Free Energy Special Interest Group - Susann Borjlund, whose purpose of the mission on Earth is to help humans reconnect back to themselves, back to Source/God, that they disconnected from.


The Chair, Crystal, commenced FESIG’s 85th Meeting on the 3rd Feb 2021, introducing the 2nd session speaker Susann Borjlund, whose purpose of the mission on Earth is to help humans reconnect back to themselves, back to Source/God, that they disconnected from. Another Side of the Story – Susann is giving her perspective… she discusses why this world is an illusion, and why we’re not seeing reality as it is -and what we are seeing on our world I the years to come. Law of physics, and law concerning technology. How she experienced coming to Earth… Susann doesn’t have memories of dying or being born again, but just memories of travelling from one place to another… was on a ship and was on many many missions before that – and was presented with Earth. Chose to take it and went down – transformed consciousness, taking a form here – 4-5 yrs old, fully come here, download the mission, memory loss - as this place is too dense. Realising that how bad the situation was, like everything needed to be fixed so she could return home. The basis of the mission is to reconnect humans back to God. Nature and animals are healed and in harmony BUT not human. When she sees humans, it’s like looking at a horror movie, there’s so much dissonance, something isn’t right. What has happened? Disconnection from God, don’t know who they are, nor where they are from, nor the purpose for being here! What resources do I have? Just talk to people and help then clear the fog so they can see clearer and go themselves… Duality.. consciousness, unconsciousness, day and night, life and death… the only thing she needs to do in the mission is for humans to reconnect back to itself. Humans has disconnected and has forgotten who they are. Earth will go through the process of separating Light from Darkness. Everyone will show their true colors… natural process. The biological body is life, the robotics and technology is diffusion, outside of life, Light…death. What we see on the outside now is the losing side… so this outside world will continue till it’s completely dark, and people one by one has woken up from it then only humanity ascends. Darkness - separation, pettiness, fear, paranoia. When you dream, you are actually going outside the limitations of your conscious mind. The only thing that is real here is the relationship you are creating with one another. The living in the now, with linear time allowing you to be living outside of yourself. There is no discord within harmony. It is vital that Humanity returns to harmony. Laws of Physics. Time is not moving forward, but actually going back where you began when the Fall happened. You became self-conscious – dissociated with your integrated part, the God self – felt a lot of guilt, so you blocked it from memory, like it never happened. So you also blocked all the knowledge about yourself. So there’s nothing left – you disconnected from God Source, losing knowledge, losing everything., feeling of love and connection, feeling separated and alone. So you don’t like this place very much, you want to get back to paradise, to your former self again. So you start this slow pace home, which you are approaching now… not many years left. Then we had our Q&A session with Pontus Hassbjer co-chairing with intel questions himself and others. Susann Borjlund: Brought to you by Crystal Goh and the FESIG Team.
