By now, the reader understands a little bit in what direction this is going.
The Great Architect of the Universe, which Freemasonry equals to God, is not a masculine entity, but a feminine.
Of course, the heads of secret societies like Freemasonry and others know very well that this is the case, but hide it from the members, because they need to have people conform to the Patriarchal Regime, the 'fathership' rather than the 'mothership' of the energies of existence.
Exactly why certain beings from other star systems and higher dimensions are so determined to make us believe in a masculine existence will be evident enough as we go on, but we've been living in a dichotomy for hundreds of thousands of years. Incredibly enough, there are forces who want to overthrow the Goddess from the Throne of Creation.
This may sound very strange to some readers, but in time I will show how this can be (and is) possible and planned as we speak and has been the goal of a certain star race for a long, long time, perhaps a million years or more. This also indicates that the Goddess,
The Great Architect of the Universe, can manifest as a being in a universe of her creation; she can and she does! More about that later.
Once beings and star races have evolved past a certain point, they may become overseers of their own universe and will be responsible for what is created therein.
They become what I call 'Builders', where they start creating in a universe which the Goddess has already given energies to and built the basic structure around. In the beginning, the Builders and the Goddess apparently create and seed life together with each other, but at one point, the Builders 'take over'. Then, once the Builders are appointed to lead the development of their own universe, the Goddess pretty much leaves it alone for the Builders to do their own thing, because the more variety, the more the Mother Goddess can learn about herself.
However, it allegedly happens every now and then that she manifests in the universes she structured and still helps with the seeding part.
Because each universe has their own Builders, each universe is unique, based on goals set by the Mother Goddess and the Builders. Only the imagination of the Builders then sets the limits to what they themselves, the Founders[def] and other Creator Gods can create. The Founders are the ones who initially seed plant, insect, and animal life on a young, non-inhabited planet, and eventually also more intelligent life, fit for interdimensional travel.
Here below I will list the variety of Creator Gods and their purposes as I see it, albeit the cataloguing is my own for the purpose of these papers. Other researcher may catalogue them differently, still meaning the same thing.
We also need to keep in mind that 'evolving' in the way described below is a choice. A being or a star race may stop anywhere in their evolvement and not go any further if they so choose. They can instead expand on the level which they are at and not evolve to the next levels explained here.
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