THE FEMINE UNIVERSE - How 'Mother Goddess' was Suppressed in Ancient Times and Replaced with a 'Father God'
THE FEMINE UNIVERSE - How 'Mother Goddess' was Suppressed in Ancient Times and Replaced with a 'Father God'
In the translation of the Sumerian clay tablets, we stumble upon the Anunnaki 'deity' called Enlil (or the Enlil, as it is actually a title), who is one of a composite of beings who presented themselves in the Bible as Jehovah (YeHoVaH) or YHVH, (YHWH), the God of the Jews.
Here is a clear example how ETs, showing themselves off as gods, turn the true God Source into a patriarchal deity of flesh and blood. YHVH in its ultimate term, however, is the True Creator, the 'All That Is'; the Mother Goddess whom the leaders of the ET Patriarchal Movement reversed from being a feminine deity to becoming a masculine
(I will generally not, however, use the term YHVH when I talk about Mother Goddess, because it's already so confused with the YHVH presented in the Old Testament and elsewhere). Anton Parks has spent a lot of time tracing the concepts of 'Mother Goddess' and male deities in human literature.
Here is a quote from his, Le Secret, Note #22, pp. 118-119: "In diverse passages of the Judaic literature but also of the Bible and other traditions of the planet, 'the original primordial and androgyne source' has been subtly replaced by a masculine divinity named God or The Father." "It is clearly seen that at the epoch when the scripture made its appearance on Earth and the cosmogony of the biblical texts was drafted (in fact, several thousand years later, after 1000 B.C.), the religion of the Mother-Goddess was losing ground; in reality it has not ceased to regress over the course of time.
" "The growing acceptance of the male religions by numerous patriarchal societies rapidly accelerated the extinction of the feminine creator divinity. Under these conditions, the monotheistic drafters could not attribute the full original creation to any entity other than God himself -- a masculine entity -- while they clearly knew that the first creation was rather the work of plural entities (the Elohim) at the service of a Mother Goddess, a jointly-conceived master plan for the Earth.
Everything pertaining to this ancient Mother Goddess divinity was grossly deformed, demonized, or radically suppressed.
The patriarchal doctrine that consisted in marking the domination of God over an ancient feminine divinity, totally submitted to its orders, therefore took over." "In the mythology of India, the Divine and primordial Energy is called Shakti, which transposed into Sumerian gives ŠA6-AK-TI, literally "the good miracle-worker of life".
"Shakti is no other than the representation of the Divine Mother, the Mother-Goddess, more precisely the personification of the feminine principle that Hinduism very correctly associates with the Holy Spirit.
This obliges us to [examine] the Hebrew Ruah Elohim, which means spirit of God, the Holy Spirit."[3] "The Mother-Goddess, skillfully demonized by the dominant patriarchy of the Judaic religion, is concealed in the demonness Lilith.
Some associate Lilith with the Hebrew lailah -- night. Others think that Lilith comes from the Sumerian term LÍL-TI, generally translated as "spirit of life," but I would rather interpret it, in our context, as "she who gives the breath of life," in the sense of "the entity who breathed life into the primordial man.
" "Judaic imagery represents Lilith as a night bird, a symbol taken directly from one of the most ancient attributes of the Mother-Goddess, that is to say the bird or the dove that the Christians used to symbolize the Holy Spirit.
This volatile aspect of Mother-Goddess is also found in Greek mythology, where Eurynome, the universal and primordial goddess, changes into a dove while pondering the universal egg from which all things come." "An amusing note: if one translates the name of the primordial goddess from Greek into Sumerian, one gets ERIN2-UM (no "O" in Sumerian): bands of midwives (or old or even ancient women), or again ERIN2-UM-ME: bands of midwives of divine order." "The same idea is found in the Egyptian traditions, throughout the pyramid texts, which relate that the supreme and androgynous divinity Atum (from his Egyptian name Itemu) metamorphoses into the bird Ben to create the air, the Earth, and the sky (or heaven).
Thanks again to Emeša, the matrix language of the priestesses that incorporates the Sumero-Assyro-Babylonian particles, we are going to obtain some confirmations and to clarify this a bit more."[4] "First, we translate the name of this divinity into IT-EM-U, "the meterological force," which clearly attests to its creative function cited above (creation of the air, the Earth, and the sky).
Next, its Greek name Atum, which gives AT-UM "the old father-woman," confirming the androgyny of Atum or at least the fact that this entity symbolizes different creative forces at the service of the same cause. And finally, the term Ben that is attributed to this bird-phoenix creator and that gives BÉ-EN, "the lord who speaks." Numerous traditions assimilate the word to the creation of the world."[5]
Figure 1.5. Relief of Lilith, with wings, surrounded by owls and lions, both symbols of Life Designers, or Kadištu[def] in Sumerian.
This is exactly what happened. The Anunnaki took the female terms and names from the ARYAN language (which eventually became the Sumerian language and others), demonized them, and/or turned them into masculine to suppress the power of the Divine Feminine.
Figure 1.6. Michael Tsarion In an interview called Emerging Feminine, the famous researcher Michael Tsarion brings up that anthropologists know that the females were the 'keepers of the wisdom'. One of our tasks right now, he says, is to bring the 'Holy Grail' back to its femininity[6], something that has been almost totally lost over time. Don't think for a moment that Marduk and his son(s), who are still controlling us behind the scenes, don't understand the power of the feminine.
They are very scared that we humans are going to regain this power by seeing through the lies. They are terrified that we start listening to our women, once they have regained their psychic abilities and their ancient wisdom, something that is happening all over the world as we speak.
I believe we incarnate both as females and males, respectively, in order to have both experiences. When being males, one of our jobs is to bring out the feminine part of ourselves and balance it with our masculine part, but also to support and protect the females so they can keep their connection with Source intact, in order to accumulate creative Goddess energies.
So, the feminine power really is embedded in the female body, boosted by the soul's connection with the Divine Feminine. In the Orion Empire, the males have to present themselves as females before the Queen's court to concur with the vibrations of the Divine Feminine. This doesn't necessarily mean that they dress in skirts, but that they bring in their feminine energies to the court to be able to successfully match the energies of the Mother Goddess.
In its extreme, to prevent the Divine Feminine from coming to the surface, especially in women, they produce TV shows where young women fight each other, just like men are doing, punching each other with their fists and beating each other up pretty badly, exaggerating their male energies, just like it was done in the 60s-70s, but now in a new and much more violent fashion.
Many people can't wait until the evening comes when they can sit down after work, screaming and cheering their way through these shows. Like Tsarion says in the same interview, the Global Elite knows exactly what is about to occur -- mankind is starting to be aware of the Divine Feminine; slowly but surely, and they can't let that happen. Still, it is a slow transition in the beginning.
We have been manipulated for so long to believe that God is a male, that we can't switch views with a handshake.
If we want to make sure we succeed, we need to be balanced, and find a partner who is balanced, or that both are working on becoming so. An important part of experiencing this balance and regain the feminine power within ourselves is through our sexuality. This doesn't mean we should be promiscuous; it is more important than ever to find the real soul connection between the man and the woman to reach the maximum effect.
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