The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, Dimensions and Densities Revisited

The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, Dimensions and Densities Revisited

For the truth seeker, it's not easy to understand dimensions and densities, because there is a jungle of information (and disinformation) out there, and it's easy to get confused. 

It has taken myself a long time to understand them, and I'm sure there is much more to learn, but the following is what I have learned so far.
Many students of metaphysics think of dimensions and densities (in metaphysical terms, not in terms of the science community) as something lofty and perhaps even non-physical. This is not the case. From our 3D (3rd Dimensional) standpoint, they would indeed be, but for those who travel them, they are just as physical as this one. 

We have been trained by those who entrapped us not to see these other realms, and the frequency fence around the planet, which we in our own ignorance are helping to maintain, is also highly contributing to our inability in becoming multidimensional and be able to experience them. The trap, however, is much larger than just a frequency fence around the planet, as we shall see. The rabbit hole goes really deep, but by understanding how it was done, we can reverse the flow and have it undone. That is the way to do it, and I will discuss that very thoroughly here in 'Level II', and it may probably extend into 'Level III' as well.

First of all, 3D is not what humans today think it is. We are trained only to use 5 senses and a very small part of our DNA (there is a connection between senses and DNA activation) and call that 3D. If someone starts experiencing things outside these 5 senses, they are either witches, crazy, or odd balls; pick one or all the three of them. In other words, the PTB[def] see to that those who look outside the box are ridiculed by the scientific community and the mainstream media. 

Often, they don't even have to do that; a belief in the 3D reality as being all that is, is deeply embedded into our very DNA, which was hijacked by the invader force. Still, just to make sure we 'didn't get it', the evil Catholic Church burned 'second seers' at stake. 

Nice people! And the Catholic Church is still the biggest religion on Earth! Well, that was in the past, today's Catholics say, and today it's nothing like that. Really? The only difference in that it's gone underground.

 What about all the pedophilia scandals in high places within the Church? 

If that is coming out in the open, you can bet on that as horrible as it is, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

So we can see how deeply rooted the lies are in our very being and how we use any illogical ways we can think of to justify keeping the lies alive. 

However, the oppressors are losing ground quickly these days, and many, many people cease their memberships in those horrific religions. Real pious Roman Catholics can be found mostly in the Hispanic Nations these days, where the religious programming is still very alive and active. 

The cease in membership is great news, however, and shows that people are beginning to wake up. The decrease in membership is probably much due to the exposure of the same pedophilia scandals within the Church lately. 

The Patriarchal Regime has turned everything upside down/inside out; if they say something is white you can immediately presume that it's black and vice versa. So also when comes to 'Satanism' as a dark force. 

The worst satanic organizations are our established religions. 

Then, of course, in usual manner; if the PTB promote Satanism as something evil, it's probably the opposite. And it is; something I touched on in the previous paper.
The last 60 years or so, people have started waking up quicker than ever before. There are many factors involved as to why this is, but we're coming towards the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new, so people are getting a chance to make a choice which way to go from here. This means more and more are starting to realize that there are more dimensions than the 3 (plus time) that we know of. 

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the 3rd Dimension; it's a natural dimension in the Universe, but there are many, many more. The only thing that's 'wrong' with 3D is when a universe, or part of a universe, is 'locked' into that frequency.

Then we have densities between every two dimensions. Densities are more 'vague' in that it's hard to number them. They are just different nuances of a given dimension. Density indicates grade of solidity, and that's how I see densities. It's the grade of perceived solidity between two dimensions. So it wouldn't be wrong to say that something you experience is from the 2nd Density of the 6th Dimension, if that's how you want to catalogue them.

Then, there are other ponds with ripples (universes) in them, so potentially there are an endless amount of universes. Also think of it as yourself being a grain of sand on a shore, and there are many shores. It is my understanding that new 'ponds' with universes in them are being created as creation moves on. For example, what happens when a being has come to a point in their evolvement when they have overseen a universe and that universe has met its goals? 

Well, we can argue that this being wants to take on yet another universe and start all over, but it's also my impression that we normally, when things are as they are supposed to, do things in 'one go' and then move on. However, it is all by choice, and if a being wants to take on another universe, they would be able to. Anyway, when someone is ready and has completed overseeing a universe, it's time to oversee a pond of universes and appoint others to oversee single universes in that pond.

Does this remind you of something? 

If you have read C.S. Lewis', 'The Chronicles of Narnia', one book in the series was called 'The Magician's Nephew'[18] and was about two children, Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer, who left our 3D world and entered the 'Woods Between Worlds' where there were different puddles. Each puddle led to a different universe and Digory and Polly decided to explore one of the worlds by jumping into one of them. The story goes on from there. And people say that C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were not highly initiated in secret societies and had inside information? Nonsense. They may have denied it, because they wanted this information out but couldn't reveal where it came from. The whole Narnia series and the Lord of the Rings are filled with truths; often more so than anything you learn in the universities. 

