The Orion Empire - Who's the Friend and Who's the Enemy

The Orion Empire - Who's the Friend and Who's the Enemy

Like I said earlier, the Universe is teeming with life -- absolutely teeming! 

There are so many different star races that even if all of mankind would come together and try to research them all, in a hundred years we would only be able to catalogue a very few, compared to how many there are. 

However, what is important for us humans is which star races, directly or indirectly, interfere with human evolution, how they do it, and whom they are in alliance with. 

In these papers (Level II), we will only touch on a few of these many races who are interacting with us, or are watching us on a distance without interfering. 

The reason I am concentrating on the Aryans (from Orion) and Sirians in particular is because these two star groups are, and have been having, a greater influence on our evolution than anybody else, I dare say. 

And not only that; when people try to catalogue different ET species, most don't understand that what we think are different races are often one and the same but under another guise.

Remember I wrote about how species mostly don't come in the physical, but nano-travel without bodies or spaceships. 

Spaceships are really not necessary to travel the Universe, except for beings who are not evolved enough to put technology aside and travel in spirit. 

When doing the latter, they can use their avatar to mock themselves up as any kind of being they like; humans, grays, reptilians, giant moth men, winged dragons -- you name it. These invaders do everything they can to confuse and manipulate us. 

With that said, I would like to start talking some more about the Aryans and the Orion Empire. The paper after this one will expose the Sirian Lords -- the so called Ša.AM.i -- for what they really are, although I like to believe (and there is some evidence for this) that there may be a faction of them who evolved to stages of higher consciousness and are actually willing to assist us in helping ourselves. "Helping ourselves" is the key phrase, because if a star race says they are coming here to 'save us', I would run the other way! 

I have come to this strong conviction that we are our only saviors. Star races who follow universal laws can help us by giving us the tools for self-improvement (some channeled information goes under this category), but if some say they are coming here in spaceships to save us or take us on board to transport us to some other dimension, I wouldn't believe them. 

They have their own agenda and only need our permission to come and take you and do whatever they want to do with you, or to come down here to rule you 'for a thousand years' -- whatever the deal is. 

The 'disclosure' everybody seems to be waiting for, constantly looking up into the skies, is not going to be in form of a mass landing of benevolent ascended masters or other 'evolved' beings. 

The contact will rather be on a personal level; star beings or star races making a connection with individuals or groups who are working on breaking out of the entrapment; in other words, those who are ready for an encounter. 

It's then up to us to discern whether these personal encounters are benevolent and beneficial for our growth, or not. We all have to pass a lot of tests now and in the near future. And we have to be brilliant, all of us. Not that we aren't. We are all brilliant; we just need to wake up and realize it and start making conscious decisions, getting rid of all sloppy thoughts and make decisions based on intentions that come from clear thoughts. We have a lot to learn in the little time we have at hand, so if we waste it, we will regret it.

Channeled material has often told us that the cradle of mankind stood in the constellation of Lyra, and I was saying the same thing in Level I. This seems to hold water when we are talking about the human template; it was apparently in Lyra the humanoid template was first tried with success. In Lyra the early galactic citizens saw a star race dawn which looked very similar to the Vulcans in 'Star Trek'. Many researchers in exopolitics[def] have since then realized that this popular science fiction series had a lot of truth in it. 

This is not surprising if we understand that many Hollywood producers and other creative people are often part of esoteric societies, some of them dedicated to channeling. So was also the case with screenwriter, producer and futurist, Gene Roddenberry, who developed the Star Trek series in 1964. He was a member of a society called The Council of 9, which was channeling a collective of entities known as The Nine[1]. 

Other known members of this club were Uri Geller and Peter R. Farley, who used the channeled material from 'The Nine' to write his book series, Where Were You Before the Tree of Life?[2]

 Roddenberry allegedly got the ideas to much of 'Star Trek' from these channeled sessions; so also the look of the Vulcans, with their humanoid bodies, pointed ears and great analytical minds. The Vulcans have, I have learned, a lot of similarities with the Vegans from the Vega star system in the constellation of Lyra. Just like humans on Earth, the Lyrans came in many different skin colors, and many had pointed ears, just like Mr. Spock. There have been many civilizations on Earth before Homo sapiens came into existence, 250,000-300,000 years ago, and the Vegans at one time, once they became Founders, helped creating earlier civilizations on Earth which did have the Lyran, humanoid template as part of their DNA. 

This can be read in Lyssa Royal's & Keith Priest's material and has been researched and built upon my many researchers, including myself. As civilizations rose and fell on Earth, mankind eventually was created by mixing DNA from different star races and a previously existing humanoid species who was being part of an Experiment to create a Living Library on Earth

This Experiment, however, was interrupted when the Sirian Lords landed on Earth half a million years ago, and things changed drastically on the planet after that. 

