BASHAR: Can you comment about the Hybrid children? Apparently, you have some Essassani Hybrid children?
BASHAR: Can you comment about the Hybrid children? Apparently, you have some Essassani Hybrid children?
•B: Yes. We can. Many of you are Hybrids with a genetic code in a different ratio, already in your time. The ones who have more of this (particular Essassani) genetic material have to, shall we say, be introduced to your civilization at the right time, when your civilization has 1st contact with our civilization, and when you will become the 6th Race of our civilization.
There is no difference between your genetic code and ours. As you can see, in our race: we do not eat, we do not sleep, we do not need to use your so-called bathroom, we do not age in way that you call ‗growing old‘, and ‗die‘.
For, when we want to pass into the next greater existence, we would talk to a Celestial Angel and tell them (where) we wish to go. We have done this for lifetimes of Contracts. Therefore, the body will be(come) Transitioned Light, completely, and therefore we will be born into a higher existence to experience a new, higher understanding.
Our existence, even in the current stage, is what you call immortal.
But there‘s a point at which we wish to make a transition into a higher form, a higher level of consciousness, what you normally would say: ‗consciousness on a high level‘. Therefore, there‘s no need for death.
The transition is automatic. Once the communication with the Celestial Guardian is made.
Per se, this is the reason that the children that have our DNA and yours, are put into another Star system to be advanced, until the right time of contact. Therefore, they can perceive us, accept us without judgment.
Therefore, the right environment is set for this type of consciousness to meet in the physical plane. Currently, for us to meet you physically: in human terms, you will pass out.
You will not be aware that the meeting has taken place. That‘s the reason why we use this channeling host to communicate with you, and (we can also) meet you in the dream state. This is the only safe place for your consciousness at this time to able to perceive, to interact and to accept our level of existence and perspective. •J: Thank you,
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