Related to what we have talked about in this paper, I have a personal story I'd like to tell. In 1986, I was in Copenhagen, Denmark, for a couple of weeks, living in a hotel. Outside the hotel was a typical busy Danish street with stores everywhere. This was before the shopping malls really took off in Northern Europe.

One day I was walking down the street in one direction. There was a decent amount of people out walking and shopping. All of a sudden, on the other side of the street, amongst a crowd of people, but walking alone, was the strangest creature. 

He was slightly shorter than people in general; perhaps around 5 ft tall. His walking was very unusual, too, as he almost walked like a drunk, but didn't appear like one. His clothes were very similar to that of a scarecrow. He had a small hat on a very large head, which was shaped like a giant pear, where the thinner part of the fruit was the neck. The neck was very wrinkled and his face very big and out of proportion to the rest of the body. He actually looked pretty much like a scarecrow walking around, but his head was not a mask; I can tell that for certain. His mouth was very small and I can't recall his eyes, but I know they were not big, as those of a typical Gray alien. He was totally bald. I just remember he was staring at me as he walked past me on the other side of the street, heading the other direction. I estimate that the distance between us, with the street in the middle was 75-80 ft.

I didn't want to stop and stare at him at first, thinking he was a deformed human who didn't want attention from people who thought he was weird, but when he passed me I stopped and stared in awe. The creature continued walking up the road as I watched him from his behind, but then he turned around, again singled me out in the crowd and stared at me before he disappeared up the road.

I thought to myself that this was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, because this person was obviously not human. But that is not all; the absolute strangest thing of it all was that no one paid attention to him but me! Hundreds of people passed him and should have seen him from both sides of the street, because he stuck out like a sore thumb -- big time! However, everybody just went on with their business. I should add I was walking alone at the time, and that I didn't find the creature threatening in any way, but I did feel uncomfortable, which could have been just from the unusual experience. However, he did not emit any good vibrations either, but was pretty 'neutral'.

When I came back to the hotel, I didn't tell anybody about my experience. I thought it was very weird that no one reacted but me. First I thought he may be a local 'mutant' that people were used to seeing in that part of town, but it was tourist season, and probably a third of the people out that day were not from town, and some of them (like me) probably not even from the country.

And here is the kicker. A few days later (I can't remember how many days), I saw him again at the exact same place! It was almost like a déjà vu. Once again he was picking me out in the crowd of busy people, just staring at me as he continued walking. However, this time I was a little bit more prepared, but still shocked. I was young and didn't know what I know now, so I didn't take the appropriate action to go over and perhaps talk to him. 

Instead, I stopped someone in the street, who showed to be a local, and asked him if that person on the other side of the street is living in this neighborhood. The person whom I stopped looked in the direction I pointed, seemed confused and scanned the area I was pointing at, but couldn't distinguish which person I was relating to. 

So the person I asked just continued walking, leaving me alone while this strange creature started disappearing up the road.
I was totally stunned, because I didn't understand why no one could see him?

 It should have been obvious for the person I stopped to immediately grasp whom I was talking about. You never see a creature like that anywhere else.

I never saw him again and went back to Sweden a few days later, still in mystery. And I have no sense of missing time. Up until today, I don't know who or what that creature was, but obviously he was only visible to me; no one else stopped to look. Now, with the knowledge I have, perhaps he was an ET, manipulating light to trick my eyes to see him in this certain way -- similar to a scarecrow. We know this can be done; even to separate out one person in a crowd to see something no one else can see. There was no Internet at that time, so I couldn't run back to the hotel and look things up on the Internet.

But wait! This is not the end of the story. Every once in a while over the years, ever since that summer's day in Copenhagen in 1986, I have thought about this incident, trying to make sense of it. I have looked on the Internet, attempting to find any information from that time period in Copenhagen, wanting to know if someone else has had the same experience with the 'scarecrow'. Nothing. Maybe now, when I publish this paper, someone will come forward. I haven't posted anything about it earlier for some reason (I could have done it anonymously), so maybe this is the right time?
Then, about a month ago, I picked up Whitley Strieber's new book, "Solving the Communion Enigma -- what is to come"[28] and started reading. Dream of my surprise, getting my coffee in the wrong pipe, when I get to page 42, where Strieber writes:

"In February of 2004, a city councilor in Winchester in England had an extraordinary sighting. Councilor Adrian Hicks reported that 'I was near The Works bookshop when I saw this strange woman, a humanoid walking with a penguinlike gait. She had very large prominent eyes and was twirling her hands in a circular motion.'"
"I [Strieber] interviewed Mr. Hicks, who was completely straightforward about his description of this being. She was wearing an odd, frilly dress and had long hair and was unmistakably not human. She also seemed perfectly happy and at ease as she strolled down the street. He told me that people walked past her without noticing, and that he still believes that somebody else must surely have seen her and that he hopes they will come forward."[29]
This sounds very similar to what I experienced, except that the being looked different! Strieber goes on in the same section of the book, describing his own and other people's experiences, similar to this one, when people have spotted Grays in bookstores whom have even coming forth when a person is sitting in a traffic jam, asking the person where he's heading. No one else, except the selected person, seemed to be able to see these beings.
Are these possible ETs trying to tell us something? Absolutely! So, what was the being I saw trying to tell me? Up to this day, I have no clue. Perhaps he was telling me what was to come and that I would look into these things in the future (which is now). That could be one layer of it, but it feels there is more to it. And again, no missing time or trauma related to this encounter; just a neutral feeling.

