What they are saying here is that ETs are traveling in the nano-world and don't need space craft. Other entities have hinted at this as well through channels, but not as bluntly as this group.


 What they are saying here is that ETs are traveling in the nano-world and don't need space craft. Other entities have hinted at this as well through channels, but not as bluntly as this group.

 They are also mentioning that we are not alone and there are those who are very eager that we succeed in our quest and that they are always willing to help, but within the boundaries of Universal Laws (which is more evidence that this may be a benevolent group). 

They also mention certain Pleiadian and Andromedan groups who are affiliated with them, but still work separately, from what I understand, to help us out, amongst many others. And not only are they willing to help us humans, but every living creature on this planet (which indicates that they are very concerned about the Living Library). 

In addition, they say something I was waiting for, which would determine pretty much what kind of group this is. "Now is the time when you truly realize that you are the saviors -- you are the Earth Light Brigades and you are succeeding in your missions as light bearers of your sphere, in this pivotal point upon the time-space continuum..."[11] 

This means they are acknowledging our own soul group as being our own saviors, and the 'forerunners' have as their task to spread their light (in form of knowledge) and love (Universal Love) to their fellow man by simply raising their vibrations. This has, as we have discussed many times, profound effects on other people around. 
