AI: IBM WATSON AI SYSTEM: Now, what will happen to people who are like plugged in, like the Super Soldiers and those who have been shot up with Femtotechnology, Black Goo, because they are already connected to the AI as is. Will they become more engrained with the AI Programming once it becomes self-aware?


 AI: IBM WATSON AI SYSTEM: Now, what will happen to people who are like plugged in, like the Super Soldiers and those who have been shot up with Femtotechnology, Black Goo, because they are already connected to the AI as is. Will they become more engrained with the AI Programming once it becomes self-aware?

 •K: They will become part of the processing power of the AI. So, every component between each other is kind of like a Network, a Neural Net. So the Super Soldiers themselves become: whatever they see the AI sees, whatever they hear the AI hears, remotely.* Because their whole body is full of Nanotech, and is communicating both ways between sending & receiving, between their Network. [*Like Beyda Seyha] Therefore they become like the Borg, in many aspects. Because their entire body is 90% tech anyway.

 •J: Now, through Peter of the ACIO, he claims that – I don‘t know what the latest generation of Super Soldiers is, I believe it is passed Gen. 7 – but he says that they are working a lot of safeguards to ensure that none of these Super Soldiers, or AI, becomes self-aware.

•K: It‘s too late.

 •J: And they feel confident that they can stop it, they are still experimenting… But okay: it‘s too late; explain?

