Truth about Reptilian Alien Races

Lacerta Files

Truth about Reptilian Alien Races

The Reptilians have a strange origin. They are not from this physical universe. No One know where they come from.
Some of the early Reptilians races  are androgynous with male and female incorporated in one body, there is no differentiation of the sexes.
They feel superior because Reptilian DNA does not change over eons of time; it remains stable.
The Reptilian Civilizations are Sub-divided into following types:
A)   Tiamatians from another dimension
B)   The Ciakars or Cekahrr are reptilian winged ones, likely seeded by the Tiamatians. They have been considered a royal or possibly Elite Caste of the Saurian blooded Reptilians, who may have been responsible for the development of the Draconian empire.
C)   Alpha Draconian - beige or white beings are also known as the “Dragon Race” and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent. There are the oldest reptilian races in our universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or reality system.
D)   Dinoids from the Bellatrix system in the Constellation of Orion
E)    Reptoid colonies from the Constellation of Sagittarius are Green or Brown in color.
F)    Ancient Ones or Titans or Cthulhu or Underworld beings
G)   Anunnaki (The Elder Gods = Archons)
H)   COHRA - The Council On Human-Reptilian Allegiance
I)     The Greys – Tall & Short types
J)     The Marcabians are a reptilian race which came to earth over 4000 years ago from the star system of Canus Major and turned our beautiful world into a slaughter-house ever since.
K)   Altairians

According to Lacerta files, The Origin of Reptilians are “Terrans” who were seeded on Earth by an unknown Reptoid Race (Possibly by Tiamat). They are Sauria blooded descendants of the Iguanadon referred to as “Saurians”. These Saurians evolved over a 160 million years’ time span. Only in the past 10 million years, they did become an advanced civilization to develop their own space program.
65 Million years ago on Earth, The Humanoid race from Procyon Star system explored our Solar System and established Colonies on our planet Earth, co-habited with intelligent and self-aware indigenous reptilians called Saurians. Humanoids and Reptilians used to live together peacefully on Earth.
Lacerta Files
A few centuries later, an advanced reptoid race from the Lokas or Talas, an alternate universe, came to Earth in interest for raw materials. It's quite possible that these reptoids seeded the indeginous dinosaurs, reptiles, and evolving Saurians, at much earlier time in Earth's creation. The reptoid's interests in Earth caused problems with the Procyons. Within a few lunar cycles, war broke out. The aftermath of the war incurred a mass extinction event on Earth.
The Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pgextinction event, also known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) extinction, was a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth, approximately 66 million years ago
Tiamatians or the Tiamat are obscure (or possibly energy beings) Reptoids who are thought to have seeded the Saurian blooded Reptilians 
who are living on Earth underground tunnels since millions of years. These Reptoids come from other Dimensions (Shape-shifting guardians), a type of alternate reality (or bubble) likely from Lokas or Talas..
DRACOS are Elite or Dominant Reptilian Alien Race which have special “wings”, which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the “Dragon Race” and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent. There are elements of their species which do not have wings - the “soldier class” and “scientists” have none.

They are all ‘cold blooded’ and have to have a balanced environment to maintain body temperature.

The “soldier class” of the species can bury themselves in the ground and wait long periods of time in order to ambush their enemy. If need be they can survive on one very large meal every few weeks or even once a year.

As a species, they are well suited for space travel due to their ability to hibernate. These reptoids have scales which protect them from moisture loss. They have no sweat glands.
Ouroboros Shirt – TopatoCo
Ancient symbol of a snake or serpent eating its own tail, variously signifying infinity and the cycle of birth and death.
The scales (scutes) are much larger on their backs, making the skin waterproof. The scales elsewhere on the body are more flexible. They have three fingers with an opposing thumb. The eyes are catlike and large. They have twin nostrils at the end of a short stubby muzzle. They are mostly meat eaters.

The mouth is more like a slit, but they have teeth which are differentiated into incisors, canines, and molars.
 They average from 6 to 7 feet in height.