Lewis and Tolkien, both teaching in universities, taught the students one thing during the day, most of it indoctrination so that the students could be trapped into the system, and during the night they sat under the lamplight and wrote about how things really are. This doesn't mean that Narnia and Middle Earth have existed precisely in the way the authors described them, but they are metaphors, and if you read between the lines, you will learn things about the Universe you probably didn't know before.

When a planet is seeded and a species is created and starts to develop and evolve, more often than not, it all begins in 3D, just like here on Earth. 

As they evolve, they eventually come to a point where the physical 3D body seems more like a hindrance than an asset, and each member of the species (or the species as a group) can make the decision if they want to keep the body and explore the Multiverse from there (like we were designed to do here in the Living Library), or just leave it behind and explore the Multiverse solely in other dimensions without a stationary 3D body. 

They learn that everything is by choice in a Free Will Universe. 

This is how it's supposed to be, but again, 'as above, so below'; predators exists on many levels of existence. There are star races who dedicate their existence to hijack 3D worlds with 3D beings and enslave them, and sometimes they even terminate evolved races who are already living there and create their own slave species that can serve them. This is unfortunately not uncommon in this universe that we live in. We need to get the halo off of star beings who are more 'evolved' than us. Out there in the Universe, there is just as much variety as it is here. There are highly benevolent, wise beings in a mix with warlike, low vibrational entities. And there is everything in between. Statements by some researchers that all ETs out there in our near space are benevolent is an illusion at best and a delusion at worst.

So how does an alien perceive other dimensions and densities that are not accessible to us under current conditions? 

Well, a reliable source told me that if a species is of a certain star system, but are not living in 3D, they still have bodies, if they so wish, but can create and un-create them at will, as we shall see when we come to the section where the soul is explained from a new, very interesting standpoint. 

Dimensions enable 'site clarity', 'future telling', 'possible outcomes' and 'best choice to move forward'. I think that explains it pretty well and also expands our thinking quite a bit. Something to ponder.
When we are established, let's say in a specific star system, and want to experience all dimensions the way they are, we do have to access the nano world, i.e. the world that is the size, or smaller than, atoms, molecules, electrons, neutrons and positrons etc.

Therefore, an interdimensional being 'shrinks itself' to nano level, or wouldn't be able to travel the Universe in any larger terms. It would probably be possible to travel through certain stargates with a 'physical' ship, but it's inconvenient and would be something a star race would do as a Type II Civilization only (to read up on Type 0-V Civilizations, see The Wes Penre Papers, "Exopolitics Paper #1: Six Different Types of Civilizations). 

These different types of civilization is a classification basically done by mainstream science and is based on the technological development of a species. In fact, if a species is not, after have reached a Type II Civilization, can't figure out that nano-travel is the way to reach the stars and the endless dimensions, they must, in some manner, be under the control of other, sometimes unseen forces, who are steering the developing species towards a high tech society; it's not a normal way to evolve. Instead, a Type I Civilization, heading towards a Type II, would be one where the species has realized that technology and space travel don't go hand in hand, and they would reduce technology to the minimum in their society and learn how to space travel in the nano world.

Here, however, we need to separate the 96% Mother Goddess Universe (the KHAA or the VOID) and the 4% physical universe, which we call the 3 dimensional universe or 4-space/time, if we include time in it as well. These two terms need some extra attention to be understood.

In the KHAA is where nano-travel happens. 

As I have explained earlier, the KHAA is the dark energy and matter between stars, nebulas, and galaxies. The KHAA is a universe by itself, with its own, for us unseen planets, stars, nebulas, and galaxies. Those who dwell in the KHAA dwell in the 'body of the Mother Goddess'. The KHAA had its own dimensions and densities as well, and to travel in the KHAA, you 'shrink' yourself into nano-particles and travel space distances instantly. 

No stargates or vortexes are necessary -- you think yourself somewhere and a nano-second later you are there.

The easiest way to understand this is to compare it to Star Trek's character named Q. He could appear in the physical, seemingly from nowhere, and disappear just as quickly. He could also manifest whole realities when he wanted to. They were just illusions to the Enterprise crew, and after a while these realities disappeared and the crew were back on their mothership. Or did they actually leave? 

All this and more you can do as a star being living in the KHAA. It's also well explained in Jane Roberts' book, "Seth Speaks", where Seth explains how he, when living in other dimensions, can manifest whole planet systems with life forms and everything and live there and mingle with his own creation. He can also go to "real" worlds in an instant by just thinking himself there. 

