Until the 7th year, the child's name (s) are slanted
(Scroll down for the listening version of this article.)
If the child 's Birth Trust is not accepted before / in the 7th year of life, the names will (a) m (s) are transferred to CAPITALS. Before the age of 7, the name (s) of the testator minor is the sole heir in COURT CAPITALS .

The first 7 years after the Birth Trust estate has been established, (non-political) value is added to the Trust on the stock exchange, in the name of the Testator, indicated by the name (s) written in CAPITALS . That is why the minor Only Heir does not make himself known until the 7th year of life.

The birth Trusts of the (Roman Catholic) children are brought in by the church at the age of 7. The previous sentence refers to First Holy Communion in the Roman Catholic faith in the 7th year of the child's life: Birth Trusts are essentially an ecclesiastical canon.

Beneficiary acceptance of the Birth Trust estate in the 7th year of the child's life can have a ritual significance for you, because you take back ownership of the ritual of Holy Communion: on exactly the 7th birthday you can receive the Urgent VBA, General Power of Attorney, and Send cover letter to the Trust Tax Authorities.

From what age can parents accept the Birth Trust of their child ?
The Inheritance Documents (same documents as for adults: fill-in instructions scroll down) can be used at any time that you (you) as parent (s) deem this advisable for your minor Sole Heir (s). For example, to stop child theft by Youth Care, you (you) as parent (s) will have to be able to prepare the Inheritance Documents when you (you) consider it advisable. You (you) may have other individual reasons for wanting to correct the 'dead and lost at sea' status of your child (ren) by submitting the Inheritance Documents.

The witnesses to the event of the birth have seen the direct line of descent (umbilical cord) between the Only Heir and the Testator and have given registered testimony: the minor Only Heir may therefore be assisted with the documents. The Inheritance documents are based on the testimony of the birth registration.

The addition of value referred to in the first chapter above continues, because the interest on interest value accrual in the first 7 years continues: if it were not there, there would be no more institution.

Provisional Inheritance
According to the General Power of Attorney, the trustee (TrustBelastingdienst) must make the provisional inheritance provision. That must be 4x the value that people usually set for it politically, so 4x the level of assistance devised by politics (of the political scarcity lie through the basic income *) per month. This will compensate for any politically caused loss of income. We are not far from the total breakdown of the welfare state. Then subsistence money must come from the Inheritance documents.

Ability is needed to allow the specific talent of your child (ren) to develop: for example, if you are a musician, you need an authentic instrument and good teachers, etc.

Ultimately, the child must have its own life fund. For thatasset management must be set up: it must become substantive management and that requires capital.

Individual asset management
The unbundling / settlement of the birth Trust estate takes about 11 years, based on the alleged national debt per inhabitant / Sole Heir.

Then it will take until his / her 18th year of life for the settlement and the non-political, individual asset management, because the Government Gazette states that from the age of 18, Amalia receives an annual starting salary of 1.5 million from her Birth Trust (fund): she was on time with the activation of her Birth Trust estate. However, because no distinction may be made according to origin and birth, its timely activation applies to all birth registered Sole Heirs - residents of the territory.

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is stated as follows: Article 22 Everyone, as a member of the community, has the right to social security and is entitled to it, through national effort and international cooperation, and in accordance with the organization and the resources of the State concerned, the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for its dignity and for the free development of its personality are realized. Through national effort and international cooperation, and in accordance with the organization and resources of the respective State is non-political financial management.

Let children fill in their own documents
Preferably you let your child (ren) fill in their inheritance documents (with blue pen), seal (place right index fingerprint in blue ink), initial, and sign. Obviously, after you have explained to them the how and why of activating the settlement of their Birth Trust estate: children understand the how and why perfectly. The URVM does not say anything about age. Children are capable and sensible to decide and draw for themselves. It doesn't matter if their signature is not yet known or if they even have it. Same goes for their initials. Just practice with them, and later in life they can change their signature and initials as they please.

Your child (ren) use (s) and birth registered name to fill in the document set consisting of Urgent VBA, General Power of Attorney, Cover Letter General Power of Attorney. Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married).

Filling in documents for babies and (very) young children
See for yourself whether your child is able to fill in, initial, and sign the documents themselves. As stated in the heading above, you can let them do everything themselves. As a parent (s) you will have to fill in the Inheritance documents of a baby and (very) young child. Please note: that you write the name (s) of the minor Sole Heir under the age of 7 in CURRENT CAPITALS .

