We can see the Grid surrounding Earth, which is created by the MOON-SATURN MATRIX ENERGY BARRIER.

We can see the Grid surrounding Earth, which is created by the MOON-SATURN MATRIX ENERGY BARRIER.

In the space between the Earth's atmosphere and the Universe beyond is where the Astral Plane is located. 

This is where discarnate soul complexes go after the physical body in 3D has died. 

This is also where confused souls stay if they don't want to go to the Tunnel and the Light, and can't even find their way to it. 

However, most souls (composed of avatar, Emotional Body, and the composite of Fires, appearing in the flow chart under the common name, 'Energetic Body') go to the Tunnel and get sucked in towards the Light at the end of the Tunnel. Well inside, the deceased is met by dead relatives and friends, and what they experience is pretty much based to a large degree on their own belief systems. 

Not every discarnate Energetic Body goes to the same place in the Afterlife. 

To be more specific, they actually do, but may experience a slightly different reality from living in a different hologram, with all holograms instigated by the Sirians)

So, depending on whom we ask, we are either shot down into a new human body right away, and we have no choice in the matter, or we go through the whole process of setting up new goals for the next lifetime and lastly, we are implanted with false memories and amnesia before we finally are shot down into a body of choice, correlated with whatever position the Zodiac is in when we are born. 

All this, so we have a better chance to reach our goals, due to the influence the Zodiac has on our personality. I personally think that the truth is somewhere in between being shot down immediately and being set up as thoroughly as Dr. Michael Newton suggests in his book, based on 7,000+ case studies. 

The problem with hypnosis and regression therapy (as in Dr. Newton's case studies) is that the client can be manipulated from the astral while in session with the therapist, and also, false memories can be downloaded into the client in one big chunk before the Energetic Body is being shot down into the physical realms again. 

So 7,000+ case studies doesn't really prove much, unfortunately. I am additionally suspicious because Dr. Newton says that the person's 'spirit guide' is often there with them in the session, putting boundaries to what the client can say to the therapist, even when under deep regression therapy. 

However, if we are to trust the Pleiadians in this matter, they are more inclined to stick to Dr. Newton's case studies than anything else, although they admit to that the BLA[def] is controlled by the Sirians (Anunnaki, lizzies, or simply 'the gods with a small "g"', as they call them). 

They don't mention Dr. Newton, per se, but the way they explain life after death corresponds quite well with Dr. Newton, with a few exceptions.

The TRUTH is the LIGHT
My Link Blog: https://thetruthisthelight.home.blog/
