was a former CHILD ACTOR and he had not been working for a while and
then all of a sudden he comes out on YouTube exposing all these
HIGH-LEVEL Celebrities as Pedophiles as in this ring.
Guess what happen to MR. KAPPY. How accidentally jumped off a bridge. That's what happen to him. His last post and I have seen VIDEOS out there. He said like I am scared I don't know what's going on. A lot of things are happening.
I hope I make another Video, but
she never did. Of course the News Media just pass was it off that is
why he was depressed. He was Despondent. He was not in his right Mind.
That's why he jumped off the bridge. He made this crazy statements and
then he went and jumped off the bridge. Well who is in the right mind of
jumping of a bridge.? Right you don't do that.
So you get pushed off the bridge . YES.
I can't wait for them all to be exposed to the public.