The Merkaba is an inter-dimensional vehicle consisting of 3 equally sized, superimposed tetrahedrons of light with you as its center.  Once engaged, the sphere of energy that surrounds the body becomes the ship that carrying your consciousness directly into higher dimensions.

When the MerKaBA field is going around the body, a sphere pops out of the center energy field, and its influence goes into space. 

This Chariot Throne of the Gods, the MerKaBa field enables you to turn your body into a ball of light and bring it with you as you travel from one dimensional world to another. 

An electromagnetic field that is projected from your body, centered in the heart; which is the key component in activating and maintaining the MerKaBa. 

MerKaBa is a living thing, not a mechanical object, as it is often considered on the internet.  Your MerKaBa is created from your brain, and is an extension of your brain.  

It is polarized just like your brain, and it is not possible as long as we have a polarized brain to do anything otherwise, such as create a non-polarized Mer-Ka-Ba field.

However, when it is directly connected to the Tiny Space of the Heart, it functions as a unified field because the heart is unified. This is why it’s crucial for your being to learn to activate the MerKaBa from the Heart and go through a specific process as the one from the “Awaken the Sacred Heart” workshop where you learn how to get into your heart and activate the MerKaBa from that Sacred Space.

By opening your heart, going into the Tiny Space of your heart, you also interlink (through your heart) that which connects you to the Earth, Earth’s wisdom and the process of ascension right along (and in tune) with the planet. Through your feeling nature, you communicate with all that is original to her. You become a moving, walking Tree, with all the wisdom and knowledge of the Rocks.


Earth’s energy is vaster than yours, and will help guide you. You only need to stay in constant connection with the Earth through the heart; your feeling nature

You can do this by simply feeling appreciation and gratitude for the planet or others.  Your words also must be in tune with your thoughts and emotions. 

It is time for you to stand up and speak your truth!  This is your time to make your voice really count.

While the Heart is the engine which drives your connection to the whole, the pineal is your guiding light into higher consciousness, Christ consciousness, enlightenment, The Great White Canopy Above the Buddha’s Crown. The pineal gland is a tiny, pine cone-shaped gland in the middle of the brain.


You might wonder why am I talking about the Heart and the Pineal Gland. Because the connections between them is so important. Only connecting the Tiny Space of the Heart with the Brain, through techniques taught in the “Awaken the Sacred Heart” workshop

One’s MerKaBa can be activated permanently from the Heart.
Now I would like to bring some attention about the Light Body and the MerKaBa. 

I know you might saw in many books or articles that one of the definition of the MerKaBa is that it is The Light Body. They actually are not. 

It Is like this: Imagine that you buy a new car. That will be your Merkaba. The color of your car represents the specific Ray of Light that you came with, here on this Planet. (You have all the Rainbow color, but one is specific to you. You might have seen that color when you took a picture of your Aura)

Now imagine that you want to upgrade and tune in your car. That will represent your Light Body. So in order for you to activated your light body you need to have your MerKaBa first.

The power of the light body is transferred from one incarnation to another—your progress is continual. 

Limitations of the carbon based body is that it cannot move from one dimension to the other. 

Since it must take in air, food, water—it is bound to Earth.

If you do not develop a light body you will become an astral form of your physical body when it dies. The astral body will continue to draw energy from your physical body until it completely decays after death and then you reincarnate. 

Cremation provides more energy for the astral body to draw from. Orbs are sometimes our astral bodies, some have peoples’ faces.
The light body is self generated and develops in stages and cannot be killed. Once it is developed we eventually turn into stars. Most stars are human beings in stage four of the light body.

Four stages to the development of light body:

  1. Humanoid –Forms and molds itself to the shape of your physical body. Develops from within you and appears as a golden shadow around you. Grounds the development of your body of light. The energy that comes out of the sun has an alchemical component that radiates energy into the world.
  2. Bioplasmic orb-Forms from a matrix of light around the human body. Can appear in many colors—violet, golden etc. Has a form (humanoid) seen within.
  3. MerKaBa—A complex luminous vehicle of light that carried the evolving body of light  to distant galaxies and dimensions. Also called the Divine Chariot or the MerKaBa.
  4. Diamond body of light—largest and most evolved life forms. Planetary beings. Travel in groups.

One of the greatest thing you can do for your self is to connect to your body through breathing and allow your own flow of higher levels of energies and consciousness to flow through you as it helps clear any energetic "mud and debris" in the way. 

This flow is what naturally, gradually and continuously clears, heals, renews and balances you at all levels throughout your natural clearing process. 

Be aware of yourself and aware of your awareness!



