The government is abducting people themselves, to use their own species as guinea pigs in their own absurd experiments, sometimes dressing up like aliens, and sometimes just showing up as humans.


 The same formula is applied to alien abductions. 

The government is abducting people themselves, to use their own species as guinea pigs in their own absurd experiments, sometimes dressing up like aliens, and sometimes just showing up as humans.

Afterwards, the abductee is given an amnesia implant, similar to the type of implant people get between lives, and taken back to where he or she was abducted. There are often layers of false memories implanted as well, so during a hypnosis session, or under regression therapy, it is still hard to figure out what really happened. And even if it's figured out, it doesn't tell the abductee much anyway. The real alien abductions are often metaphysical, and if they are physical, the ETs are mostly using human bodies.
