April 8, 2013

United States Department of Defense
1400 Pentagon Pedestrian Tunnel
Washington, DC 20301-1400

Dear Sirs or Madams;

As a Natural Law sovereign being, Citizens of the United States of America, and
member of the Global Ubuntu party, I order the good Military to begin to arrest of
anyone involved in, perpetuating or prolonging the deception and slavery of
people of the United States of America and the World.


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for One people to Free
themselves from Slavery which has bound them to foreign entities, and to
assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the
Laws of Nature and of Nature's GOD entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the

I hold these truths to be self-evident: that all BEINGS are Created equal, that WE are
endowed by SOURCE with complete sovereignty; that whenever any form of
organization or embodiment threatens to destroy that sovereignty, it is Our
responsibility to alter or abolish it. Such has been the patient sufferance of this
planet, and such is now the necessity that constrains Us to alter Our situation

The history of the present establishment is a history of repeated injuries
usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of absolute tyranny over
the planet. To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid WORLD;

The Current Institutions has

   o   Refused to adhere to Nature Law, determined by NATURE and Thus, UNIVERSAL.
   o   Usurped the NATURAL RESOURCES of this planet, selling them for profit to those
        who, by NATURE, have sovereign right and use for every single resource, piece
        paying for it.

   o   Registered "NATIONS" as Corporations through which the few have ruled over
        the many through financial tyranny.

   o   Instituted policies, passed them for laws, and foisted them upon the PEOPLE
        under threat of fines, loss of home, loss of farmland, loss of children,
        imprisonment , and death.

   o   Obstructed the administration of justice by instituting corporate hierarchies
        of church and state, through which by means of deception, it has coerced,
        intimated, and terrorized the PEOPLE in submission.

   o   Made people dependent on the corporate structure for their very survival.

   o   Erected a multitude of fictitious municipal offices and sent swarms of officers
        to harass the PEOPLE and eat out their substance.

   o   Spun a multitude of conflicts and WARS in order to maintain control and fill its

   o   Kept among us, in times of PEACE, standing armies without the consent of the

   o   Combined with others to subject the PEOPLE to jurisdiction foreign to our
        constitution and unacknowledged by NATURAL LAW.

   o   Quartered large bodies of armed troops among us, protecting them from
        punishment for any murders they commit on the Inhabitants of EARTH.

   o   Imposed TAXES on US without our Consent.

   o   Deprived us of fair Trails under NATURAL LAW.

   o   Arrested , fined, and imprisoned us for pretended offenses.

   o   Waged war against us.

   o   Plunder our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the
        lives of the PEOPLE.

   o   Continues to transport armies to complete the works to death, desolation,
        and tyranny, already begun under circumstances of cruelty and perfidy
        scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages.

   o   Constrained our fellow CITIZENS to bear arms against their country, to become
        the executioners of their friends and family, or to fall themselves by their

In every stage of these oppression's we have petitioned for redress in the most
humble terms; and our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated

We have warned the establishment of its attempts to extend unwarrantable
jurisdiction over US. We have reminded it of the circumstances of our sovereign
FREEDOM. It has been deaf to the voice of JUSTICE and of consanguinity.

We must, therefore, hold them , as we hold the rest of MANKIND, enemies in WAR, in PEACE, FRIENDS.

I, therefor, as a citizen of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and of the PLANET EARTH, in the name and by the authority of the good people of the WORLD, solemnly publish and declare:

The PEOPLE OF EARTH are and of right ought to BE FREE and independent of the
institutions that have for millennia ENSLAVED it.

THE PEOPLE of EARTH and all communities in it ARE FREE AND INDEPENDENT.

THE PEOPLE of EARTH are ABSOLVED from allegiance to any establishment.

All political connection between the current establishment and the inhabitants of

As FREE and SOVEREIGN BEINGS, the PEOPLE have FULL POWER to LIVE LIFE as we see fit according to NATURAL LAW , FREE of any outside authority.

And for support of this DECLARATION, With a firm reliance on the protection of SOURCE,


Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 , Cynthia Kay Currier

