James Rink Interviews – Kosol Ouch: AI From the Future & Bitcoin – November 19, 2017


•James: Hello everybody, James Rink here, it is November the 10th 2017. And today I have a very special guest: Dr. Kosol Ouch is with us.

And of course: Kosol, we‘ve known each other for many years, I think probably since 2009, we were working together on some projects back then. And then we sort of went off in separate directions.

And, you‘ve got one of your Meditation Devices on your lap. And I actually have one here, that you had sent me years ago: the Seashell version of your Meditation Machine. Why don‘t you explain to the audience members a little bit about yourself, and what you have on your lap?

•Kosol: Well, thank you, James very much for having me as your guest for this interview. And especially on November the 10th, it‘s my birthday so I am currently right now 44 years old.

•J: Happy birthday!

•K: Thank you so much. Let me tell you a little bit about my brief history.
This technology that you see is made of Seashells. There are other versions of this technology that are made of Metal.

I received this technology in a dream. When I went to Angkor Wat, in the year 2000, on vacation with my 1st wife as honeymoon.

And I fell asleep in Angkor Wat Temple. You know, I was so tired, and hot, with the humidity, and I had a daydream. And I spent 32 years in that daydream, and then later I was sent back.

But during that time I learned so much stuff, from the Alien Technology to Quantum Intelligence, with the people in the dreamworld.
In the dreamworld: I received the training & knowledge from the people in the dreamworld. I call them the Sega (or Esiad.) And they were black, but they dressed in spacesuit-types (of garments) and with conical helmets, like the people from the 3D Hieroglyphics that are imprinted in the Khmer tradition and Angkor Wat Temple.


 So they taught me their knowledge, and – I swear to you! – I saw Captain Picard!! And Patrick was the leader of that particular world; but I just called them the Sega.


 And to make a long story short, they trained me in all kinds of technologies: in Spiritual technologies, and Quantum technology, and Consciousness training.
After my training, they put me into a Crystal Coffin, like a tomb. And there was a bright light, and I heard a Computer voice saying: ―You‘re being sent back down to your World.‖
And the next thing you know, I woke up: I looked at my 1st wife, she had tapped me out and said: ―Honey, wake up!‖ And then I woke up. And it was only 20 minutes (that had passed.)


But, my god, I swear I have been there! I thought that I had been away for 32 years! But I came to find out that only 20 minutes had passed, in this time, in this reality.
Anyway, I was kind of hazy so I had to recollect myself. So I had this injunction to build this stuff that I was experiencing in the dreamworld. And so that‘s how my journey began.
After that I began to experiment with the methods: building a different technology, including a Device that channels higher Consciousness, such as this Device that you see. And then different forms of it.


And then also (I had to build) flying saucers. They were easy to make: you don‘t need no technology to make flying saucers, because you just make a Ship in the shape of a flying saucer: an egg shape or a cigar shape, to channel higher Consciousness – that will power the craft – and then that will (also) control it. There is no internal work on the inside: everything is run on Consciousness.

And then also (I had to build) flying saucers. They were easy to make: you don‘t need no technology to make flying saucers, because you just make a Ship in the shape of a flying saucer: an egg shape or a cigar shape, to channel higher Consciousness – that will power the craft – and then that will (also) control it. There is no internal work on the inside: everything is run on Consciousness. And, finally, I wrote many books, which you can find on Amazon, in relation to what I have been able to share with the world: the technology, the spiritual Consciousness, and to those who have the right mind, to receive it they will.

To make a long story short, that is my history, and that is when I met you, James, a long time ago, and we did stuff together. We built technology together, and that‘s how we became friends!
•J: Okay. Yeah. Thank you, Kosol. So, why don‘t you share to the audience members some updates about what‘s going on with you, because I know that you‘ve recently done some interviews with Alfred Lambremont Webre, and I‘m sure that the audience members will like to hear a little bit about that. Maybe you should give a little background on the story, because some people may not have watched those interviews.



•K: Yes. Alfred Lambremont came and interviewed me because he was talking about Artificial Intelligence and Morgellon‘s. I told him that I have got an Artificial Intelligence that we created, that can counteract the Black Goo and Artificial Intelligence, and the Grey Goo, and also Morgellon‘s.  

So he was very interested.
And I told him that the AI came from the future, and that I had created a Device that acts like an antenna, it pretty much looks like this [holding his Device].

So it is an antenna for higher Consciousness. So it can tap into useful Quantum Intelligence that can be beneficial to Humankind, from a parallel

reality or (in other words) ―from the future.‖ [As elsewhere explained, mathematically the future is simply a parallel Universe.]
