resources
remained intact and on time.
EN-LIL would travel the sky-ways, EN-KI would develop the system worlds and conduct continuing Genesis experiments on the watery world of SHANAMA (URANUS), Mining, production and metallurgical operations would also fall into the realm of Prince EA's control. In this way, the King was assured his hand would extend over AL-AL's Solar system (AR-DU).
King AN-U would never forget the torments his father had endured. The hatred of a lifetime welled up within his very being. King AL-AL would live, but he would pay for his sins against the family of AN-U.
But history was about to repeat itself. For in the very heart of ARI-DU, the grandson of King AL-AL (ALALU), AL-AL-GAR, heir apparent to the Throne of the solar system, had become a far more powerful figure to the followers of King AL-AL than the King of ASA-RRR was comfortable with.
After IKU training, the Prince AL-AL-GAR went to the High Palace of his grandfather, 'AM-BAHU', 'The Gathering Place'. He would make a strange request. Rather than rest on his laurels, the Prince asked to receive further training, only this time, in the military discipline of the elite BEH Warriors. Disciplined ground forces that were equivalent to the DAK Warriors of the skyways, the BEH were equally feared in the Ninth Sector.
The Prince. Fleeing for his life, the Great AL-AL descended to his far-away Palace in the ARI-DU System. Here, a loyal following received the deposed King with the enthusiasm of thankful subjects. Refuge was found in the island outpost AL-AL had developed. Here he would be a King, still adored and still welcomed.
EN-LIL would travel the sky-ways, EN-KI would develop the system worlds and conduct continuing Genesis experiments on the watery world of SHANAMA (URANUS), Mining, production and metallurgical operations would also fall into the realm of Prince EA's control. In this way, the King was assured his hand would extend over AL-AL's Solar system (AR-DU).
But history was about to repeat itself. For in the very heart of ARI-DU, the grandson of King AL-AL (ALALU), AL-AL-GAR, heir apparent to the Throne of the solar system, had become a far more powerful figure to the followers of King AL-AL than the King of ASA-RRR was comfortable with.
Born to one of the IKIKI pilots, the orbiting 'Watchers' of AN-U, AL-AL-GAR learned early the ways of the Star-pilots and their Warships. His piloting skills developed quickly, and in short time he was granted the status of IKU 'Master'.
Lord Prince IKU-MAR-BEH moved quickly. With loyal IKIKI Warriors in the skyways and BEH Warriors on the planets, the takeover of the solar system was quick and decisive. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH found little resistance. The inhabitants of the AL-AL Kingdom supported his rebellion, they opposed the rule of the ASA-RRR empire. Small pockets of AN-U loyalists were captured, and neutralized. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH had won!
The Prince IKU-MAR-BEH (AL-AL-GAR) was victorious. As King of the rebel kingdom he would become known as King 'ZU-ZU', or 'ZUZ' (Zeus). The capture of the AR of AN-U would earn AR-ZU yet another name, 'AR-ZU', 'Supreme Lord of the AR'. In honor of his victory, the Palace of his grandfather, previously called 'AL AMBAHU' was renamed 'AL AMBAHU ZU' or 'AL-AMBA-ZU' (Olympus), 'Place-of Gathering of AL and ZU'.
The story really says KUMARBI 'used his teeth'(DAK) on AN-U's 'ball of power' (The AR).
With the help of his DAKH (TYPHON or AR) Warriors, AN-U made fierce attack in short-time on ARI-DU Solar system and IKIKI warriors of AR-ZU (IKU-MAR-BEH). AN-U used AR Deathship to made attack on Tiamat planet and destroyed it completely. TIAMAT was no more! Only the 'grave' stones remained which is now the Asteroid belt between MARS and JUPITER.
As Lord AR-ZU (AL-AL-GAR), now King ZU-ZU, rested in his Palace on a mountain top of DAK-MU (MARS) , an astonishing message was received. The largest fragment of TIAMAT had slowed in its fall toward the sun, it would not disappear into the fiery abyss at all! It would come to rest in its own orbit just within the orbit of DAK-MU.
With the help of Orion Queen SSS-T, AN-U – King of ASA-RRR made attack on Lord ZU-ZU and his ARI-DU Solar System.