But who was behind the Experiment with the Living Library? 

Some say it was the Lyrans, while others say it was the Pleiadians. We already know that a lot of star races contributed with their own flora and fauna, but I have great reasons to believe that those who instigated the Living Library came from the Orion Empire. 

This may come as a shock to many, because the Aryans (plural of Aryan, which signifies beings living in the Orion Empire) have quite a bad reputation here on Earth. There are star races from the Orion constellation who have a violent past, so some of the bad reputation may be justified, but we also need to keep in mind who are in charge of this planet, and have been for the last hundreds of thousands of years. 

In my previous papers in this level of learning I said that the Aryans have a matriarchal view on cosmos, while the Sirians have a patriarchal one. This has been proven beyond doubt in metaphysics; no one doubts anymore that the Orion Queen is embracing the Divine Feminine and that the Sirians are Patriarchs; we only have to go to the Bible to find that out, and if we want to use metaphysical evidence, we have almost all channeled material and Sitchin's books to refer to. 

On these matters, I think most of them are in agreement. The question is, why exactly is there such a tension between the matriarchs and the patriarchs? 

Why have so many people died in the struggle between these polarities? 

Don't we smell a bigger story behind that? I certainly do, and will do my best to answer this question throughout the papers in 'Level II'. For serious reasons I will go into more in details later on, the Sirians have a strong interest in keeping us in the dark regarding the feminine side of life, and therefore we can expect that information coming from them are mainly with the purpose to deceive or mislead. It is quite commonly accepted by now that beings from the Sirian Empire were the ones who created us as a slave race in a distant past and are influencing our daily life up until this day, and the Sumerian cuneiform proves this as well. But if the Aryans are as bad as some people say, where are they? 

Why aren't they here, manipulating us, instead of, or together with, the Sirians? Most also agree

that the Orion Queen is powerful and a deadly threat to the Sirians, so why doesn't she and her people invade, throw out the Sirians and take over, or chase the Sirians away and become our new slave owners? 

They must have the power to do so, one would think? 

So, we know from Sitchin, LPG-C, the Pleiadians, and personal encounters (to name a few) that the Men of Power, the Patriarchs, are basing their ideas from the Lords of Sirius, the Ša.AM.i. 

Some say the Sirians left a long time ago, and if we pretend they did, mankind is still following their doctrines to the smallest word. 

Now, evidence shows that a faction of the Sirians in fact never left and has been running the show behind the scenes up to present day, which then puts the puzzle pieces together and the whole thing makes sense[3]. So, this much we do know from just a little research. Now to the question: where are the Aryans? 

Where is the Matriarchal movement and the Divine Feminine? 

Do we see any traces of that today in any major society? 

The answer is no. 

Hence, I dare say that the Aryans are either not here, or if they are, they are not a threat to mankind, or possibly the opposite. Let's go back to the Sirian Lords, aka the Ša.AM.i, for a moment; it would certainly be in their best interest if we thought that they were the ones who created us, so that we think we are in debt to them. 

Thus they can keep their stronghold over us and manipulate us as they please. 

As some of the readers may know, I was recently in contact with Utu, son of King Nannar of the Ša.AM.i race. I will talk about that later, but he was quick to point out to me that his people are our ancestors and that we need to start getting along and we need to forgive them for what they did to us in the past. 

This would all be nice and good if it wasn't a lie. 

They did not create us and they are not coming here in peace, something he basically proved himself, obviously enough. Yes, they came here and hi-jacked an already existing experiment and created a slave race, but they did not create us -- we already existed. 

My point is that the Ša.AM.i have an investment here on Earth, which is us. And to be able to keep that investment they have to lie about our origins. 

What about other star races; why would they have to lie about who we are and where we come from? Well, some of them work with the Ša.AM.i, while others have their own agenda, but you can count on that whatever it is, it will suit their own purposes more than ours. 

The thing that these star races have in common, whether they are working with the Ša.AM.i or not, is that very few of them say that our cradle stood in Orion. The simple reason for this is that the truth would hardly benefit any of them, and none of them is endorsing the Divine Feminine. And those who would basically be willing to tell us are watching us in the background, unwilling to interfere due to that they respect basic universal laws. 

We hear from different sources that Orion is where the Divine Feminine is most prominent; and that exact information about the Feminine is what is being suppressed here on Earth, and that was what made me want to look into this matter a little bit closer. 

It sounds to me that the 'bad reputation' is misdirected, so we will bark up the wrong tree.