About 35 Million years ago, there were 27 Sub-Species of Reptilians who fought among themselves and currently 4 Species left that too 3 Species are on Earth working with Humans.

Reptilians have high copper content in their blood instead of iron. When their blood oxidizes it turns blue-green, thus the term,“blue bloods”. Thus began the “Blue blood” lineage.
Physical Features of Reptilians:
Skin is mainly of a green-beige colour – more pale green – and a)    have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot of the size of 1 – 2 centimeters) on  skin and in face (the patterns are different for both sexes but females have more, especially in the lower body and in the face.)
b)    Eyes are a little bit larger than human eyes (for this reason, They can see better in the darkness) and usually dominated from the large black pupils, which are surrounded from a small bright-green iris (males have a dark-green iris). The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because Reptilian retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this.
c)    Reptilians have external round ears but they are smaller and not so curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive for sonic (we can also hear a wider range of sonic). There’s a muscle or “lid” over the ears which can completely close them (for example under water).
d)    Nose is more pointed and there is a V-shaped curving between the nostrils, which enabled the ancestors to “see” temperature. They have lost most of this ability, but can still feel temperature much better with this “organ”.
e)    Their lips are shaped like Humans (those of females a little bit larger than those of males) but of a pale brown colour and our teeth are very white and strong and a little bit longer and sharper than our soft mammal teeth. They have no different hair colors like us (but there is a tradition to colour the hairs in different ages) and the original colour is a greenish brown.
ArtStation - Reptilian Alien, ch sh
f)     Their hairs are thicker and stronger than ours and they grow very slow. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs.
g)    Reptilian Body, Arms and Legs are similar in shape and size to ours, but the color is different (green-beige, like the face) and there are scale-like structures on the upper legs (over the knee) and upper arms (over the elbow).
h) Their five fingers are a little bit longer and thinner than human fingers and our skin on the palm is plain, so we have no lines like you but again a combination of a scale-like skin structure and of the brown dots (both sexes have the dots on the palm) and they have no fingerprints like us. There are small sharp horns on the upside of both middle fingers. The fingernails are grey and generally longer than yours. Males have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of your centimeters. The a)    following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin.
By Kesara. "Hybrids. Half human and half extraterrestrial they ...
i)    At back, they have a very difficult shaped external plate-structure of skin and tissue following exactly our spine from the head to the hip. There is an extremely high number of nerves and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates (which are around two or three centimeters long and very touch sensitive – this is the reason why they have always problems to sit in chairs with a back like this chair.) The main task of these small plates (beside a role in our sexuality) is simply the regulation of body temperature and if they sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more blood-filled and the vessels become wider and the sun is able to heat up our Reptoid blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) for many degrees and that gives us a great pleasure.
j)    Reptilians have no navel, because were born in a different way to our mammal birth. The other exterior differences from our kind are minor.
5,00,000 years ago, a race called Anunnaki arrived on earth through a planet called Nibiru from Sirius star system. These are responsible for manipulating Human genetic system by converting Homoerectus to Homosapiens. They have warned humans against reptilians by posing them as Gods and Reptilians as Evil beings. Anunnaki or Illojim suddenly left Earth 4963 years ago (as per 2020 AD) and may expect to return anytime to manipulate our genes plan for Eighth generation of Mankind. Yes, we (Humankind) have been tampered seven times.
According to Sumerian text, there was battle between Enki and Enlil - two Reptilian-Syrian Anunnaki Hybrid brothers.
Ancient Secrets Of Mankind And The Anunnaki Revealed On The 14 ...
The Elder Gods are led by a great trinity: Anu, Enlil and Enki, three of the most well-known ancient god-kings of Sumeria, and perhaps, Atlantis. Anu held the seat of kingship, the inheritance of which was disputed by his sons, Enki and Enlil, leading to a catastrophic war that destroyed much of the Earth.

This is recorded in the Sumerian Enuma Elish, as well as the biblical tale of the "war in Heaven." In the Sumerian texts, there is a race of gods descended from this trinity called the "Anunnaki", analogous to the "sons of God" of the Bible, or the "Watchers" of The Book of Enoch.

