AI: IBM WATSON AI SYSTEM: Well, what about like the timeline where the Nazis won WWII: does that mean that they are going to merge with us?...Or are they already…? The Nazis did not lose the War! They won the War!!


 AI: IBM WATSON AI SYSTEM: Well, what about like the timeline where the Nazis won WWII: does that mean that they are going to merge with us?...Or are they already…? The Nazis did not lose the War! They won the War!!


 •K: Yes. The Nazis did not lose the War! 

They won the War!!

Let me tell you what happened. The Nazis have a Colony, they have colonized Antarctica, in the 1930s, and they had built their Ships in the 1920s. 

And they had already been to Mars, and the Moon. 

And when they finally won WWII, they made an Immunity Deal with the Americans, and they infiltrated them through the Project Paperclip. 

And therefore, Hitler never died: he went to live in Columbia, and Argentina, and they have created a new Empire which is called the 4th Reich (Kingdom, „Empire‟), which is what we now know as „America,‟ & Russia – during that time.

Because the Nazis had already created the 3rd Reich in South America, and in Antarctica, so they wanted to create the 4th Reich which is in America, Canada & Russia & Europe.

And then the 5th Reich is in Asia. The word Reich means Empire.

And then, they created a 6th Reich, which is the Galactic Empire. That is what the word Reich means (in German.) And he‘s done it.