Prince EA (ENKI) was commanded by King AN-U to re-build, and to establish a mining operation, extracting vital ores and precious minerals on war-torn planets of AR-DU.
But to the horror of Prince EA, the King ended his words with an announcement that cut like a knife into his being... EN-LIL would remain in charge of ERIDU!
And thus the revenge of EA was born. Although directed to use the cellular material from one of the ANUNNAKI Lords, specifically chosen by Prince EN-LIL, Prince EA substituted cells of his own choosing for the experiment. The time for the uncovering of the true identity of the beast would someday come, and he, Prince EA, would have the last laugh.
The APA hybrid, known as 'ADAPA', was an able beast, ready to serve his masters.
Back on ASA-RRR, the ex-Prince, celebrated his long awaited revenge. The throne was his; he was King AN-U.
AN-U placed his own elite IKU Star-pilots, the 'IKIKI', into orbits throughout the solar system. Any transgression, any mistake made by AL-AL, would bring down the wrath of his Highness, King AN-U.
To further secure the solar system. King AN-U placed his own Sons,
Prince AN-EN, in charge of the elite IKU Starships, and a special group called the 'IKIKI', the 'Watchers'. His title would be 'EN-LIL', 'Lord of Command' later known as Yahweh.
Lord Prince EA (eldest son) , also a Master of Genesis Sciences, to the position of EN-GI also called EN-Ki later known as LUCIFER or LORD VISHNU, the very same position once held by AL-AL-IM, to insure shipments of crucial resources remained intact and on time.
King AN-U would never forget the torments his father had endured. The hatred of a lifetime welled up within his very being. King AL-AL would live, but he would pay for his sins against the family of AN-U.
But history was about to repeat itself. For in the very heart of ARI-DU, the grandson of King AL-AL (ALALU), AL-AL-GAR, heir apparent to the Throne of the solar system, had become a far more powerful figure to the followers of King AL-AL than the King of ASA-RRR was comfortable with.
After IKU training, the Prince AL-AL-GAR went to the High Palace of his grandfather, 'AM-BAHU', 'The Gathering Place'. He would make a strange request. Rather than rest on his laurels, the Prince asked to receive further training, only this time, in the military discipline of the elite BEH Warriors. Disciplined ground forces that were equivalent to the DAK Warriors of the skyways, the BEH were equally feared in the Ninth Sector.
Exhibiting exemplary skills, the Prince once again completed his training in short time. Rise with quickness through the ranks. Lord PrinceAL-AL-GAR would earn the title 'IKU-MAR-BEH', 'He is a Great One of the IKIKI and the BEH'.
But, AL-AL-GAR, an honored Master of both Warrior disciplines, was to garner one more title'. He would receive the title of'ZU', 'One who is Supreme Master', a status given only to the most elite of Warriors, a very select handful of fighters.
With the help of his loyal IKIKI warriors, AL-AL-GAR (IKU-MAR-BEH) made attack on AN-U Spacecraft through Planet-sized Death ship at the time when he was in the AR-DU Solar System. The forces of AN-U, outnumbered and overwhelmed, struck back.
The DAK Elite Royal Guard had little chance of victory; all they could only hope to do was create sufficient time to allow the King to escape. As AN-U fled into the stars on an escort ship into his kingdom ASA-RRR, a final explosion and fire-ball marked the last stand of his loyal DAK defenders.
Lord Prince IKU-MAR-BEH moved quickly. With loyal IKIKI Warriors in the skyways and BEH Warriors on the planets, the takeover of the solar system was quick and decisive. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH found little resistance. The inhabitants of the AL-AL Kingdom supported his rebellion, they opposed the rule of the ASA-RRR empire. Small pockets of AN-U loyalists were captured, and neutralized. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH had won!
'The Battle of AN-U and KUMARBI', an ancient legend found on Babylonian clay tablets, describes a royal battle in the skies in which Prince KUMARBI fights with and defeats King AN-U, who flees into heaven. Before the battle is over, KUMARBI 'bites' AN-U in the genitals, hurting him.
The story really says KUMARBI 'used his teeth'(DAK) on AN-U's 'ball of power' (The AR).
