Tribunal Censored by the Corporate "Mainstream" Media Public Largely Unaware of the Child Sex Trafficking Problem David Seaman


Tribunal Censored by the Corporate "Mainstream" Media Public Largely Unaware of the Child Sex Trafficking Problem
David Seaman

 David Seaman is the journalist who wrote about "Pizzagate"

exposing child trafficking from the leaked Podesta emails,

and was subsequently fired by the Huffington Post.

Testimony here.

The first meeting of the Judicial Commission happened in Westminster, London on April 16-18th 2018.

Health Impact News stumbled upon the ITNJ website when investigative reporter John P. Thomas was researching material for his series of articles on pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church.


Even though this event happened many months ago, it apparently has not been reported on in the corporate "mainstream" media, as is to be expected, but the event apparently is not well-known to the alternative media either.

The work of the Tribunal and the Judicial Commission continues here at the end of 2018, and it is our hope that our readership and others in the alternative media will share this information far and wide exposing what is the most evil enterprise in the world today.

Chief Counsel Robert David Steele states that the Tribunal and Judicial Commission's purpose is to educate the public, not to try or convict criminals (see video above):

This is a court of inquiry. It's not an adversarial court, it's a non-profit educational event.

One of the most wonderful things that this court could achieve, now that we have had "pizzagate," for example, which opened people's minds, is we could achieve an opening of the public's mind.

Governments are letting us all down. And I absolutely agree with the Commissioner who brings forward the need to the sovereignty of "we the people."

Because governments have become not only bureaucratized, but they are now the servants of the deep state, of the banks.

And while we are not a law enforcement commission, we can in fact turn information over to law enforcement.

The center of gravity for taking down the deep state, pedophilia is both the induction glue, pedophilia is how the deep state recruits and controls people.

It is also the Achilles heel of the deep state.

I believe that once the public realizes that the government is not protecting their children, at a scale of vulnerability that we can articulate, then everything else about the government is called into question.

So for me this is a truly righteous endeavor.

I will end by saying that as much good as it might do to get the British angry, for me the center of gravity for change is the American public.

Because if you can get the American public angry, we will stop supporting dictators overseas, and we will close all of our military bases overseas.

I am on record as a former CIA operations officer saying that our thousand bases overseas are not there for national defense, they're there to serve as lily pads for the smuggling of,

  • guns

  • gold

  • cash

  • drugs

  • small children...