The Ancient Ones, for their part, seem to be associated both with the Abyss, or underground sea, and with the constellations as well. This is not a contradiction if one takes into account the fact that ancient man considered the sky itself to be a cosmic ocean, and it was often called "the Abyss" as well.

There seem to be three star systems in particular that the Ancient Ones are associated with, which have given birth to what The Necronomicon describes as:
"The Cult of the Dog, the Cult of the Dragon, and the Cult of the Goat"
(all cults that would be perceived as pagan or "Satanic" today),
...corresponding to the stars Draconis (the Dragon), Sirius (the Dog-Star), and Capricorn, (the Goat). 

We are the products of a long term genetic and soul matrix manipulation designed to keep us individually and collectively in a subservient status vis a vis the reptilians and the dark gods of this world.
The Mind, Body and Soul of a sleeping human that the reptilians and mind controllers want to control. Each abductee has a certain degree of usefulness to the reptilians, some more than others.
The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human" bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities.
The rebellious god Ea (EN.KI) formed an organization called, "The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake." Ancient Egyptian writings tell us its ORIGINAL purpose was to educate the human race in TRUTH and to liberate the human race from its bondage, the same bondage portrayed within the movie, "The Matrix" , where "AI"/Satan is the controller of the human race.
One could say that when Atlantis and its continent sank, Earth left the fourth and fifth dimensions to enter the realm of the three dimensional material structure. With the descent into the third dimension, the remaining human race lost consciousness' of the Oneness of all things.
Two major Brotherhoods arose on Earth, both influenced by Shambhala and Agartha, together they are called The Brotherhood of the Snake.

Shambhala was the seat of the Evocation of the Masters of WisdomAgartha was the seat of the Invocation of the Masters of Wisdom. Together they embodied the universal polarity of opposites.
For the Reptilians to function in physical reality, they needed physical genetics. The transparent people took genetics from the now physical Lyraens, who had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. These genetics were mixed with the transparent peoples collective energy, thus manifesting physically as the Reptilians. This is why the current Reptilians need the energetics from Aryan-type people to survive on the physical plane.
The Reptilians are programmed to believe that they are the superior physical form. Scientifically speaking, Reptilian DNA does not change very much over eons of time. It basically remains the same. For them, this is their proof that they are already perfect, without any need to adapt. Mammalian life, on the other hand, evolves and changes form constantly to survive. To the Reptilian mind, this denotes weakness and inferiority? Reptilians are also androgynous, meaning male and female in one body. This is comparable to all non-physical forms that have no gender like God-Mind. For this reason, the Reptilians believe themselves to be more godlike because of their androgyny. Due to their ethnocentric values, they also consider it their right to control and conquer all of space and time.
Although the Reptilians operate out of a general group mind, they are separated into seven different Reptilian species, each created to perform specific functions.
Alex Collier says: The Reptilians enjoy human flesh, and human children best, for two reasons. The first is that children don't have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and when children are put into a state of fear, their energy and field and andrenalin just explodes. The reptilians get a "rush" from this stuff.
The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid towards its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid to its target. All of the technology was obtained by the beings from Sirius A.
The thinking process of the Reptilians differs from the human thinking process. Because Reptilians do not evolve rapidly and remain unchanging, their expansion is also slow moving and insidious. It would take several millennia for the Reptilians to decide whether or not they would coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still an outpost far from the center of the Draconian Empire.
The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life.
The Draconians look at lifeforms which they have created or altered as a natural resource. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race, which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth. The primate race was then tinkered with by many other different races - 21 other races - resulting in the primate race having been modified 22 times.
 Derivation of White Draconian! by RenatoAmaralArkilly on DeviantArt
This primate race eventually became Homo Sapien Sapiens. - who we are on a physical level. Yes, we used to have 12 strands of DNA. Ten strands were taken out by a group from Orion in order to control us and hold us back. 
The reason the Orion group wanted to hold us back was because they found out who we were on a soul level. Again, according to the Andromedans, we humans are part of a group of energies that they know of as the Paa Tal. The reason that the Andromedans use the word Paa Tal, which is by the way a Draconian word, is because the Draconians have legends about warring with a race that was creating human life forms that were opposed to Draconian philosophy.
The Paa Tal created life forms that could evolve on their own, with free expression. The Draconians, on the other hand, created races to function as a natural resource for their pleasure. 
Living inside our planet 100 to 200 miles under the surface are 1837 reptilians who have been here a very long time, 17 humans from Sirius B, and 18000 Grey clones inside the Earth and on the moon. Most of the 2000 original Greys are on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, which is an artificial satellite. There are also around 141 Orion beings inside the Earth from 9 different races.
There seem to be two types of Grey alien entity:
·    a tall variety that seems to be in command