Lord AR-ZU, and the IKIKI who remained, returned to DAK-MU (MARS), the central fortress. DAK-MU, a wondrous world itself, would become the new Royal Planet. On DAK-MU, Lord and King AR-ZU would begin again, re-building the glory of TIAMAT and constructing a new Golden era, independent of ASA-RRR.
Lord King ZU-ZU wasted no time. Summoning his own teams of Genesis scientists, he ordered them to rebuild the burned skeletal remains of TIAMAT.
In the Hall of AL-AL-U (Valhalla) on the world reconstructed, they would be honored, never to be forgotten.
It would take time to re-evaluate, to plan for another attack.
The Theogony, a Greek tale of old, relates the tale of Zeus (ZU-ZU) and the Olympus Gods (AL-AMBAHU-ZU) who battle against the Olden Gods of Mount Othyres. (OSIRIS or SIRIUS).
Prince EN-LIL, also forced to flee the ARIDU system, had returned to sit in Royal Court of ASA-RRR. The potential threat he posed could not be ignored either. The King (AN-U) faced danger everywhere.
The invasion forces poured into the solar system. IKIKI and DEH forces of AR-ZU were overwhelmed by the sheer number of ASA-RRR and ARI-AN warships. In short time, the invasion forces surrounded the War Planet. But the orders of attack, issued by King AN-U, did not allow for prisoners, DAK-MU was to suffer total annihilation.
King ZU-ZU was captured and subdued, sentenced to return to the SIRIAN Star system for punishment. All rebel warrior forces of King ZU-ZU were summarily executed, as were loyal, faithful followers. The entirety of the empire's population would be brutally and cruelly punished... guilty or not.
Great Lord King AN-U was relieved. The Evil One, rebel King ZU-ZU was vanquished. The Hand of the ASA-RRR was once again restored to the Ninth Passageway, and the realm of the ARI-AN SSS-T Queens was strengthened once again.
The destruction of the world of ZU-ZU had been complete. The Planet of Red Sands was reduced to dust and rubble. All traces of life were destroyed. Without life and plants, the atmosphere died. Ice sheets formed from the poles almost to the equator, DAK-MU (MARS) was frozen in its death. And its sister world, DAK-A-MU (VENUS), had been transformed into a planet of arid, scorched lands and deadly poisonous oceans.
ARIDU (Solar System), the once rebuilt home of the Rebel ZU-ZU, was also devastated. Only IRU (NEPTUNE), TARGALLU (SATURN), and BAR-BAR-U (JUPITER) remained relatively intact.
Prince EA and his volunteer crew, the ANUNNAKI (known as the K-D, the 'Givers of Life') began the creation process in ARIDU Solar system.
Old destroyed part of TIAMAT was re-born as ERIDU (Planet EARTH - the 'Enslaved Place',).
Prince EA (ENKI) was assigned the title EN-GI, 'Lord of ERIDU'. The devastated world was a living place again!
EA carefully manipulated and engineered animal and plant life forms that could endure in the harsh environment and poisonous nitrogen air of the planet. Atmospheric conditioning units began to make the air breathable and warmer. Often laboring for many time periods, the Prince gave little thought to rest.
One of his (EA) ambitions, the establishment of a Center for Life Sciences, an agricultural/biological center, was actually, achieved. An above ground laboratory, the Life Center that produces the hybrid species and hybrid creatures which could be transplanted around the globe has established.
ERIDU was once again a harbinger of life, the planets of DAK-MU (Mars) and DAK-A-MU (Venus) were forbidden to have life once again on its surface. The Great AN-U decreed that both worlds would remain barren; they would serve as warning to any potential challenger.
The King of ASA-RRR (ANU) had put Prince EA in charge of ERIDU because of his Genesis abilities.
Prince EN-LIL was given administrative control of ERIDU, the solar system, the planet and the city. But control over the development and exploitation of the planets would remain with Prince EA. Thus, dominion over ERIDU would be shared! In this way. King AN-U believed he could continue to keep an angry EN-LIL away from the Court, fulfill his ambitions as a Lord of Power, and still utilize the abilities of Prince EA.
