Dilmun = mythical island in the East (now in the West), where Sa'am-Enki established his maritime domain.



 Description - META

Dilmun = mythical island in the East (now in the West), where Sa'am-Enki established his maritime domain. 

Its Egyptian name is Dimu'un ("the gift of the god of water who is righteous"). This place will then be called A'amenptah ("the great and stable place of Ptah"). Later in time, shortly before the flood of 10,000 BC. AD, a second Dilmun intervenes, the E-Dilmun, which will trade with Sumer and Akkad.

E-Dilmun = original name of the south coast of Yemen, taken from the Sumerian E-DIL-MUN, "abode of the unique benefit".
E-Dilmun is the second Dilmun founded shortly before the great flood of 10,000 BC. It is with it and its left bank,  in Somalia (Bun'd / Punt), that Egypt and Mesopotamia will trade for many centuries, probably millennia.

  The chronicles of Girkù, Volume 3: The awakening of the Phoenix; p508; New Earth Edition.
