The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, The Manifestation of the Creator in the Physical Universe

The GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, The Manifestation of the Creator in the Physical Universe

In many religions on Earth we learn that God is a Being, sometimes seemingly of flesh and blood. 

In metaphysics we tend to think about God as the All That Is, whom embraces everything and everybody around us, ourselves included. 

But we don't usually think of God as manifest; neither as a Being of flesh and blood, nor as a Spirit of a kind like that of you and I, but something grander and almost incomprehensible.

However, new research I've done suggests that the Goddess can actually manifest in the physical. 

The Goddess created the web of the Multiverse with 'grids' and 'holes', metaphorically speaking. 

The 'holes' are the 'Goddess Manifest' and corresponds with dark matter and dark energy. 

Her creation is not yet finished, and she can 'spin more webs' as she sees fit, and let appointed Creator Gods come in and create. 

Anonymous sources are telling me that she is also able to take on a physical form so beings can see her, and she is apparently always manifesting herself in a fashion which is appealing to the beholder; something the observer is familiar with and can refer to.

Barbara Hand Clow is telling us a similar thing. Both Marciniak's Pleiadians and those of Hand Clow acknowledge the Divine Feminine. 

Here is a first quote from a channeled session by Hand Clow:
"As you enter Aquarius, the women as daughters of Earth will be the first players on the stage as Pleiadian storytellers. This has already begun. We Pleiadians do not express ourselves via sexual gender, but we are the guardians of the Goddess and we have a very feminine vibration. As we speak of  'woman,' we speak of Gaia in each one of you. Your male and female selves are both goddess and god, and as Earth has witnessed an overabundance of male energy, we Pleiadians are here to help all of you awaken the Goddess within.

During this most recent journey through the Galactic Night, you became highly self-reflective and your brains are getting very activated. You've developed yourselves magnificently so that you would be ready to challenge forces that control your reality at the Cosmic Party. We Pleiadians like to refer to these forces as the World Management Team, first named through channel Barbara Marciniak, and as far as I, Satya, can ascertain as I read your vibrations, these forces are directed on Earth by the Anunnaki..."[11.1]

But can the Goddess really manifest in the Universe, just like the biblical alleged 'God' did? 

According to some sources, the answer is yes. And not only can she do so; she does, ever so often, allegedly. So when a Christian, or non-Christian person, prays to God, he or she is praying to the Mother Goddess, and the prayers are heard. 

The Goddess, in her manifestation, is a very compassionate being, and if help is asked for, help is usually coming, in one form or another.

People who pray for something specific often expect that specific thing to manifest, and when it doesn't manifest exactly the way the person expects it to, they don't think the prayer is heard. This is often not the case, and I'll make an example. John is praying that he will be better at doing his job, because he feels like his coworkers are better than he is. Believing in prayers, he is hoping his wish will come true. In spite of this, the day after he makes a couple of terrible mistakes at work which will draw attention from his coworkers. He goes home in the evening, very discouraged, and thinks prayers probably don't help. But he tells himself to give it another chance, and he prays again for the same thing. The next day, he is making a few similar mistakes as the day before and is even more discouraged and decides that prayers don't work and stops praying.

If John instead would have looked at what kind of mistakes he made these two days, he would perhaps have noticed that they were exactly the things he needed to improve on to be able to be as good as his coworkers. If he had taken that into consideration and developed his skills in these particular areas, he would perhaps have had a good chance to succeed. So instead of 'magically' improve at work, the Goddess pointed out in which area he needed to do his own work, so the prayer was actually heard. This is often how prayers are manifested; help is coming, but the person who asks for it still has to do the job. Help is often coming in form of tools, so that the person can learn on their own.

Individual souls, whom on their own merit, or groups of beings who have evolved together to create a composite, can on occasion have direct encounters with the Goddess, and if ready, the Goddess may appoint these individuals to become Creator Gods as she and they see fit. 

When the evolution of an intelligent species is not interfered with and manipulated by external forces in any major way, a whole species, or the majority of them, can evolve together and be appointed Creator Gods by the Goddess herself and become a 'collective consciousness' of Creator Gods. 

This I see can happen when the members of the species are open to each other and share their experiences so that they all can learn both individually and as a group. If no secrets are held, the species after some time becomes a collective consciousness. Those who don't grasp this concept sometimes call a star race like this a 'hive community' and refer to it as a community with one authority whom the rest of the species follow without questioning. Although I'm sure there are such cultures, this is not what I am referring to here. 

Then, on occasion, there are individuals, or groups of individuals, who become creator gods without have been appointed by the Goddess, and do so by means of technology, and with a purpose of gaining power over others and 'cheat' their way up to godhood rather than doing it to contribute to the greatest good of all involved. 

Part of humanity is about to do just that. By infiltration and manipulation by off-world forces, mankind has fallen into the shadowlands of reality, and a lot of secrets are held in a hierarchal structure, and it works its way down to separate every-day people, who follow the same examples to lie, cheat and hold secrets from each other. It's a very dangerous path and needs to be broken as any ethical and moral reader can see, or these beings will do harm to the universal creation as a whole, and eventually to themselves as well; more harm than they can imagine at this point in

But I will blow it up to an extent that I hope people will understand the dilemma we are in and what needs to be done.

It can be hard for us to understand this process of being appointed, perhaps by a manifestation of the Goddess herself, in physical or in spirit, but our nervous system while still stuck in 3-D reality is very limited, and it requires of us to think outside the box a lot to expand our consciousness.