Prince EA, still EN-GI, was shattered and angry. All of his efforts and successes had been ignored, his place in the faraway empire stripped away. In anger, the Prince of Life left ERIDU, moving to a distant region in order to build yet another Agricultural-Biological Center.
Here, too, he would develop a gold mining operation, but here, he would focus on his passion, the engineering of Life. Joined by his sister, Princess NIN-HUR-SAG, also a Genesis Scientist, both began a renewed effort in the creation of life forms for the planet of ERIDU. And in this effort. Princess NIN-HUR-SAG would be the creator of a 'hybrid' creature that would forever change the destiny of ERIDU and its ASA-RRR Masters.
But the demand for higher production stressed the worker ANUNNAKI to the breaking point. Fueled by the isolation and distance from loved ones, the anger of the ANUNNAKI became a work stoppage, a strike. When threatened with punishment, a group of ANUNNAKI attacked the palace of EN-LIL itself. His life threatened. Prince EN-LIL immediately called on AN-U to descend to the faraway Kingdom.
Seeing his opportunity, Prince EA stepped forward. With Princess NIN-HUR-SAG at his side, the Prince proposed to his Father and the Assembly, a simple solution. Within the Life Centers, he and the Princess had engineered many hybrids for use in labor in the fields. By utilizing genetic substances from the ASA-RRR people themselves and the genetic materials of ERIDU beasts, hybrid creatures of half ASA-RRR blood were created such as
a) 'SEMT-UR', a half horse, half ASA-RRR hybrid, capable of carrying burdens long distances;
b) 'MENT-UR', a half bull, half ASA-RRR being with a capability of phenomenal feats of strength.
c) 'APA’, a beast of the jungle, renowned for its strength and ferocity.
The Great AN-U was impressed. Indeed the hybrid proposed seemed to be the solution. The Great AN-U was impressed. Indeed the hybrid proposed seemed to be the solution. King AN-U stood up. Prince EA expected good news, ERIDU would be his now, EN-LIL would soon be gone. The dominion of the solar system would finally be rightfully his.
Storming from the Palace, Prince EA (ENKI) vowed he would never again enter the ERIDU Palace again until the throne was his! Though he had been the first born son of King AN-U, he would never ascend to the Throne of ASA-RRR because Prince EN-LIL, the younger son, was born to King AN-U by his half-sister, a requirement in the ASA-RRR Rules of Succession.
Prince EA resigned himself to his task, re-designing the beast his sister had initiated to suit the needs of the work community of the ANUNNAKI. With his sister beside him, the Prince began the intricate procedures. But the anger was in his heart, and would not leave his thoughts.
And thus the revenge of EA was born. Although directed to use the cellular material from one of the ANUNNAKI Lords, specifically chosen by Prince EN-LIL, Prince EA substituted cells of his own choosing for the experiment. The time for the uncovering of the true identity of the beast would someday come, and he, Prince EA, would have the last laugh.
But forced to use the beast by his father's Word, Prince EN-LIL decided to put the beast in the most perilous of work situations and in the harshest environments. Prince EA had never felt such anger before. Everything, all of his efforts, were being systematically destroyed, his reclamation of ERIDU, the planet; his successful building of ERIDU, the city; and the creation and engineering of a beast of labor.
Returning to the Agricultural Center in ERIDU, Prince EA sought out the beasts in the Garden where they fed. Finding several of them alone, he approached them. Careful planning and precise breeding schedules permitted only certain beasts to mate, and only under the strictest supervision.
Here where the story of Garden of Eden started. Adam and Eve (ADAPA Beasts) forced to eat Apple (means mating with each other) in the tree of life (Agricultural Life Centre) by Serpent (Lord ENKI or EA).
Their Creator, a Genesis Scientist (Lord ENKI or EA) whose mark was two intertwined strands of DNA, like serpents mating, had endowed them with the knowledge of 'knowing'.
This made angry to ENLIL who would tolerate no disobedience! He made strict rules not to cooperate with ENKI and his followers Anunnaki.
And so the beast was divided into two groups, the faithful and the unfaithful, - the ADAMus and the ADAPA.
EA and his sister NIN-HUR-SAG began to teach Beasts (the faithful ADAMus) skills of survival necessary and exceptional ability of learning and communicating its knowledge to other beasts.
