The SIRIAN OVERLORDS - The Sirian Overlords Today

The SIRIAN OVERLORDS - The Sirian Overlords Today

In the next paper we are going to see what happened when the Sirians and the Aryans met for the first time and what that violent encounter developed into. But to complete the overview on whom the Sirians are, and as a complement to what I wrote in 'Level I', let's say a few words about whom they are today. 

While the Aryans have evolved to become a spiritual empire, the Sirians have mainly built theirs on technology and never really cared too much about the spiritual part of existence. 

They are fully aware of that the Universe is feminine in nature but are keeping that part secret. 

Since they started expanding their Empire, they have now laid quite a few star systems under their jurisdiction and are still considered being a feared, violent race. 

They are, like I mentioned above, excellent pilots of the KHAA, and after billions or years, they are apparently still to a large degree using hollowed-out craft in their space fleet, although I'm sure they've found even more profound ways to travel between star systems in their asteroids. 

I also know that they are using other type of craft as well, at least when they are cruising our solar system. Some have described encounters with them where they have been using a big, black triangular 'mothership' with three big lights underneath; one in each corner of the triangle. 

In the dark, it therefore looks like there are three smaller ships. Other shapes have been reported as well. However, there is much more to the story about UFOs in the sky than has been told to the public, and I will bring that up in a later paper. 

Since their first attempts to conquer space as a species anchored in 4% space/time with solid bodies like ours, they have evolved into becoming interdimensional beings who can also nano-travel. 

It is my qualified guess that the main reasons they have kept their hollowed-out craft technology is simply because they can hide in plain sight, and these solid ships are still excellent weapons. 

However, it is my full conviction that the major threat from them do not come from some kind of invasion where we fight in physical bodies in some huge Battle of Armageddon. Albeit, this may be a part of it, the major threat is going to come from the nano world.