·    an almost identical shorter variety
 Tall Greys come from planets whose civilization is at the last stage where primary highly intelligent naturally living entities become something catastrophically different: artificial fully functional roboids. The tall Grey aliens who have 'sim-carded' themselves so to speak into a roboidal state from their previous natural one, now interface well with a mechanically manufactured smaller version made in their image and likeness. The larger Greys have a more pronounced nose and are more human in appearance. According to some government sources, these extraterrestrial biological entities called themselves the EBAN.
Reptilianos y Grises | Extraterrestres y ovnis, Extraterrestres ...
The smaller version is an entirely artificial, highly sophisticated machine robot manufactured by the tall Greys and made in mercury mulch on a scaffolding of fine gold wires, designed with a body mass able to survive the huge sudden inertial changes of force necessary for travelling the vast distances of space. They are subservient to the taller Greys, which seem in many cases to be monitoring what the smaller ones are doing. Research indicates that these smaller Greys are clones that collectively possess an electronically monitored and controlled social memory complex that allows them to function effectively in a group-mind mode.
Physical Appearances of the Greys:
According to abductees and certain government informants, the following physical profile can be deduced about the Greys:
·      The average height of 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 in. for the 'doctors,' or the leaders of the abductions, and 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in. for the workers or 'drones', with an overall humanoid shape.
·      Their skin coloration is light grey to dark grey and appears to be non-porous.
·      The head is proportionally large and an inverted triangular shape in the vertical plane.
·      The rear skull area is large and rounded, and the eyes being large and slanted upwards toward the rear of the skull.
·      The arms and legs appear to be very thin, with a neck that appears to be far to thin to support the weight of the head.
·      There is no genitalia visible on the ones that appear to be male, nor is there a pubic bulge seen through the clothing.
It is possible that the Greys evolved much like Terran dolphins did, but did not return to the oceans, but continued to develop as a land based mammal.

The United States made one or more agreements with a species described as the tall Greys, and has agreed not to interfere with alien operational plans in trade for technology. Agreements made In 1934, 1964, and 1972.
The Blue Ray Several types of beams are used by the aliens.
 One in particular, the blue colored ray, is used for paralyzing, capturing, and transporting humans. The action of being beamed into a ship temporarily suffocates the human, as all the oxygen is suddenly removed from all the cells of the body during the process. Another type of radiation restores the oxygen to the body upon arrival.

ALTAIRIANS Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila, in collaboration with a smaller Nordic human element and a collaborative Grey and Terran military presence.

Headquarters of a collective known as the "Corporate", which maintains ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives
Reptilian Brain in Humans
The reptilian brain is the most ancient of the brains. It has two hemispheres, just like the neocortex, and it may be that they relate functionally to the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex.
The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, the diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain - all of which sits atop the spinal column like a knob in the middle of our heads.
reptilian brain — Returning and Rest — St. James Episcopal Church
First and foremost among the traits generated through the reptilian brain is the drive to establish and defend territory. 
This reptilian brain controls body functions required for sustaining life such as breathing and body temperature. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which are warmed by the daylight sun and conserve energy by restricting activities when it is dark. The biological clock (controller) for their activity-rest cycle is located in the eye itself. 