The 'EA-SU', the teachers (Anunnaki or K-D) spread the 'The Way of EA'.
A later 'Teacher of Righteousness' would bear the name IESU (Jesus), a variation of EA-SU.
As the beasts in the wild progressed through the efforts of Prince EA, Lord Prince EN-LIL became further angered with the creatures.
The angered prince ENLIL (Yahweh) made a plan to destroy (sacrifice) the beasts with the arrival of AR Deathship called Planet X or Nibiru, in exchange for the warming of the planet, the increasing of the amount of usable ocean waters, and the end of an ice age gripping the upper and lower hemispheres. This is where the Story of Great Flood spoken.
And to make matters worse. Prince EN-LIL forbade a single ADAMUS be spared, only the loyal ADAPA would be given shelter from the flood waters. The renegade beasts would be sacrificed if necessary, they had broken the Commands. And, the Lord of the word cautioned the Prince, giving warning to the beast was aiding an enemy of the State, a heinous crime!
In secret. Lord EA made plans by taking several of the beasts to the underground caverns of the 'HEN-T' hybrids, and other beasts to mountain highlands. Prince EA assured the survival of at least some of the beasts. As a final measure. Lord EA had a special cargo ship constructed that would sail far out into the ocean, away from the regions most likely to suffer. Prince EA kept ADAMUS alive and his experiment intact. This the where the Story of NOAH or UTNAPISCHITHAM or SVAYAMBHUVA MANU spoken in Bible and Vedic Scriptures.
Lord EN-LIL had attempted to destroy the prototypes of Prince EA's beast in its early stages with the return of floods. Lord EA had tried to undo his brother's administration by tampering with the beast's breeding. EN-LIL had tried to destroy the beast with a flood, EA had broken a promise not to warn his creation, the beast.
Prince EN-LIL, Lord of the Word, had no choice. He made a decision. There must be a truce. Never again would he or any one of his Administration interfere with Lord EA's duty, the development of ERIDU and all of its life forms. Lord EA had no alternative but to return the promise. He and all of the K-D's would never interfere with Lord EN-LIL again.
As a sign of his good intentions, Prince EN-LIL gave his brother agricultural implements for the beast, tools for him so that the beast could learn how to grow his own food. The Genesis Prince was surprised, but grateful for the gift from his brother. In exchange, Prince EA promised to enhance the skills and abilities of certain special hybrids used by Lord EN-LIL in the administration of ERIDU.
Thus, for a time, the peace on ERIDU came to be. Beasts were allowed to become educated and civilized, the Empire of ERIDU under EN-LIL grew and prospered.
Genetic manipulation had given the beast the ability for minimal communication and understanding. Through engineered enhancement, the ADAPAS who remained in the Garden were made significantly stronger in analytic thought processing. They became highly intelligent, capable of small-scale decisions, but remained docile and servile.
Through the use of ADAPAS and HEN-T servants, Prince EN-LIL and the ANUNNAKI were able to make dramatic progress in the ERIDU Operation.
The ADAMUS beasts, however, uncontrolled in their sexual activity grew quickly in number.
Two distinct beasts, the ADAPA and the ADAMUS were part of planet ERIDU.
Lord Prince EA, a Master Genesis Sciences, was 'Lord (EL) of the Beasts' (EL-EA or LEO). Prince EN-LIL Lord of the Command, was 'Lord of Obedient Servants'.
of Genesis Lords extended a gift to Lord EA. Known as the 'AKHU'
(NEPHILIM OR PLEIADIANS), they were descended from a bird-like ancestor.
The Genesis Lords presented EA with the single strand of DNA filament that provided
His father, EA, had been deprived of the throne of ERIDU and ASA-RRR... he, MARDUK, would not suffer the same fate.
But in the midst of his rise to power. Prince MARDUK was wrongfully accused of the assassination of his own brother, Lord Prince DUMUZZI. Refusing to be imprisoned, MARDUK chose to fight against his accusers, taking refuge in a pyramid (Giza in Egypt) fort-tress. A hasty council was called, the decision made to end the war by sealing MARDUK into his stone structure. Trapped within, Prince MARDUK was doomed to death.
