The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, The Goddess sitting in the middle of the Universe, which she herself created, watching how we, and everybody else in this Universe perform,

The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, The Goddess sitting in the middle of the Universe, which she herself created, watching how we, and everybody else in this Universe perform, 

To understand this vast concept of how a being can create a whole universe, we have to use allegories and metaphors. 

The best way to explain it is with the expression, 'as above, so below'[def]. If something happens in our world, we can be almost certain it also happens on a grander scale, and on a smaller scale, too. You can picture a film producer sitting in a couch, watching a movie he created on the big screen. There are characters in the movie who are doing all sorts of things and he watches how the actors perform. 

Now, picture the Goddess sitting in the middle of the Universe, which she herself created, watching how we, and everybody else in this Universe perform, but perhaps not in 3D but from all dimensions. 

Just like the film producer, the Goddess watches carefully to see what goes per the plan and what goes wrong. She is not judgmental; it's not like she is just destroying her creation left and right if she doesn't like what she sees; it's more like she wants the players to correct themselves, still within the guidelines of free will. 

She is a very compassionate being and doesn't like suffering, but knows that it's always up to the Builders, all the way down to the Player, to decide in which directions they want to go, or the purpose of creation gets lost. 

If free will is not allowed, the outcome is predictable, and this is of course very clear to the Goddess. 

Predictability is not what she wants, because that would destroy the purpose with the whole Creation and there would be nothing of much value to learn for her or anybody else, except that everything is predictable (more or less predestined universes, I'm assuming, have existed).

What about the outcome? 

There is always a goal coming with the creation of a universe, and the Goddess comes up with the idea of a goal, discusses it with the Overseer and the Builders, whom she then assign to help her form a universe as we know it, and these Builders make the universe teem with life in all shapes and forms. 

All these created intelligences then set the stage and start to create their own realities. So there are endless probabilities for the outcome of a universe; it mostly depends on the Helpers and the players (the actors in the game, such as you and I).

As humans, our curiosity leads us to ask questions that may be irrelevant on a grander scale, but feel important for us. One of these questions may be, how do these Builders who create universes look like; are they just pure energy? 

This is a very difficult question to answer, because with our limited 5 senses, it's hard to grasp these big concepts. We know there are microcosms and macrocosms, and the saying, as above, so below is a very appropriate way to describe it. 

A virus or a bacteria can't even start imagining how a human would look like with their limited consciousness, because in comparison with them, if they would have consciousness to be self-aware, they may see themselves as living in a macrocosm and we would be some super macrocosm to them. 

Seen from that perspective, the Goddess and the overseers of universes would be a super macrocosms to us, but at the same time they would be the microcosm. They would most certainly be both. 

They are composite Fires on a microcosmic level, but can show themselves off on a macrocosmic level as giants too, if they like. A hint of what we're talking about may be found in Barbara Marciniak's book, Family of Light:
"'The Builders of Universes are not vague, nebulous beings; they are composite intelligences, unified in their understanding of the universal energies."[3]

As we shall see when we get into a later section of this paper, 
a soul on a higher level than 3-D, who has learned how to do it, can take on any shape and form it wants, so in a way, how an ET looks like becomes on some level nebulous, but it seems like Founders who seed planets with life look at themselves in some kind of physical manner. 

The Pleiadians (themselves a composite intelligence) tell us that many of the original Founders who visited Earth when she was in her infancy looked like a combination of humans and animals, like I hinted at above:

"...they all put their imprints on the fauna on Earth. Each creator god has their animal represented as their imprint. Also, people look like animals and thus have different amount of DNA from different creator gods and took on their image—'we are created in the image(s) of the gods'. These animals keep in touch with their creator gods to see what’s going on here on Earth while they are elsewhere)."[4]

This is particularly interesting in the perspective of what I presented in 'Level I' and in The Myth of Supriem David Rockefeller[4.1], where I said I had noticed in people that they sometimes look like a humanized form of particular animals. This is in no way to ridicule people, because it can be very aesthetic and attractive. 

Some people have the imprint of looking like birds, other like horses, buffalos, hippos, bears, wolves, dogs, cats etc. Other people just look 'human', with no visible animal imprint. So, when you mingle in a crowd next time, or even when you go to work, just stand back and observe and you will eventually see what I mean.

You may even want to look yourself in the mirror and see if you have an imprint yourself. If you do, congratulations! There is a hint how your Founder may have looked like. 

And now I'm talking about our DNA imprints from many millions of years ago; not the imprint of the Sirian Lords, who came to Earth later, hijacked the planet and started messing with our DNA.

The Pleiadians further tell us that the Gods were even putting out "chronometers" here on Earth (and presumably on other planets too), to measure the stage of consciousness and how it changes.[5]
2. A New Way of Looking at the Structure of the Omniverse from an Interdimensional Perspective Science is giving us a model of the Universe, and rogue scientists are giving us a slightly different one. 

I think they are both correct in their own sense, but not complete.
Lately, I have looked into this subject to perhaps get a better perspective of it, because I have come to understand that we live in a holographic version of a holographic Universe; in other words, a hologram within a hologram (and there may be many more levels of holograms as well). If so, the Universe we depict when we look up in the night sky or study star maps, how correct are they? 

Are they just a hologram and a distorted picture of the 'known universe', as LPG-C calls it?

I think it is -- to a large degree. So I studied other ways of looking at the Universe, the Multiverse, and the Omniverse, which includes all currently existing universes and the Goddess Universe as well.

Here follows an analogy of how many star beings apparently look upon the Universe from a multidimensional perspective, and it also includes a look at things from an omnidimensional[def] viewpoint. I have been comparing notes from many different sources here, but I come back to the following model, which makes sense to me if presented in such a simple fashion that it becomes comprehensible for the human nervous system.

