Dr. Fauci (cabal's puppet) with Mother Teresa connection. Late Mother Teresa's Order Investigated For Child Trafficking In India


Dr. Fauci (cabal's puppet) with Mother Teresa connection. Late Mother Teresa's Order Investigated For Child Trafficking In India  

https://mc.vanderbilt.edu/lens/article/?id=85&pg=999 https://npr.org/2018/07/17/629681931/late-mother-teresas-order-investigated-for-child-trafficking-in-india https://globalnews.ca/news/4331469/m


 Vyom SM says:

I want to know more about mother teresa and child trafficking in the vatican.

Bryan says:

Vyom – There is nothing more to learn because it is completely false and the person who writes this blog is insane.

  • Tracy Zona says:

    Bryan…. No one is insane writing this blog. More degradation and abuse. Gas lighting and manipulation will not steer myself, nor probably VYOM from the TRUTH. Nothing is insane except all the pedophiles in the Catholic Church, hundreds arrested, and thousands silenced. Children victims are around the world due to the Catholic Church.

  • Stephanie says:

    There’s plenty to learn about what mother Teresa did that was evil. In her missions, who she and the church raised millions of dollars for, sick children were tied to beds, sick and dying were denied painkillers except for aspirin. Denied food, too. People who visited said it looked nazi camps. And she said the suffering was good!
    Her quote: “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.” While she was traveling to get primo healthcare for herself. Don’t forget that part! No suffering for Christ for her, mind you!

    Then take a look at all of her high profile connections. Here some are talked about: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/gvzebx/mother-teresa-was-kind-of-a-heartless-bitch

    So, where’d all that money go? Not to the sick and poor, evidently.