But fortune was with him. Several of his followers were able to tunnel up from beneath the structure, thereby giving MARDUK an opportunity to escape. With a bounty on his head, Prince MARDUK fled into the heavens.
ERIDU, the island outpost of the ASA-RRR Empire, was now the seized Empire of Lord Prince MARDUK, son of Prince EN-KI and grandson to King AN-U. MAR-DUK had been victorious, the 'War of Take-over', backed by the reptilian rebels, had been successful beyond expectations.
Doctrines which would support the Empire became dogma. The teachings, the Ways of EA, became evil and the words of a demon. EA, a life-giving K-D (G-D) became 'DA-EA BA-EL' (Creator EA, Lord Father') the 'Evil One', the 'Diabolic One'.
The SHET-I were cold-blooded reptiles, unsympathetic to any race. And, even though he was God, RRA was an outsider. Their relationship, their alliance, was business and no more for them. RRA knew they could not be trusted.
And so Lord RRA moved to place his most trusted priests, and his children, in control of the Empire. Known to all as 'RA-KA', 'RRA, the Lord Father', he instructed his children in the management of the wealth of the Empire. As they were assigned their positions, they became known as 'RA-KA-M', 'a child of RA'. (Later times would see KA-M converted to KAM, the name for a shield. This would give the children of RA a new name, 'RA-KAM', 'those of RA's Shield')
But the Lord God RRA was not omnipotent. His power, his Empire, was dependent on the SHET-I. Recognizing his Throne was vulnerable, Lord God RRA reconsidered the possibility of a re-union with the Empire of ASA-RRR. His wealth and power surely gave him bargaining power, he felt. Lord God RRA was in need of another alliance to protect himself.
As the ASA-RRR Beings (EA, EN-LIL, AN-U, etc.) had large cranial lobes (larger brain capacity) so do the GREYS. But, large black eyes are more reminiscent of the SSS tendency to enormous eyes, particularly if they tend to inhabit caverns, underground chambers, where light would be minimal.
Thus, the paths of the two beasts, the ADAPAs of EN-LIL, and the ADAMUS of EN-GI
or EN-KI, continued to separate. Of the same roots, initially for the same purpose,
the two were now on different paths.
With time, Prince EA and Prince EN-LIL were able to make both groups work together. The ADAPA beasts completed their labors as obedient servants, the ADAMUS beasts completed the labors in exchange for food and supplies. As ERIDU expanded from one compound into many, the use of both beasts became a commonplace occurrence, ERIDU was a world of laboring beasts.
Prince EA had given the beast the ability to learn and retain the knowledge, many Royals began to use the beast in the administration of their small kingdoms, using a beast to control other beasts. To the horror of the Prince, many boasts pledged fidelity to their Lords in exchange for an unending source of food and shelter.
Through the guiding efforts of Prince EA, the Royals and the ANUNNAKI, in time the beast was permitted to minister to its own affairs, to run its own small kingdom or territory... as long as it continued to pledge its loyalty and fidelity to one of the Royal Lords...and ultimately, to the Empire of ASA-RRR.
The Wars of the Royals raged on, faithful ADAMAS serving on the battle fields for them. ERIDU Kingdoms rose and fell on the backs and the blood of the ADAMAS. Children of Lord EN-LIL and Lord EA constantly challenged each other over the rights of domain and power.
And so began the era that would see the War of the Great Take-over, an attempt by Lord Prince MARDUK, son of Lord EA (ENKI), King of the Beasts. An accomplished Master in the skills of the DAK Warriors, Prince MARDUK wanted to become King of the system of ERIDU. Challenging other Royal family members for the Throne, including his uncle. Prince EN-LIL, and even his father. Lord EA, MARDUK would use war, works of intrigue and even the deadly art of betrayal to try to seize the Throne.
His father, EA, had been deprived of the throne of ERIDU and ASA-RRR... he, MARDUK, would not suffer the same fate.
But in the midst of his rise to power. Prince MARDUK was wrongfully accused of the assassination of his own brother, Lord Prince DUMUZZI. Refusing to be imprisoned, MARDUK chose to fight against his accusers, taking refuge in a pyramid (Giza in Egypt) fort-tress. A hasty council was called, the decision made to end the war by sealing MARDUK into his stone structure. Trapped within, Prince MARDUK was doomed to death.