The KHAA starts in the 12th and 13th Dimension and goes on from there. 

The KHAA, or the VOID, is also called the Orion Empire. 

No technology whatsoever is required there to travel between stars and planets. You travel in your thoughts and manifest with your avatar. Your everlasting soul is your Fire -- the Fire of the Mother Goddess.

Then we have the 4% physical universe, which for long we thought had only 4 dimensions. Now, however, with string theory, scientists believe there are actually 11 dimensions in the physical universe (and an abundance of densities). At this point, they have very little knowledge about what these dimensions do, but in fact, they are all inhabited by physical and non-physical star beings and star races, who can travel between those dimensions. This is the universe you and I currently live in.

I can understand that the metaphysical researcher may be utterly confused regarding dimensions and densities. Some, like string theorists, claim there are 11 dimensions, while the channeled RA Material, the Cassiopaeans, and many others subscribe to that densities/dimensions come in octaves, just like octaves on a musical instrument (8 densities or dimensions, as they claim that dimensions and densities are the same thing). Others, like A'shayana Deane and her Guardian Alliance claim 15 dimensions. So, what is correct? 

I would say, all of them. Our logical mind want everything in order and presented in a way that it can understand, but this is not always possible in a fluid Multiverse. The number of dimensions and densities are not as important as it may sound. It's all very subjective, and anyone can divide space and time into as many sections as they want to make sense out of it. So, whatever feels comfortable for you is okay. Personally, I think it's easiest to work with octaves and 11 dimensions, respectively. 

Then the 12th Dimension would be the beginning of the KHAA, or when I work with octaves, the 8th Dimension or Density is the beginning of a new transformation, something we will touch on in the next paper.

In our 4% universe, which I mostly will call the physical universe from now on, nano-travel doesn't occur and is probably not even possible. 

There are humans I have talked to who say they have nano-traveled to other star systems and dimensions without technology, but in fact, these people, unbeknownst to them, have traveled the KHAA, and not the physical universe. They could do so only because they were human. Other star races in the physical universe can't do this, and that's why they are jealous of us, something I will go into details about later.

The key word here is 'technology'. In the physical universe, which has its own dimensions and densities, star beings can't travel without technology. 

They need stargates and portals to travel from star system to star system, and they need spaceships of some kind to do the job for them. These space crafts don't need to be made of nuts and bolts and be driven with rocket fuel -- that's Stone Age -- but rather, they use interdimensional ships that can withstand the pressure of going through both stargates, black holes, white holes, and portals. 

More often than not, their bodies need to be genetically manipulated as well to be able to survive space travel, unless they are non-physical beings, so-called ontoenergetics. In our Universe, star beings know how to fold space, as well as travel through stargates, black holes, and portals.

The typical way for a star race to travel from let's say the Large Magellanic Cloud to Earth would be to choose a stargate close to them which takes them onto an intergalactic highway, which can bring them long distance until them come to the other side of the stargate, leave hyperspace and enter 4D space again (3 dimensions + time). They may middle land in the Pleiades, where there is a black hole, and continue onto PESH-METEN, our local galactic highway, and end up on Earth. This whole journey may not take more than a few days, Earth time, or if the route is more direct, it could happen almost instantly.

So, here is an easy summary: the difference between traveling in the physical universe and the KHAA is that in the physical universe you need technology to travel, and a body which can hold up in space conditions, while in the KHAA you just travel on a nano-level, using your Fire and your avatar.
Interestingly enough, I was listening to a Pleiadian tape as I am updating this paper, and they talk about the Grays and how some of them are us in the future, coming back to recapture our DNA so they can once again become like us, but also that there are other types of Grays, created in laboratories here on Earth! These particular Grays are meant to be used for space travel long distance, being half human and half insects, hence having the look of an alien Gray. It has been noticed that the Grays have the perfect body for interstellar space travel, and they can survive the space radiation for a long durations of time. Incidentally, Robert Morning Sky, at, says exactly the same thing, that there is a very secret space program where they mix human DNA with that of a special fly, which is resistant to radiation. So we see where the 'future Grays' may originate from!

