The typical clone we know of is of course the 'Gray'. Not all Grays are cloned, though, but the Grays as a species are apparently very resilient and used by many star races as servants, workers, or slaves.
The typical clone we know of is of course the 'Gray'. Not all Grays are cloned, though, but the Grays as a species are apparently very resilient and used by many star races as servants, workers, or slaves.
When we hear them described by abductees and others who have encountered them on military bases and elsewhere, one of the first thing that hits them is that they lack reproduction organs. People often wonder about that, and if they 'do it' in other ways, but of course, they don't need any sexual organs if they are clones and don't reproduce sexually anyway.
There is an important distinction to make here, however, and that is between a feminine star being giving birth without a male involved, producing clones of herself through unfertilized eggs, and those who are Founders or creator gods in the making, cloning species, new or old, in laboratories.
But there are a lot of alien races out there who are cloned to begin with, and some of them are no longer aware of who is their creators.
Most commonly, each cloned member of this race has its own personality due to that they are inhabited by Fires, building the light-body/avatar, the equivalent to what we call soul, or in LPG-C's research, 'Information Cloud'.
These cloned races don't go through evolution like we do on a 3D world, but as soon as they are created, they are ready to go, just like insects here on Earth often are as soon as they are born; not to say that these cloned star beings necessarily are Insectoids; that connection is irrelevant.
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