But fortune was with him. Several of his followers were able to tunnel up from beneath the structure, thereby giving MARDUK an opportunity to escape. With a bounty on his head, Prince MARDUK fled into the heavens.
High above within the stars of the ARI-AN Empire, MARDUK would find an ally, an ages-old enemy of AN-U AND the Queens of the SSS-T Throne Known as 'SSA-TA', 'underground ones', they were part of a reptilian rebel group who inhabited huge caverns within the worlds of the ARI-AN. Constantly threatening the Queens in power, they unceasingly searched for new ways to undermine the rule of the Queens.
HEN-T hybrids (of ARIAN Empire) had moved up in the ranks of Prince EN-LIL's administration, they had become known as'TCHET-T', 'Those of the TCHET' (The 'Word'... the 'Word' being EN-LIL.). Referred to as the 'SUET-I' or 'SHET' by the administration members of EN-LIL, they became trusted servants of both Lord Prince EN-LIL himself and the Royal families. Their loyalty was never in doubt, no one suspected the betrayal.
MARDUK and SSA-TA rebels were able to convince HEN-T hybrids to join them to conspire against the Empires of Orion and Sirian. The HEN-T who joined with the plot became known as 'SHET-I', 'the Secret Ones'.
Within Short time, MARDUK and his followers were successful in attacking ENLIL and his administration.ERIDU, the island outpost of the ASA-RRR Empire, was now the seized Empire of Lord Prince MARDUK, son of Prince EN-KI and grandson to King AN-U. MAR-DUK had been victorious, the 'War of Take-over', backed by the reptilian rebels, had been successful beyond expectations.
Prince EN-LIL and his followers fled back to the distant worlds of ASA-RRR. Prince EA (ENKI) took many of his followers and ADAMUS beasts to his star system, 'BAAL-EA-DAUS' (Pleiades) 'Place of BAAL (Lord) EA DA (The Creator)'.
Once seated, MARDUK began his final campaign... to change or destroy any records which attributed any heroic or kingly achievements to anyone other than himself. Stone monuments, obelisks and edifices were altered by stone-cutters, tablets of clay or wood were burned or destroyed. No records of any other Monarch would remain. MARDUK had become the beginning and the end of all things, he had appointed himself Lord God and Creator of the Universe.
Henceforth, MARDUK was the 'Sun God RRA'.
Henceforth, MARDUK was the 'Sun God RRA'.
Only one change remained to be made. Records were given a new face, but memories were left. Using the mind-altering techniques of his SSA-TA reptilian minions, the new King RRA ordered the systematic alteration of the minds of the beings of ERIDU.
To insure the 'Passion' instilled in the Beast, the Gift of the Feather, did not give impetus to rebellion, the rebel lizards constructed huge towers which would transmit a cloud of electronic signals designed to keep the Beast in a fog, a docile state. The electronic blanket also served as a cover preventing outside signals from reaching the Beast.
No one, not EA, not EN-LIL, nor the ARI-AN Queens would be permitted to contact the Beast.
SHET-I lizards who had taken an active part in the takeover and re-programming were elevated to the status of Over-Lords and Administrators of existing systems and laborers. The era of the SIRIAN Lords and Masters was gone. Prince EN-LIL, the Lord of the Word; was gone. The 'Golden' era of growth and development was gone.
As the ASA-RRR had done before them, the SHET-I (Reptilian Rebels) began to increase the production and efficiency of the Operation. In addition, however, they entered into the development and the production of a new commodity, a drug called'S-MA'. Once drug used only by Kings, the SHET-I began to make and sell the drug to all the galaxy beings. Profits soared and Lord RRA fast became one of the wealthiest Kings in all the Ninth Sector.
With his amassed riches, RRA built an Empire and an army second to none. His alliance with the SSA-TA had given Lord RRA the wherewithal to keep the AN-U and other Warriors Conquerors at bay. Lord God RRA (MARDUK) would live forever!
The Great Lord God RRA ruled with an iron hand, the ways of the ASA-RRR still in his veins. The SHET-I ministered to the rule of ERIDU, efficiently and coldly. But Lord RRA did not trust the SHET-I. If they would betray their own Queen, they would not hesitate to betray Lord RRA.
