The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE AND PURPOSE OF DIFFERENT CREATOR GODS, list the variety of Creator Gods and their purposes
So, it's all by choice and is not being enforced on anybody.
However, most star races evolve in this order. So, these ten steps of development should be pretty accurate:
1. Players. Star races who have not yet evolved enough to become multidimensional or 'Creator Gods'. You and I would be considered 'Players', although there are scientists of the human race who would be considered 'genetic engineers', or semi-engineers, perhaps.
2. Genetic Engineers (or creator gods [with small letters] if evolved enough within this category): A being, or a species, who have evolved on a planet to a degree that they are starting to experiment with genetic engineering, cloning, and genetic manipulation. At this stage, the species may still not have evolved enough to reach the stars or become multidimensional. This is an experimental stage. Humankind (or more accurately, our scientists) is in this stage of development, where they are playing around with genetics.
3. The Founders (Creator Gods with capital letters): also called Kadištu, are two names for the same beings, but I will mostly call the Founders. The Founders/Kadištu were initially, in the beginning of the Universe, beings created by the Builders to help them seed the Universe with basic life forms, such as plant and animal life. They always leave their signature in what they create; a butterfly may have a physical outlook similar to the Founder who created it and a praying mantis may be a small version of the Founder who created this particular insect. Now, when the Universe we live in is older, the original Founders have evolved further and new Founders are assigned constantly by the Goddess and the Builders, as intelligent beings created by Kadištu have evolved to a point where they can become Founders, in order to assist towards the common goal set by the Goddess and the original Builders. The Kadištu/Founders are also the ones who choose which species is going to evolve on a certain planet to such a level that they can reach the stars and become multidimensional in nature and learn and understand the Multiverse they live in so that they themselves can become creator gods, and eventually Founders and Builders. Their urge to reach the stars will be embedded in the DNA of this young species. This is why animals don't have this urge; they were never designed to. Sometimes, there is more than one species on the same planet, designed to become multi-d and evolve to higher levels.
4. Stars. Becoming a star is the next level of evolvement. A star is a sentient, very evolved being, or more often a composite of beings, who create their own solar system by 'giving birth' to planets and moons, who become their 'children', whom they will be responsible for. Stars are also like portals, because they are directly connected with each other; some more directly than others. And they are in communication with each other and often evolve together, as they 'interact'. Creator Gods on this level and above are always feminine in nature. A being automatically turns feminine in this stage of development. This is way we call the Sun and the Earth 'she', without really knowing why; it just feels natural. In fact, it is a heritage from ancient times, when the early, higher evolved humans knew these 'secrets' and called beings by their appropriate gender.
5. Planets. One would think that a planet is 'lower' on the scale of evolvement than stars, but in reality they evolve together with their star (or stars, if it is a multiple star system), in unison. Planets are intelligent beings, just like the stars (suns), and are 'hosts' to different life forms, seeded through panspermia[def] by the Founders. The life forms developing on a certain planet become the 'children' of that planet, and the life forms and the planet herself are hopefully working together to evolve to a higher level, as they are closely connected to each other. This is why it's so important for us humans to stay grounded in nature to be able to evolve.
6. Nebulae. A nebula is a cosmic 'cloud', and the birth center of stars. So when a star has accomplished its goals, she evolves into a nebula (not necessarily at the same location as she had lived her incarnation as a star, however) and gives birth to new stars of which she becomes responsible. These stars will be like sisters to each other and will be inhabited by Founders and Kadištu who have evolved to a stage where they are ready to become a newborn star in that cluster, created by the nebula.
7. Galaxies. The next step would be to inhabit a whole newly formed galaxy with your consciousness. You are now responsible for the evolvement of that same galaxy, with all the nebulae, stars, planets, Founders, Kadištu, creator gods, and players.
8. The Builders are evolved beings who are ready to operate in a universe which the Goddess may have recently created. The Builders are responsible to create initial life and assign their own creator gods, who can help them seed the newborn universe and help it work on accomplishing the goals that are set up for this particular universe and which is embedded in the DNA of all races. If the goals are not met (which sometimes happens, because beings have free will in many universes), the universe 'fails' and may die prematurely. This is just a part of the 'game', and a new, revised and improved attempt will be made through the creation of a new universe, or the goal will be considered not achievable and abandoned. LPG-C, in their new report, Idiomaterial Physics -- A Life Physics of a Bicausal Universe/UNUM[1] bring up the subject of previous universes as well. There was a Big Bang around 13.7 billion years ago where the Universe began from one single point and has been expanding ever since. They then point out that the Standard Model of science does not explain what happened before that. However, The authors say, there are traces of a previous Universe existing in the current Universe![2] This has been suggested by researchers from Penn State University, they say. They have come to the conclusion that there was a previous, contracting Universe before this one, with a similar space/time geometry as our expanding Universe. The previous universe collapsed and then 'bounced' as the Big Bang. These researchers could show that "in place of a classical Big Bang there is in fact a quantum Bounce."[2.1] They claim that the Big Bang Bounce scenario is robust. LPG-C comments that it's quite similar to rebooting a computer "set to specific performance parameter already containing an operating system set to interact and interface with its subsystems and subtotalities...both gnosive [using ENS[def]] and present-day physical evidence suggest it has not happened just once, but several times."[2.2].
9. Overseers. Beings who have evolved to such high level that they are assigned their own universe, or a 'pond' of universes, to oversee and be responsible for (will be further explained later in this paper). They now, together with overseers of other universes, who may step down from their positions, become the Builders, whom by the Goddess are told, Go out and create! and the Builders, to some extent in conjunction with the Goddess, seed the first life in the young Universe. The Builders become her 'senior Helpers'.
10. Mother Goddess, All That Is, the Creator of all universes; the Void or the KHAA.
So, universes are created, with galaxies, nebulae, stars, and planets.
All this is intelligent energy which is aware on a very high level; much more so than you and I in our current stage of evolvement.
When souls advance to certain levels they become planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies.
For example, when you're a star/sun and have created your own solar system, other Creator Gods, such as the Founders, arrive and ask for permission to create on your planets, and thus life is expanding.
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