So, for us humans to distinguish if a star being or a star race comes from the KHAA or the physical universe depends on their own dependency on technology. A KHAA being doesn't need technology to travel and can just manifest like Q in Star Trek, without using spaceships. If you see a spaceship/UFO in the sky, you can be pretty sure it's either our own military, or ETs residing within the 11 dimensions of the physical universe. This doesn't mean they have to be malevolent -- there are lots of benevolent star races in the physical universe, too.
It can still be problematic to distinguish between a KHAA being visiting the physical universe and someone who resides here permanently, however, because there are lots of multi- and interdimensional beings in the 4% as well, who can use their avatars to manifest in any shape and form they wish. The difference is that the KHAA beings cannot live here in a 3D physical body that they bring with them from the KHAA, but have to incarnate in a fetus in order to descend to a 3D world, or become a 'walk-in'[def] in order to stay here (which rarely happens and is always an intrusion), while the 4% star races have more options. If they are 3D like us and have learned to travel through space, they may come in their real bodies and land here in spaceships, or if they are interdimensional, we won't be able to see them, unless there is a 'bleed-through' between dimensions or densities. Interdimensional beings can use their avatars to manifest in whatever form they choose. Thus we have shapeshifting.
Most alien races who have interfered with human evolution, and are still here today to control and manipulate our behavior, are interdimensional. Therefore, they can either manifest by attaching themselves to a human being and control him or her from inside, or they can show themselves off as anything they want by using their avatar/light-body, or they can either take a baby body, do a 'walk-in', or use a human body they have in storage. This body is dormant until the star being possesses it and gives it life. The particular body is genetically engineered to look exactly like a human, but may have enhanced abilities and more DNA available to them.
To attach themselves to human beings, or any other beings at all, is an intrusion and a break of Universal Laws of Non-Interference, unless it's an agreed upon decision between the two parties. There has to be an agreement for an ET to invade someone else's space, and such an agreement is often made between the intruder and the owner of the body on some level, whether it is through manipulation or by consent. 

The Global Elite (The PTB) are more often than not attached by such intruders who work through their body, either in conjunction with the original, human soul, or by kicking out the human soul to be able to operate the body in full, or by being born into a human body of a certain chosen bloodline, such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. 

By doing so, it's very hard to detect that such a body is run by an ET, except by its brilliance and unusual knowledge that a normal human, if ever so bright, normally doesn't have access to. 

Whole bloodlines are bred so that their bodies can be easily possessed in this manner; it becomes a generational thing and the reason why incest and inbreeding is such a big deal amongst the PTB. This is also why some people claim they have seen attachments on people, such as reptilian shaped beings overlaying a human. It's not fiction; it's happening all around the globe and is much more common than anybody thinks, and the norm by which the PTB operate. Their ET Masters are the ones who run the show through the human bodies and ultimately from the 'unseen' dimensions. 

In a Pleiadian lecture, the Pleiadians said that among the 15 people in the room, 11 of them had attachments, although the people with attachments were all 'spiritual' and very good-hearted people. Not all attachments are attaching themselves to purposely do harm (see next paper), but to attach to another being is intruding; still, not uncommon.

There are many every-day humans who suffer from entity possession without being aware of it. People with erratic behavior that become patterns are often possessed and it happens when the original soul/avatar (the human) is not in their body for any given reason. It may be when they are abusing drugs, alcohol, dedicating himself to 'inappropriate sex', pornography, and all the rest of it. When people do such things on a regular basis, the soul is leaving the body and the non-physical thinks, "Nobody home; it's vacant and I can take it. It's mine now!" This doesn't mean a person necessarily gets an entity possession as soon as he of she is drinking at a party; it's often the morals and ethics of the person which determines if a non-physical entity wants to intrude, but also a person's tendency to be over helpful and always 'open' to everybody and everything and never be able to say no. That's a big opener of chakras without protection, inviting non-physicals to come in. We need to keep a bubble around ourselves and have boundaries. It's perfectly fine when someone is asking you if you want to do something to say, "No, I don't think so. It's nice of you, but I have to say no". A low-frequency non-physical entity would probably not gain much from attaching itself to a highly moral human; it wouldn't be able to accomplish its low frequency goals. 

An example of when an agreement is made between ETs and a human; for the ET or ETs to occupy the human body in a more benevolent way than they do with the PTB is through channeling. In mainstream channeling, the entity or entities occupy the body of the human while the channeling takes place, and thus the ETs can talk directly to an audience. Normally, such entities can not stay attached to the vessel (human body) without the channeler's consent, because the channeler learns to recognize the energies.
Other, more malevolent agreements can be done in dream state. If a person is bored with their life, or think that the being in the dream is overly powerful and exciting, the dreaming person may think it would be okay to have that powerful entity attached to them. When they wake up, however, they have no memories of such agreement. Therefore, if you feel you have 'company', make sure you tell the attachment (or attachments) that whatever agreement that may have been made in dream state, or when you were naive or had loose boundaries, are now void. Any attachment now has to leave, because all agreements are no longer valid. Then make sure you have strict boundaries in the future. You should be the only one 'home' so to speak, in your body.

