The SIRIAN OVERLORDS - The Sirians Become a Space-Faring Species

The SIRIAN OVERLORDS - The Sirians Become a Space-Faring Species

All evidence points to that the Sirians have become a very technically advanced society, but still with a strict hierarchal structure, where different kings rule with an iron fist over the rest of the population. 

Bloodlines are extremely important for the Sirians, because a strong and pure bloodline means survival and power over others. Therefore, the Royal Bloodlines of the Sirians are considered the strongest, most ruthless, and most powerful of them all. 

This is one of the reasons why incest is practiced, but they also realize that if a family only produces offspring within their own bloodline, it is going to weaken them after a certain amount of generations, so on occasion, they also create offspring by marrying someone from another powerful bloodline, where both parties may benefit from such a relationship. 

Additionally, it only makes sense that the same souls incarnate over and over within the same family if they can stand the competition with other souls. 

In Sitchin's work, and even when talking to LPG-C, very little is said about the Ša.AM.i working class. All we hear about is the Royal Families and their spoiled, revengeful sons and daughter who use other worlds and innocent beings as playgrounds and toys for their war games and pumping of testosterone. 

When the working class is mentioned at all, they are presented as slave labor, just as ourselves, or soldiers who fight and die on the battlefield. Apparently, as a law for the upper class, a Lord is no not killing another Lord; it is strictly forbidden and rarely happens, except, there are casualties in wars, where they accidentally kill each other, according to A.R. Other than that, when comes to middle class and lower class, those rules don't apply. 

Of course, biting off each other's private parts is not murder, so no one thinks twice about that, even if it happens in a feud, Lord against Lord. Albeit, Kings have been overthrown and killed by their own sons or blood relatives, or by someone from a rival Royal bloodline. 

This has happened both according to Sitchin and Morning Sky. King AL-AL fled for his life when he was overthrown, for example, and in the Sirian society a King is also a Lord, so it's hard to say where they put the boundaries. We've already covered that the Sirians are partly Reptilians, and may even be the Reptilians who people are discussing ever so often in books and on the Internet. 

In all reptilian manner they have hierarchies based on the capabilities of each individual. The stronger and more ruthless dominates the weaker etc, and this caste system is always a rule and not an exception. 

Democracy is far from a fair political system, and hearing the above, no one would say that the Sirian society is democratic. However, as A.R. reports in his essay, 'The Link', the Ša.AM.i are now heading towards a more democratic system with a more humane society. I would say, I believe it when I see it, and so far there are no indications that this group of Sirians are heading towards something humane. A.R., too, expresses his doubts, but tries to keep an open mind and stay hopeful, working on, as he says, trying to find a group within the Ša.AM.i culture which is willing to support mankind's sovereignty as a biokind, and who support our evolution on our own terms. 

In the Sirian caste system, people either call each other by name, without a title (which is equivalent to a stranger talking to a stranger, or two people who don't like each other), or they call each other 'brothers' if they are friends or are working towards a common goal. Utu Šamaš, King Nannar's son and King ANU's grandson, told me that the title 'Lord' is something you earn when you have done something extraordinary to support the Ša.AM.i society. I was surprised, however, when Uti said I couldn't call him 'Lord', because I am not a Lord myself. I had to call him Utu. 

A human, he said, can be dubbed 'Lord' as well under the above circumstances. Like ourselves, the Sirians had it in their DNA to explore the stars, and to expand their domains. They built spaceships that could travel within their solar system and could even visit the other two stars in the Sirius system, because they were close, and explore and populate planets there as well. 

However, then they faced the same problem as all star races do on that level of development, and the question arose: "how do we get to the stars? How can we travel long distance?" This was a huge problem for the Sirians, who wanted to go out and conquer and show themselves off on the battlefield. They understood there must be life out there, on planets orbiting other suns farther away. So they became excellent engineers and their technologies and weapon industry developed in enormous speed. Still, they couldn't break the barrier; what was required to be able to leave the solar system?

 While their scientists worked on an answer, the Sirian Kings worked on increasing the mining projects in their own solar system; something that went on for quite a while. Due to the gravity of the three suns (Sirius A, B, and C), worlds sometimes didn't last long in those solar systems and planets bumped into each other and got destroyed. 

The Sirians took advantage of this, because from once had been larger planets, the heavenly bodies that bumped into each other afterwards became smaller asteroids and planetoids which were easier to dig into and mine. Sometimes they used the resources of such worlds to the extreme and found the technology to hollow them out entirely. That's when they got the brilliant idea which was later going to get them to the stars. 

If they could hollow out asteroids that easily and only let a shell remain, they could also create a whole little worlds inside and use them as spaceships. But not only spaceships; they could also use them as deadly battleships. Finding this out made them very excited and they started implementing their ideas and equipped these world with their latest weaponry and tried it out in the solar systems. 

By inventing something which was later going to be called something similar to 'push and pull drives', they could maneuver these giant death stars, going against the solar currents, but also letting the hollowed-out asteroids glide on solar winds and cosmic currents so that they looked like any normal asteroid and could therefore not be detected if it wasn't known which one was a real asteroid and which one was a ship. 

This story is backed up in details by Robert Morning Sky in both his Terra Papers, but more so, even, in his 'Eden, Atlantis and the UFO Myth'. Over the years, when I've listened to the Pleiadians and read Marciniak's books, I've noticed that they, too, are giving hints to the same thing. Here, for example, is a quote from the book, Family of Light: "...Build your foundation with your physical form, and then you will begin to understand what is happening in the heavens; What the comets are, what the great energy waves embody, who builds and flies the spaceships, and from what line of time they jump."[6] [my emphasis]. 

It is unclear exactly when the Sirians were starting their interstellar travels and how they found out how to do it, but one day, apparently, they discovered the so-called Einstein-Rosen Bridges[def] (stargates) and how these sometimes led right onto a cosmic highway which finally could take them to the stars. With a few adjustments (one of them was to develop something like a fold drive, where they could travel across folded space to quickly get to another location in space), the Sirian star race was ready to reach the stars. 

They learned how to travel the galactic highways in their hollowed out battleships and they became a deadly force and extremely successful invaders. With time they became excellent travelers of the Void.What they did was that they traveled together in huge armadas of hollowed-out asteroids across the star lanes and suddenly appeared in a solar system far away from their home in Sirius. Even if there was a fairly advanced star race living in that foreign system, with a tight security system, they would never think twice about a swarm of comets of asteroids coming into the solar system. It happens all the time in all star systems. 

So they were always taken by surprise when the Sirian deadly forces started using their highly murderous weapons that could wipe out whole civilizations before they even had time to get together and defend themselves. Who could defend themselves against solid heavenly bodies? 

The Sirians seldom took prisoners of war. The battles were usually an orgy in slaughtering, flesh-eating and blood drinking, rape and torture. 

A new King, lower in rank than the Khanus King (the major Sirian King of the home Sirius star system), was then put on the throne on the newly conquered world and Sirians started migrating to the new planet, and so the empire grew with time. 

The Sirian Overlords were extremely pleased to say that they had never lost a war; no star race had been able to resist them or defeat them. They started looking at themselves as the Kings of the Universe. Until the day when they reached the outskirts of the Orion Empire...