Parents are authorized to fill in the documents for their minor child (ren)
Mother is authorized for her minor child. This can be determined on the basis of the date of birth of the minor Only Heir stated in the Inheritance Documents. By preparing the Hereditary Documents for the minor Only Heir, mother can even indicate that she does recognize her child and thus she can correct the birth registration - presumption that mother allegedly transferred her authority to the government, which protects the minor Sole Heir against the interventions of a juvenile 'carer' agency, which hunts minor Sole Heirs who have not yet benefited from their individual Birth Trust estate. Mother fills in the name and date of birth of her child (ren), and further set of documents (= Urgent VBA, General Power of Attorney, and Cover letter General Power of Attorney) as she did for herself, but with the details of her child (ren).As the family name of your child you use his / her registered birth name. You use your signature * and index fingerprint * as well as that of your child (ren). Place his or her own bank account number on the Hereditary documents of the minor Sole Heir, since this bank account number has no balance limit limit per month, otherwise you must state your own bank account number. Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married) .You use your signature * and index fingerprint * as well as that of your child (ren). Place his or her own bank account number on the Hereditary documents of the minor Sole Heir, since this bank account number has no balance limit limit per month, otherwise you must state your own bank account number.Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married) .You use your signature * and index fingerprint * as well as that of your child (ren). Place his or her own bank account number on the Hereditary documents of the minor Sole Heir, since this bank account number has no balance limit limit per month, otherwise you must state your own bank account number. Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married).Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married).Marital status of a minor is unmarried (provided it goes without saying that it is married).

Even the father is empowered to take his or her minor child for granted: everyone is the Sole Heir to his or her placenta and the Testamentary Birth Trust is established on the placenta. In other words, the dad can also activate the settlement of the birth Trust estate of his minor child.

Your child, as the Sole Heir to his or her Testamentary Birth Trust, authorizes you: in other words ... you do NOT need the consent of the other parent to activate your child's birth trust settlement.
Right index fingerprint of your baby or whole young child who cannot yet fill in the documents themselves (judge for yourself) as Signs of Life:
1) stamp Durable Power of Attorney In Fact in the circular in the top left of the page;
2) In the oval text Land Air Water the natural right LAW to live at the top right of the page.

In addition to initialing these stamps if a child cannot do that (I think a child of 3 can draw / initial something himself in a playful way.

Page 8/8 of Urgent VBA at the bottom seal and initial + signature, if you consider that your child cannot yet do this from your parental authority, as it is already known to the government through ID card, for example. Similarly, view Cover Letter and General Proxy and try to think logically.

The minor Sole Heir needs his own Diplomatic Passport to record the track and trace shipping codes. 3 photos are pasted
in the Diplomatic passport (see photo examples Diplomatic passport). You adjust the photos as the child gets older.

Minor Sole Heir does not send a letter to the Council of State . Minor Sole Heir does answer the recipient (tax authorities) after they have received a letter from them.

Note regarding the inheritance provision
* The non-political inheritance provision of 4000.00 on a monthly basis, and incidentally the entire inheritance procedure, must be ready before the political (communist) basic income is introduced. A complication is that the vacciNazis want everyone who does not have a phased death injection to be excluded from social life: they simply want to know exactly what fixed term that basic income reduces their trust loot profit.

Ask a mom whose children have been robbed

As a mother, can I prepare the documents for my children in the absence of the children?
Due to their absence, they cannot seal and initial themselves, etc.

Answer from office Vincent Zegel

The mother can prepare the documents for her children in recognition of her children and she is the only one authorized to do so.

She can add a short statement and write in the stamps and when signing the documents: I recognize this child, it was born of me.

In an additional cover letter, mother explains:
I Am, the mother of the minor Sole Heir, the Exhibitor Declaration of Beneficial Acceptance of his / her individual birth trust estate referred to in this document, named: NAME OF THE MINOR SOLE HEIR IN CAPITALS .

I contradict the Roman Court's 12 presumptions and contradict recognizing the father of my children. His recognition as a father was obtained with foreknowledge by the municipality and with the help of the compulsory birth registration within the period necessary for my recovery after the event of the birth of my child.

The father's authority is based on the mayor's foreknowledge of compulsory birth registration, resulting in a presumption that I would have abandoned my child and turned it over to the state within three days of birth, and thereby transferring the minor heir's trust assets to the state.

Throwing away the baby with the bathwater, the child's individual birth trust ability, is a presumption that I strongly contradict and cross-over, as well as the custody of my children, which was assigned to the father by the presumptive, biased judge of the Roman Court. .

The mother's recognition of the misbehaving father should be withdrawn by the mother! If father does not love, protect and protect the mother and her children from loss of wealth, home and hearth and good name, the father loses the honorable title: PATER FAMILIAS and he is punished by mother with deprivation of his honorary title and as ROVER and RAPIDGER expelled from his authority.


  1. Replies
    1. I will try to document the process, and provide more detail information. LOVE AND LIGHT

  2. YES IT IS TRUE, In the NEDERLANDS they have already providing information how to file for the BIRTH Trust. link:


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