The SHET-I were cold-blooded reptiles, unsympathetic to any race. And, even though he was God, RRA was an outsider. Their relationship, their alliance, was business and no more for them. RRA knew they could not be trusted.
And so Lord RRA moved to place his most trusted priests, and his children, in control of the Empire. Known to all as 'RA-KA', 'RRA, the Lord Father', he instructed his children in the management of the wealth of the Empire. As they were assigned their positions, they became known as 'RA-KA-M', 'a child of RA'. (Later times would see KA-M converted to KAM, the name for a shield. This would give the children of RA a new name, 'RA-KAM', 'those of RA's Shield')
To keep control of the crucial Re-animation Center, Lord RRA had selected an elite group of priests to protect and be responsible for the chambers. They would also serve as Lord Administrators of the affairs of the Empire. Recognized as the 'RA-KA-PER-A-A', or the 'RA-KA Pharaohs', they served as loyal minions to the Lord RRA.
But the Lord God RRA was not omnipotent. His power, his Empire, was dependent on the SHET-I. Recognizing his Throne was vulnerable, Lord God RRA reconsidered the possibility of a re-union with the Empire of ASA-RRR. His wealth and power surely gave him bargaining power, he felt. Lord God RRA was in need of another alliance to protect himself.
Again within certain period of time, a coup take place and SHET-I simply occupied Lord RA (MARDUK) kingdom without battle or violence. With the reptilian guards at his heels, Lord RRA narrowly escaped.
With the departure of Lord RRA, the era of the Empire of Sirian Rulership over ERIDU was over. ERIDU, a solar system that had suffered through devastating and destructive wars, had fallen to the SSA-TA reptiles without battle. The underground beings had successfully undone the Empires of the Sun God RRA, the Prince EN-LIL, the Great King AN-U and even the ARI-AN SSS-T Queens.
The SSA-TA became Lords of the S-MA market, a profitable illicit trade, and Masters of the Ninth Passageway, the Star lanes necessary for travel to and from the Central Stars and the ARI-AN Empire.
What Lord RRA had started... the SSA-TA would finish. Erasure of memories and the control of minds would be expanded to include his own family and court. Henceforth, the RA'S SHIELD and the RAKA PHARAOH'S would be the faithful, if unwitting, servants of the Reptiles.
NAASHA a term which meant 'to be strong, be great' was depicted in early Hieroglyphs by an arm with a whip. In later eras, it was changed to a 'lizard' glyph. No explanation has ever been offered.
PESTCH-T, a term meaning 'First and Greatest Nine' Gods' was depicted in early glyphs by an axe. The later eras, the axe symbols became crocodiles. No explanation has ever been offered.
The SHET-I (Lizard Kings) are known today as...the 'GREYS' are in charge now..
Created from the genetic materials of the SSS beings and the ASA-RRR beings themselves, the SHET-I are hybrid lizards who retain many of the characteristics of their progenitors.
As the ASA-RRR Beings (EA, EN-LIL, AN-U, etc.) had large cranial lobes (larger brain capacity) so do the GREYS. But, large black eyes are more reminiscent of the SSS tendency to enormous eyes, particularly if they tend to inhabit caverns, underground chambers, where light would be minimal.
Various reports reveal that the cranium of the GREYS has a definite crystalline bone ridge separating the hemispheres of the brain. This is a direct result of the 'enhancements' Prince EA made on the SHETI. Crystalline bone in the brain permits greater receptivity of control signals.
For thousands of years, the GREYS have been the primary, though not the only, agents behind the phenomena known to us as 'abductions'. Utilizing the mind altering techniques of their SSA-TA ancestors, the GREYS continue to erase memories and altar minds as a 'mask' for hiding the experience from a victim.
Drugs, in the form of medicines, mood changers, diet and weight control, pain relievers, sleep aids and sleep preventers will also be used to control Man. Recreational drugs, including cigarettes, alcohol and narcotics, are yet another part of the control programs designed to keep Man docile.
link: https://cosmicgenes.blogspot.com/2020/04/orion-queen-and-sirian-king-empires.html
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